American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1551 Control

Zeus seemed a little moved when he heard the words. At this moment, Hades said: "Well said, don't say it again."

"Hades, what do you mean?"

Poseidon glared at Hades, who snorted coldly: "Zeus, Poseidon, do you think we really have a choice? If we don't cooperate with the Titans, these people will let us go?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Everyone was not stupid. The spear had not released Zeus until now. It was obviously a threat.

Seth sighed and said: "We sincerely hope to cooperate with you. After all, Director Tianjian is a terrible enemy. If we don't work together, it is impossible to defeat them.

Therefore, we specifically persuaded Titan to put aside his hatred and fight against Director Tianjian together. "

Death added: "We are sincere, but if you are really stubborn, don't blame us for being rude."

Zeus suddenly laughed, and said with a proud look on his face: "You're welcome? I'd like to see how you can be polite?"

Zeus's words shocked everyone. Why would he be so arrogant in this situation?

"Hades, open the gate to hell, our reinforcements are coming."

Zeus shouted, and Hades was stunned. Zeus actually secretly called other gods over?

In this operation, they only dispatched half of the main gods. There are other half of the main gods on Mount Olympus, as well as many ordinary gods.

For example, Zeus's lover, the River Goddess, is an ordinary deity. Although she is not as powerful as the Father God, she is not weak either.

Seth and Death's expressions changed after hearing this. They wanted to do something, but they hesitated and did not take action directly.

Zeus didn't care when he saw this. Even if they took action, it would be useless. Once the gate of hell opened, other gods would immediately come to support. And to open the gate of hell, Hades only needed a thought, and they couldn't stop it at all.

"Hades, didn't you hear what Zeus said? Open the door to hell quickly and let our people in."

Poseidon also said: "Hahaha, what do you think we were doing before? We were just stalling for time, and you want to force us?"

Apollo and others suddenly realized that Zeus and Poseidon had a secret plan. They were indeed the most insidious kings of gods.

"You have a plan, why don't you tell me?"

Hades's face turned red with anger. Although I am indeed a spy, it is too much for you not to tell me.

"Because we are worried about being discovered by gods from other worlds, stop talking nonsense and open the gate to hell quickly."

Zeus said impatiently that the reason why he did not tell Hades was not because of suspicion, but because he did not take Hades to heart at all.

Zeus secretly informed the Olympus gods before entering hell. At that time, Hades had no flaws at all, so there was no doubt.

As for what happened next, Zeus was disturbed by Sithorn's magic and didn't think about that aspect at all.

What, when did Sithorn interfere with Zeus? Of course it was always interfering. In fact, Sithorn knew that Zeus was sending signals, but he didn't care. After all, Hades was one of his own, and hell was their home field.

"I will definitely settle this account with you."

Hades cursed and was about to open the door to hell. At this moment, Seth and Death rushed towards him at the same time. Apollo led other gods to stand in front of Hades, and even Poseidon stood up.

Hades' eyes flashed, and the pitchfork suddenly pierced Apollo's body from behind. Apollo let out a shrill scream and turned to look at Hades in disbelief.

The other gods were shocked when they saw this, and subconsciously wanted to rescue Apollo. Hades shouted: "This is our business, you all stand down."

The gods looked at each other and finally chose to stand still. They were not so loyal to Zeus.

While Hades attacked Apollo secretly, Poseidon's body lit up with a layer of green light. This was Seth's secret manipulation when he tied up Poseidon.

Poseidon let out a shrill scream, and his body dissolved quickly as if encountering sulfuric acid. He hurriedly controlled his divine power to fight against the poison. At this moment, a snake tail roared out and hit him hard on the head, knocking him unconscious.

The sudden change made Zeus shocked and angry. He asked angrily: "Hades, you actually betrayed us?"

"Isn't it natural for me to betray you? When did you treat me as one of your own?"

Hades snorted coldly. He pulled out the pitchfork, kicked Apollo to the ground, and said: "Sithorn, don't waste time, use Zeus and Poseidon to unlock the Titan's seal and release the Titan."

"No problem, Zeus. Director Tianjian is very scary, so we really wanted to be your ally from the beginning."

Sithorn said: "If you agree, you can not only take revenge, but also continue to be your god-king. The Titan's promise is also true. He is cruel, but he never lies.

Unfortunately, if you don't want to, then we can only turn you into a puppet. Not only you, but also other gods who are unwilling to surrender will become puppets.

I am also very proficient in puppetry and other things.

