American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1601 Arrangements from all parties


The high priest was speechless. Would a normal envoy make such a request? It was obvious that there was nothing normal about that divine messenger.

"Anyway, do as we tell you."

Sithorn said coldly. Then, the dream dissipated and the high priest woke up. She opened her eyes suddenly and saw the familiar surroundings. She was shocked for a while. Was she dreaming just now?

At this moment, the damn green snake appeared in front of the high priest. Immediately afterwards, an extra eye appeared on his face. Then, this eye split into a new eye and fell on the high priest's forehead.

The divine power in the high priest's body was instantly swallowed by this eye, and then, even greater divine power rushed into the high priest's body. The old face of the high priest quickly regained his youth.

Looking at her eighteen-year-old hands, the high priest looked in disbelief. Not only had she become younger, but she had also become stronger - at least three times stronger than she was before.

At this time, the green snake said in a majestic voice: "This is a gift from God. As long as you cooperate well, you will get more benefits in the future and even live forever."

The person speaking now is Seth, who controls Wade's body. Wade is very dissatisfied with this and is fighting Seth's consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.


The high priest's breathing quickened, and their loyalty to Sithorne soared from sixty to ninety.

It's not that the high priest is prone to rebellion. The problem is that she has served the fallen gods for decades, and the total benefits she has received are not as many as other people's greeting gifts. Which priest can withstand such a test?

"My God, please give me your instructions."

The high priest knelt down respectfully towards the green snake, who nodded with satisfaction. Just as he was about to speak, his consciousness was suppressed by Wade. Then, Wade said: "Let's dance first."

This is why Seth has not always controlled Wade's body. Wade will resist and has enough ability to resist.

The high priest was stunned for a moment, then looked at the green snake speechlessly. It was obvious that this was the idea of ​​the envoy, not the god.

The high priest did not dare to offend Wade and said, "Please ask the divine envoy for instructions."

"I told you, let's dance."

Wade said, but the high priest did not answer directly and continued: "Ask the divine envoy for instructions."

Wade was speechless. He complained: "Although the essence of human beings is actually a repeater, are you going too far in repeating it?"

The high priest looked at Wade and said nothing. Wade rolled his eyes. He was about to change his request when the voice of death sounded in his mind: "Stop messing around, get down to business quickly, let her return to the God's Blessing Society, and gather everyone together." , a sacrifice to Sithorne.”

After those believers sacrifice Sithorn, Sithorn can control their lives and souls at will, allowing them to gain powerful power in a short period of time. It is obvious that the Losers Alliance is prepared to use the believers of the God Blessed Society as cannon fodder.

Of course, this is normal. This is the way of evil gods.

"After staying with you guys for so long, I feel like I'm about to turn into a villain. I'm obviously a positive character, okay? A positive character like the BOSS."

Wade sighed: "If I keep doing this, I don't know if I will lose my popularity. How about I change my job as a clown? Anyway, he and I are quite similar, both are crazy."

Death said angrily: "Get to work quickly and don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Wade shrugged, well, he seemed to have no shoulders now, and then he conveyed the matter to the high priest. Although the high priest did not understand why he was doing this, he did not refuse.

The high priest doesn't care what happens to other people, as long as it's good for himself, this is the biggest difference between righteous people and villains.

Then, the high priest took Wade and quietly withdrew. Seeing them leaving, Andrew's eyes flashed slightly, and a nanobug that wandered outside of time quickly followed them.

At this time, the surroundings began to return to normal, which meant that the inner world began to separate from the outer world. Andrew did not stay long and disappeared with the inner world.

"Thank God we are once again able to get through this crisis."

Seeing that everything was back to normal, the townspeople in the church breathed a sigh of relief, got up from the ground, and stopped praying.

Rose and Sybil also breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Rose kept searching in the church to find Sharon, but unfortunately, found nothing.

A bishop wearing shabby clothes came over and asked suspiciously: "Who are you? I have never seen you before."

"Hello, I'm from outside Silent Hill. I'm looking for my daughter. Have you seen her?"

Rose asked hurriedly, and the bishop was stunned. She said: "Outside? Isn't it destroyed outside? In the whole world, we are the only ones safe and sound. This is all God's blessing."

"Thank God."

The townspeople shouted enthusiastically, and Sybil sneered: "The only thing that was ruined was Silent Hill. Outside of New York, everything else is pretty good."

Rose couldn't help laughing and said, "New York is not bad now. I took almost half a month off last time and was able to travel to the world of the gods. I heard that some people were blessed by the gods and recovered from their diseases without medicine. "

"Is it that golden rain?"

