American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1620 Soul Salvation

What, Wade is also a superhero?

Of course, at the very least, Wade considers himself a superhero. In fact, people like them have a special name, called anti-heroes. Deadpool, Catwoman, Venom, and the Punisher are all anti-heroes.

"Alessa can really surprise us."

Sithorn couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and so did everyone else. Alessa's ability was beyond their imagination.

Of course, they didn't stop teleporting the demon's clone. Alessa was indeed powerful, but her opponent was the mechanical demon king, so he couldn't be careless.

"Machine Demon King, don't underestimate me, superheroes, kill the Machine Demon King."

Alessa ordered loudly. Although none of the three Wades were willing, under Alessa's order, they still launched an attack on Andrew in the sky.

"BOSS, it's not my fault. You can't deduct my salary."

Wade screamed strangely, his eyes turned red, and two laser beams hit Ghidorah's abdomen fiercely.

The Flash ran a few steps and suddenly returned control of his body to Sybil. Sybil controlled the wind and quickly escaped from the battlefield, so that she no longer had to sacrifice her life for Alessa.

Samuel had no way to escape. He stamped his right foot hard, and a huge clay palm emerged from the ground, grabbing hard at Andrew and Ghidorah.

"It's a bit interesting, but it's just a bit interesting."

Andrew smiled slightly, controlled Ghidorah to spray golden current, and destroyed the clay palm, while he appeared below Ghidorah, raised his hand, and blocked Wade's laser.

Wade's laser hit Andrew's palm, but did not cause any damage, and all the energy was swallowed up.

Upon seeing this, Wade immediately activated Iceman's ability with all his strength. As the cold air spread, time was frozen around him, making everyone unable to move.

Wade took the opportunity to clap his hands, and shock waves roared toward Andrew in layers. Ordinary shock waves vibrated the air, but Wade's shock wave vibrated the space, and its lethality was incomparable.

Andrew broke free from the freeze of time and space in an instant. He opened his hands and the entire Silent Hill suddenly went dark, leaving only him glowing.

Then, the shock wave was instantly defeated, and a powerful force hit Wade, causing half of Wade's body to turn into nothingness.

The next second, Silent Hill returned to normal, and Wade was repairing his injuries while complaining: "BOSS, this move is not from Ghost Rider, it is from Orochi to wipe out everything."

"This Ghost Rider is not the original."

Andrew suddenly appeared in front of Wade and said: "He is a game character created by me, so I added many abilities I wanted to it, such as the ability of the big snake, soul banishment, etc., by the way, The trick below is the original version.

Look me in the eyes, bastard. "

Wade subconsciously looked into Andrew's eyes, and with the next breath, he entered a state outside time, getting rid of Andrew's soul judgment.

Then, Wade floated back a few meters and said with a smile: "BOSS, you want to judge my soul? Sorry, I'm not that easy to deal with.

Well, in fact, you should know that even if I really fall into the eye of judgment, nothing will happen to me. After all, I am a lunatic. How can any lunatic think that he is at fault?

By the way, why is it necessary to add the modifier chop suey? Can't you use bastard, scum or something like that instead? "

"What you said makes so much sense, I can't even refute it."

Andrew complained, he said: "However, what I just used was not soul judgment, but soul salvation."

"Soul salvation, what the hell?"

Wade looked confused. At this moment, another voice sounded in his mind: "Soul salvation, to put it simply, is to wash away the evil thoughts in the soul, leaving only good thoughts, and I am your good thoughts. .”

"Good thoughts? I actually have that thing?"

Wade complained, he asked: "Then the question is, why do I still exist?"

"Because your evil thoughts will come back, Wade, no one can kill you, including your memory."

Andrew said: "No one will like a Wade who is not crazy. So, Wade, you can never become anything else, you can only be what you are now."

"Normally, changing the settings will reduce my popularity. In order to maintain my popularity, I can only be like this."

Wade said nonchalantly: "Well, can this be discussed openly? Will it cause other people's consciousness to collapse?"

"If they want to collapse, let them collapse. What does it have to do with us?"

Andrew said unscrupulously: "Although I failed to change your memory, I separated your good thoughts. He will help me stop you. Wade, you have been eliminated. See you next time."


Wade's eyes lit up red and he was about to attack Andrew. At this moment, kind thoughts controlled his body and canceled the Cyclops.

Wade tried this several times in succession and was unable to launch an attack at all. Seeing this, Alessa shouted loudly: "Wade, what are you waiting for? Attack quickly?"

After hearing the order, Wade attacked again, but Shan Nian continued to stop him, Shan Nian said: "I was just born, and that little girl didn't know my existence and didn't order me, so I was not under control.