By the way, thank you for calling all the other gods here. This can save us a lot of time. Next, as long as we bring them in, we can catch them all. "

"How can I, Zeus, become your puppet?"

Zeus was furious, and thunder surged from his body. This was the divine power he had secretly gathered during this period. He was not the kind of person to sit back and wait for death.

"Sorry, Zeus, your time has passed. Do you know why I keep you trapped? Because I want to fuse you."

Sithorn smiled, and the spear turned into a black mist. Then, the black mist quickly poured into Zeus's body. Zeus tried his best to resist, but unfortunately, it was useless. All the thunder dissipated as soon as it touched the black air.

Finally, all the black energy entered Zeus's body. Zeus let out a shrill scream, and a large number of black lines appeared on his body, which meant that he was being eroded.

Soon, Zeus stopped screaming, and at the same time, the lines on his body disappeared. It was obvious that he had been completely controlled by Sithorn. Of course, his soul was safe and sound, but was suppressed deep in his consciousness.

"This body can barely compete with Director Tianjian."

Sithorn looked at his hands and nodded with satisfaction. Zeus alone was definitely not Andrew's opponent, but with Sithorn, it was not necessarily the case. At the very least, he could fight.

"Sithorn, is everything going well?"

Seth asked and Sithorn smiled: "It went very well. Do you want to enter Poseidon's body too?"

"Poseidon must be sacrificed to me."

Titan said: "To break the seal, in addition to the flesh and blood of the three Zeus brothers, you also need a lot of divine power. The more divine power, the faster the seal will be broken.

The original plan was for Zeus and the others to contribute a few ordinary gods. Since they chose to fight me, they would use Poseidon's divine power. This is the price they must pay. "

Apollo and other gods looked extremely ugly. They were indeed cruel Titans. Even though they had substitute products, they didn't even spare their own sons.

"Okay, you have the final say."

Seth nodded and said to the gods: "Surrender, become a puppet, or sacrifice to the Titans, you decide for yourself?"

The gods looked at each other. After a moment, Apollo asked: "If we surrender, will you kill us after you have finished using us?"

Seth did not answer, but asked Titan: "Titan, what do you think?"

"As long as you are willing to follow me, I will not kill you, and I will even give you new divine power."

Tai Tan replied that if he wanted to form a divine system, he would naturally not be able to serve as a mere commander.

The gods knew that the Titans were true to their word, looked at each other, and all chose to surrender. Death and Set worked together to make a contract for them to sign, lest they regret it.

Hera witnessed all this and was very horrified. Zeus was possessed, Poseidon became a sacrifice, and all other gods surrendered? Is this situation a bit too exaggerated?

Also, isn't Hades the director of Tianjian? Why does he look like a confidant of the enemy? Is this undercover agent too successful?

The last question, what should I do? Surrender? No, there will be problems with the character. After all, Hera loves Zeus so much that she will never surrender. Will she die with Zeus? Not to mention, He is not the original Hera.

Hera thought for a long time and decided to continue pretending to be unconscious to avoid having to make a choice.

"What kind of job is Director Tianjian introducing? Are they all pitfalls?" Hera couldn't help but complain.

Then, Set tied Poseidon in front of the Titan, and at the same time, Sithorne and Hades released the divine blood.

The seal began to collapse, and a large amount of magma emerged from the seal. Titan laughed. After waiting for so many years, he finally waited for this day, and he would be free soon.

Of course, it would not be that fast to completely break the seal. It would take several days. After Sithorn arranged everything, a bolt of thunder struck Poseidon, and Poseidon's divine power immediately surged towards the seal.

The severe pain caused Poseidon to wake up and scream. He saw that he was tied in front of the seal. He probably guessed the current situation and shouted angrily: "My son will definitely avenge me."

"Your sons are worse than the sons of Zeus."

Hades said disdainfully, and asked: "Sithorn, when will you deal with the gods outside? Seeing that they have not responded, they are preparing to attack the entrance to hell."

"Of course now, Death, you stay here, and the others will go with me to deal with those gods. If you want to deal with Director Tianjian, you need their help."

Sithorn said, everyone did not and did not dare to have any objections, and followed him to the entrance of hell to conquer other gods.

Hades thought of something and said to Sithorn: "When the seal is broken, Hell will become very unstable. This pressure needs to be transferred out, otherwise Hell will be damaged."

Sithorn asked: "You mean, open the entrance and let demons and magma invade the human world?"

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