Sybil also knew about this. When the two were about to communicate, the bishop frowned and said, "What are you talking about? This is the last refuge on earth. Only by believing in God can you survive."

Ross was about to take out his cell phone to prove that he was not talking nonsense, but was stopped by Sybil. Sybil whispered: "These people are not normal. Don't provoke them. Find Sharon first."

Rose reacted and nodded: "I am a believer in God. I am looking for my daughter Sharon. There is a clue here."

After speaking, Ross handed the house number he got from Colin to the bishop. The bishop was a little surprised when he saw the house number, because it was the room number of Alessa's ward.

"These two people may have something to do with Alessa."

The bishop thought for a while and decided to take them to find Alessa. Although he didn't know what the situation was, she was tired of staying here. If there was a chance to go out, that would be great.

The bishop knew that these two people were from outside. This could be seen from their clothes. Silent Hill did not have such new or good clothes.

I said that before because I didn't want to shake the faith of the townspeople. Faith was the key to their survival. Once the townspeople wavered, they were dead.

Then, the Bishop led Rose and Sybil to the hospital with four armed guards to find Sharon.

It went well at first, but when they found the house number, Rose's necklace fell to the ground and opened, revealing Sharon's picture inside to the Bishop's eyes.

The bishop was horrified because Sharon and Alessa looked exactly the same. She felt something was wrong and hurriedly asked her men to capture Rose and Sybil.

Sybil shot decisively, covering Rose to go upstairs to look for Sharon. In the end, she was captured by the bishop's men because of insufficient bullets. Fortunately, Rose had escaped, and the bishop did not dare to catch up, and returned to the church with Sybil.

On the way, the bishop was very 'lucky' to pick up Sharon and take her back to the church. She was going to burn these two people at the stake. By then, she might be free.

"Poor Sybil, if no one saves her, she will be burned to a crisp like in the movie."

Andrew watched all this with cold eyes. Of course, he would definitely save Sybil. After all, there was still some friendship.

As for Rose, after she arrived at the door of the ward, she finally figured out the truth through the memory reflection of her evil thoughts.

Then, evil thoughts appeared, stretched out his hand towards Rose, and said: "Sharon has been captured by the bishop. The bishop is preparing to burn her to death. To save her, we must join forces."

"They deserve to die."

Rose cursed bitterly, whether it was to punish the bad guys or to save Sharon, in short, Rose held the hand of the evil thoughts, and the evil thoughts turned into black liquid and rushed into her body.

Rose's eyes suddenly darkened, but quickly returned to normal, and then she began to go to the church to prepare for the ultimate revenge.

On the other side, the Tianyou Society, under the order of the high priest, collectively sacrificed Sithorne. Sithorne got everything they had and was very satisfied.

Then, Sithorne confessed to Wade: "Take them to the church, and when the little girl named Alessa is about to complete her revenge, seize the bishop and control her in your hands.

Then, seduce the little girl and get her to our side, so that we can easily steal all the achievements of the fallen demon king.

If the little girl doesn't agree, or if something unexpected happens, we can forcefully attack the little girl, or use the bishop to negotiate with the fallen demon king and ask him to give us at least half of the benefits. Otherwise, his plan will never be completed. "

"Wow, Sithorn, you are indeed an old silver coin, but unfortunately, compared to the BOSS, you are still inferior."

Wade complained, and Sithorn finally understood why Seth wanted to kill this guy so much. This guy was so hateful.

It's not a problem to call Sithorne an old silver coin, because he is indeed, but to say that he is not as good as the Machine Demon King, bah, what nonsense are you telling the truth?

"Wade, don't be ridiculous. We must control the bishop. With her in hand, we can attack when we advance and defend when we retreat. We will definitely gain a lot this time."

Death shouted: "If you fail, Wade, I will turn you into a woman and throw you into the black neighborhood of New York."

"Hey, Death, you are suspected of discrimination against black people. Fortunately, this is not a cartoon, otherwise you will be banned. Now this aspect is very strict."

Wade hurriedly reminded: "As a popular character, you must always pay attention to your words, otherwise it will easily lead to collapse. Hey, wait, your popularity doesn't seem to be very high, so just pretend I didn't say anything."

Death has black lines all over his face. Is this the point? Also, what do you mean, are you saying that I am embarrassed?

"Wade is unreliable, Seth, watch him, and if necessary, unblock Wade."

Sithorn said: "As long as you master the bishop, even if you are discovered by the fallen demon king, it won't be a big deal."

"Don't worry, we will definitely catch the bishop."

Seth said, Sithorne and others nodded. If Wade said this, they would not be at ease at all, but Seth said this, they can completely trust it.

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