American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1602 War begins

“After thirty years of hard work, it’s finally time to harvest.”

On the front line of the hell battlefield, the fallen demon king was very excited. Next, as long as Ross entered the church, released his evil thoughts, summoned Alessa's true form, and killed the bishop, the plan would be successful.

At that time, the Fallen Demon King will activate the magic circle under the Fallen Castle, and join forces with Alessa to spread the outside world and the inner world from Silent Hill to the whole world.

Then, Alessa will pull all humans into the surface world. Those humans with extreme resentment in their hearts will immediately become new Alessa as soon as they enter the surface world.

Each Aretha represents a large number of monsters that kill humans and contribute an endless stream of souls to the fallen demon king.

"At that time, if I am not the Lord of Hell, who will be the Lord of Hell?"

The fallen demon king laughed loudly. A bright future is waiting for him. It won't be long before everyone, whether they are the mechanical demon king or the devil, will surrender to him.

The fallen devil kept his eyes on the church through his evil thoughts. The most critical moment was coming.

Bang, Rose pushed open the church door. She saw the bishop standing on the high platform, with a raging fire below and the surrounding townspeople cheering wildly.

Next to the flames, Sybil was tied to a movable frame. At the same time, Sharon's hands and feet were tied, and she stood aside pitifully, with horror in her eyes.

"Let my friends and daughter go, you bastards."

While yelling, Ross stepped forward and pushed away the townspeople. Seeing this, the bishop shouted loudly: "The devil is coming, beat her to death, and burn the woman to death."

"Kill her, beat her to death!"

The townspeople attacked Rose wildly, without any mercy, and even used weapons. Rose held his head in his hands, endured the severe pain, and rushed inside desperately, trying to save Sybil and Sharon.

Unfortunately, Rose was too slow. Several townspeople took control of the mechanism, and Sybil fell into the sea of ​​fire. Although she was frightened, she had no intention of begging for mercy. Instead, she cursed: "You scum, beasts, there will never be any Good ending."

"We believe in God, and everything we do is God's will."

The bishop shouted fervently, and then Sybil fell into the flames and let out a shrill scream.

Seeing that Sybil was about to be burned to death, at this moment, a strong wind suddenly broke out from Sybil, and all the flames were separated. At the same time, the townspeople were blown back.

The rope around Sybil was burned by the flames, but she did not fall, but floated in the air. She looked at the strong wind surrounding her with an expression of disbelief. What was going on?

The fallen demon king was also shocked. Why did Sybil suddenly explode? She is not the protagonist, the protagonist is Rose. When she is desperate, evil thoughts will appear, summon Alessa, and sweep away everything.

Now that the supporting cast suddenly explodes, what will Rose do? The fallen demon king thought of something, and his heart suddenly lurked. Could there be other demon kings involved?

Andrew looked at all this and smiled slightly. He injected Sybil with compound No. 5 in advance. Therefore, Sybil awakened her powers. This woman has a strong sense of justice and may be a good superhero in the future.

"Have I awakened my powers? Haha, I knew I was born to be a superhero."

Sybil reacted and laughed. Then, she raised her hand, and a strong wind appeared, causing the townspeople to stagger. Rose took the opportunity to escape and ran to Sharon.

The bishop shouted: "Kill her, she is a devil."

"You are the devil."

Sybil pushed hard in the direction of the bishop with both hands, and the strong wind hit the bishop. The bishop screamed and flew backwards, hitting the wall hard and vomiting blood.

The townspeople are anxious, and so is the fallen devil. If Sybil continues to behave, how will Alessa show up? He hurriedly shouted: "Evil thoughts, it's time for you to come out."

Rose, who was untying Sharon's rope, suddenly healed all her injuries. Then, she opened her mouth in pain, and a large amount of black liquid flew out of her mouth, forming a little girl in purple with a bloody face in the air.

"The devil is in."

The bishop shouted in horror, and so did the other townspeople. Many townspeople immediately knelt down and prayed to drive the devil out.

Evil Thought smiled scornfully, she raised her hands, and the ground in the middle collapsed with a rumble. Then, a hospital bed flew up from the ground. Lying on the hospital bed was none other than the charred corpse of Alessa.

Evil thoughts flew back to Alessa's body, and Alessa smiled ferociously. Countless rusty thorn wires emerged from the big hole below, tying up the townspeople one after another and hanging them in the air, including the bishop.

Then, with Alessa's hand, a large number of townspeople were forcibly decomposed by the iron wire, and their flesh and blood flew all over the sky amid the screams.

Sharon screamed in fright, and Ross immediately hugged her and walked outside, shouting at the same time: "Don't open your eyes, don't open your eyes."

Sharon did as she was told. Sybil hesitated and followed Rose and the others to protect them. As for the townspeople, it would be better if they died. She was not the kind of Virgin who would save everyone.

"it's your turn."