If I were controlled, I would kill myself and get another one. "

Wade complained: "Wow, you are so great, BOSS, get rid of this guy quickly. Such a great guy will make me lose popularity."

Andrew smiled slightly, grabbed Wade, and threw him into space. Then, he appeared in front of Sybil, grabbed her, and also threw her into space, cutting off Alessa's control of the Flash.

In space, Wade and the reappearing Flash stared at each other. After a moment, Wade said: "Let's continue the game."

"Then keep playing."

The Flash smiled, and the two embarked on the journey together again. The scene was extremely harmonious and friendly, until, well, until Wade kicked the Flash away and ran forward desperately.


The Flash was furious and immediately chased after him. He could tolerate everything else except racing because he was the Flash.

Seeing Wade and The Flash being thrown away, Alessa immediately prepared to use other rules abilities. At this moment, Andrew appeared in front of him out of thin air, and the flames condensed into a black sword, burning the space and slashing at him.

Alessa suddenly disappeared and was replaced by King Kong. This was Alessa switching places with King Kong in time.

King Kong swung his ax to block Andrew's flaming sword. Unexpectedly, the sword turned into flames again, hitting King Kong's head from both sides of the axe, and then rushed into King Kong's head along his nostrils, ears, and mouth.

King Kong roared and kept slapping his face with his hands, but it was of no use. Although the monsters summoned by Alessa were all at the level of Father God, they had a huge flaw, that is, they only had their own abilities and no God. Other skills.

For example, King Kong is powerful enough to smash an island, but it can't deal with the fire that enters its head because it doesn't know how to use its own life energy.

As long as it is a flesh-and-blood creature, the brain is fragile. Soon, King Kong's brain was burned by black flames, and King Kong fell to the ground with a bang, announcing his death.

After killing King Kong, Andrew teleported to Alessa again, re-condensed a flaming sword and slashed at her. Alessa hurriedly entered a state of nothingness to avoid Andrew's sword.

"Look into my eyes, little girl."

Andrew looked at Alessa and said. Alessa was affected by the Eye of Judgment and couldn't help but look into Andrew's eyes. With this look, a large number of evil things he had done immediately appeared in his mind.

Although Alessa is a pitiful person, she is also an evil person. After all, there is no way there is not a single good person in Silent Hill, but she burned down the entire town.

If Alessa is really in charge of evil thoughts now, then the Eye of Judgment will be ineffective against her. After all, evil thoughts will not feel guilty and will only think that they are doing the right thing.

The problem is that Alessa is now the main body making the decision, so she has some guilt in her heart, which turns into soul fire and burns Alessa's soul.

"Wait, Dad, are you serious?"

Feeling that her soul was burning, Alessa exclaimed in consciousness, and Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, what is burning is only the impurities in your soul. This can make your soul purer. In addition, it will not change you." character.”

"That's good, no wonder it doesn't hurt." Alessa smiled and said, "Dad, what should I do next?"

"The Eye of Judgment is ineffective against evil thoughts, so you don't have to worry about anything, just do whatever you want."

Andrew smiled, and Alessa expressed her understanding. Then, she asked curiously: "Machine Demon King, why do you want me to look at your eyes?"

"See if there's any sand."

Andrew said: "It seems that the Eye of Judgment is ineffective against you, so I can only use my soul to redeem you. Sharon, wake up."

Along with Andrew's voice, there was an additional consciousness in Alessa's soul, but it was Sharon who had been absorbed by him before, that is, the kind thought. However, this kind thought was completely under Alessa's control and would not interact with her. Alessa confronts.

This means that Alessa has two clones, a clone with good thoughts and a clone with evil thoughts. Each clone has magical power.

"Thank you dad."

Alessa was overjoyed, but on the surface, He pretended to be horrified and shouted: "Mechanical Demon King, what did you do to me?"

"Just letting you be yourself, Sharon, affecting His nothingness and making Him reappear."

Andrew said, and Sharon's voice came from Alessa's mouth: "Yes, Mechanical Demon King, please stop Alessa and the evil thoughts, and end all of this."


Rose heard Sharon's voice in the distance and cried with joy. Sure enough, Sharon was not dead and she still had hope.

While Alessa spoke, his figure gradually returned to normal from nothingness. Andrew grabbed her head, and a large amount of black flames spread from his palm to Alessa. Alessa let out a shrill scream. Of course, it was an act. of.

"Fallen Demon King, save me."

Alessa shouted, it's a pity that the fallen demon king has no way to save him, but there is one existence that can, and that is the demon who was just teleported.

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