Alessa looked at the bishop and said with a ferocious expression. The bishop was frightened. She begged for mercy: "Alessa, let me go, I am your aunt."

As soon as these words came out, Alessa became even more angry. She controlled a large amount of wires to enter under the bishop's skirt, preparing to kill her in the most cruel way.


The fallen demon king was so excited that at this critical moment, a powerful force hit Alessa's hospital bed from the air, pushing it out sideways and hitting the wall.

At the same time, a green snake appeared on the bishop like lightning, opened its mouth and spit out poisonous mist, corroding all the iron wires on the bishop's body. Finally, the green snake wrapped around the bishop's neck like a scarf.

I have to say that Wade is quite reliable when he is not mentally ill.

The bishop landed with a thud, panting with lingering fear. Everything that happened in just a few seconds was a bit too exciting for her.

Rose, Sybil, and Sharon, who were about to escape, were forced to return to the church by a group of people. This group of people was undoubtedly members of the God's Blessing Society, and the leader was the high priest.

The people of the God's Blessing Society are all fully armed and look very smart and capable. They can enter and leave Silent Hill for a short time, so they are well equipped and even have several automatic rifles.

Although Sybil already has superpowers, she doesn't dare to act rashly. After all, she just got the superpowers and hasn't used them well yet. Moreover, she has to protect Rose and Sharon.

"Alessa, we finally meet again."

The high priest looked at the scorched corpse of Aresa and said with a smile. Alessa roared: "You dare to stop me from taking revenge? I want you to die!"

While Alessa roared, countless iron wires swung violently in mid-air like poisonous snakes. This was Alessa's threat and also Alessa's anger.

"I have no intention of stopping your revenge."

The high priest smiled and said: "Alessa, join us, stay with us, this bishop, we will give it to you as a gift."


Alessa was stunned, while the bishop was frightened and wanted to run away, but the green snake instantly tightened her neck and made her fall to the ground in pain.

Compared to Alessa and the Bishop, the fallen demon king was completely furious. It was obvious that a demon king discovered his intention and used the Tianyou Society to rob him of his achievements.

"Damn it, I've been planning for thirty years, and they actually came to pick peaches?"

The Fallen Demon King cursed and, regardless of the frontline war, teleported directly back to the Fallen Castle and activated the magic circle under the castle.

Yalin looked at the Fallen Demon King pretending to be puzzled, and the Fallen Demon King said: "The plan has changed, wait until I finish solving it."

As always, Yalin didn't ask any more questions: "Yes, sir, please tell me something."

The fallen demon king ignored Yalin. After activating the magic circle, he shouted: "Evil thoughts, kill those damn guys, and I will pass on my power to you continuously."

In the church, Alessa was a little shocked when she heard the high priest's proposal. At this moment, the evil thoughts in her body flew out on their own and shouted: "Don't even think about it, everything here belongs to the fallen devil."

Accompanied by the sound of evil thoughts, a large number of fireballs appeared out of thin air and shot towards the bishop, the high priest and the people of the Tianyou Society.

At the same time, the surrounding walls peeled off rapidly, and the other world came forcibly. A large number of monsters appeared around, including ash children, bugs, trapped people, etc. The leader was a very powerful triangle head carrying a machete.

"It's really not that simple."

The high priest was not afraid, and with a squeeze of his hands, all the fireballs exploded in the air at the same time. The flames splashed everywhere, scaring Rose and Sharon into screaming.

"Damn it, why is there so much mess in this town?"

Sybil cursed and used strong wind to blow away the flames. Then, she took Rose and Sharon and hid in a corner.

"Kill these monsters."

The high priest shouted, and the fanatical believers immediately fired wildly at the monsters. The monsters were beaten back, but they were not dead. Monsters are not afraid of guns.

The triangular head rushed up with the bullet in hand, and with a powerful swing of the machete, he cut the two believers in half.

Seeing this, the high priest raised his hand, and the surrounding area darkened. Then, many monsters appeared out of thin air, including bugs, spider dolls with many legs, and a humanoid monster called the God Envoy.

After these monsters appeared, they immediately pounced on the monsters in the other world. The two groups of monsters fought together, fighting extremely fiercely.

At the same time, the skin on the high priest's body fell off quickly and turned into green skin. Then, her eyes, hair, and eyebrows all disappeared, like two holes.

Before it was over, four semicircular iron pieces flew from left and right, flying into her head and side of her face. Then, she held two hooks and roared at Triangle Head, obviously intending to challenge Triangle Head.

The triangular head, that is, Andrew, naturally would not tolerate the opponent. He swung the machete towards the high priest. The high priest flexibly dodged and hooked two hooks towards Andrew's waist.

Because of Seth's magical power, the high priest is much stronger than before. If it was the triangle head at the beginning, it could not block this blow. Fortunately, the high priest cheated, and Andrew also cheated.

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