American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1550 Persuasion

"Salute to the conqueror of the Kraken..., Her Royal Highness Princess Andromeda!"

The people reacted and cheered. They were filled with excitement, not only because the Kraken was subdued, but also because they had a powerful princess.

This princess can not only protect their safety, but may also lead them to resist the gods, end the rule of the gods, and allow humans to gain freedom.

Princess Andromeda now has a superhuman physique. Therefore, she heard all the cheers in the city and looked confused. Where did I get so many titles?

"When it comes to publicity, of course the more exaggerated the better."

Andrew smiled and said: "Princess Andromeda, next, you ask the old king to abdicate, and then rectify the soldiers of the Kingdom of Agra. The war is about to break out."

"For my father to abdicate?"

Princess Andromeda was dumbfounded. She waved her hands repeatedly and said: "This is not okay, this is absolutely not okay. I can't do such a shameless thing."

"How can you say it is shameless to let the elderly retire early and enjoy life?"

Andrew thought for a while, took out a silver apple from his arms and threw it to Princess Andromeda, and said: "This apple can make the old man become younger. It is a perfect transformation. Not only the appearance, but also the life span and energy will be transformed.

You take this apple and ask your father to choose between the kingship and the apple. I believe he will choose the apple. "

This apple is actually a ball of life energy. As for why it looks like a silver apple, it is because there are legends of golden apples in this world, which makes it easier for people to believe.

Princess Andromeda caught the apple. She blinked and asked cautiously: "Director Tianjian, is this not a poisonous apple?"

Andrew's face was a little dark, and Kara laughed. She didn't expect Mr. Wang, the justice representative, to be questioned like this one day.

"Don't worry, if I really want to kill the old king, I don't need to use this method."

Andrew said angrily: "Anyway, do as I say. As for Kraken, keep it outside as a deterrent. Cara, please comfort it, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have money to compensate."


Princess Andromeda and Kara nodded at the same time, and then Princess Andromeda flew back to the city of Agra. People ran out of the castle and cheered wildly at her, and the whole city fell into a sea of ​​cheers.

At this moment, in the hearts of the people, Princess Andromeda was a god.

"The blessings of the world are converging on Princess Andromeda."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. The consciousness of the world is the aggregation of the subconscious mind of all living beings. Those who are welcomed by the people will be favored by the world and become the chosen ones.

Andrew is creating a 'god'. When Princess Andromeda's favor in the world reaches a certain level, she will become a god according to the rules of this world.

These calculations will be explained in detail later. Then, Andrew picked off a handful of fallen leaves and blew them gently. The leaves turned into people with different appearances, and then they disappeared at the same time.

These people will go to major cities and brag crazily about Princess Andromeda's achievements. Alas, this world is still a little behind. If it were a modern society, why would there be such trouble? Easily done with one live broadcast.

"The greatest treasures in this world are the Titans and the divine system. I want both of these things."

Andrew smiled slightly. Unlike him, the old king did not want them all. He decisively chose the silver apple. He said excitedly: "Daughter, this country will be handed over to you. I will find a way to give you some younger brothers and sisters to make the family more prosperous." Stronger."

This time, it's Princess Andromeda's turn to be embarrassed. Are you sure you are helping me?

Princess Andromeda asked: "Father, do you really not think about it anymore?"

"What is there to consider? With your current reputation, the soldiers and the people will definitely choose to listen to you. In this case, what difference does it make if I am the king or not?"

The old king said: "This silver apple is a good thing. It is equivalent to living another life. I won't tell you how to eat it. Can you just chew it?"


Seeing that the old king really chose the silver apple, Princess Andromeda stopped talking nonsense. Soon, the whole city burst into cheers again, because Princess Andromeda officially became Queen Andromeda.

Time was tight, and Andromeda took the throne directly without going through so many red tapes. Then, she quickly organized her troops according to Andrew's instructions.

Although she obediently obeyed Andrew's orders, to be honest, Andromeda was full of doubts: "I don't doubt that we will go to war with the gods, but in a war with the gods, what is the use of ordinary humans?"

"Mr. Wang's words are definitely correct."

Kara smiled and said: "He asks you to prepare, so you prepare. In the end, you will know why you are preparing."

Andromeda was surprised: "Kara, do you really trust Director Tianjian?"

"Of course I trust him, he is the savior of our universe."

Kara said, without Andrew, the DC Universe would have been gone.

In the abyss of hell, Zeus and Poseidon once again saw their dear old father. However, the atmosphere was not warm at all, but full of solemnity and solemnity.

Zeus took a deep breath and said: "Titan, I didn't expect you to collude with the gods of other worlds."

While speaking, Zeus glared at Hades and asked you to guard Hell. You don't even know that someone is touching the Titans?

Hades explained via voice transmission: "Aren't you busy dealing with Perseus and the gods of other worlds recently?"

"Are you busy taking my power?"

Zeus snorted secretly. He knew that Hades had a plan, but he did not expect that Hades' negligence would cause problems on Titan's side.

"Titan? Zeus, don't you even want to call me father?"

Titan snorted coldly, and Zeus said: "What you have done, how can you be called a father?"

Titan can make all his children rebel against him, which is enough to prove how bad his character is. It must be said that the Olympus pantheon is full of filth.

Tai Tan sneered: "Do you think you are a better father than me?"

"Although I'm not a good father, I'm definitely better than you."

Zeus said that he is indeed not a good person, but his character is still better than that of Titan. Not to mention other things, at least he has not thought about annihilating the world. He has not even thought about wiping out human beings on a large scale. Most likely he would sleep with the other person's wife.

The Titan cursed: "What have you not done that I have done? I have devoured Hera, and you have devoured Athena. You have gone further than me, even devouring your own women."

"At the very least, I don't treat my children like pigs or dogs. Titan, it seems you haven't reflected at all after being sealed for so many years."

Zeus retorted, and then the two father and son began to quarrel fiercely. At the same time, they frantically exposed each other's dirty deeds. In the quarrel, Poseidon and Hades also joined in the quarrel.

Sithorn, Seth, and Death looked at each other and were speechless. They were not good people, but this was the first time they had seen such a bad god system.

Hera felt very embarrassed when she heard the dirty things about these gods. What family was she born into?

"The Olympus pantheon is doomed, because this pantheon is really dirty."

Hera had a clear understanding in her heart that she was not reluctant to give up at all, because there was nothing worthy of nostalgia in this pantheon.

"Everyone, time is precious. If you want to quarrel, wait until Director Tianjian is dealt with, and then you can quarrel slowly."

Sithorne's voice rang out from the spear, and he said: "The top priority is to release the Titans first. Only the Titans can deal with Director Tianjian. If nothing else, he will soon reach the entrance to hell."

The gods fell into silence. After a moment, Zeus said: "You don't need Titans. If you gather all the gods of Olympus, you can deal with Director Tianjian."

"Zeus, don't deceive yourself. If you were in your heyday, you might really be able to compete with Director Tianjian."

Sithorn said: "But you are injured and disabled now. Unless the Titans are released, you are no match for Director Tianjian.

I know your concerns. Don't worry, Taitan has promised that he will not attack you before killing Director Tianjian. As for after that, you can each rely on your own abilities. "

"Really not?"

Zeus asked: "I don't remember you being so generous, Titan? You are famous for taking revenge."

"I will not go back on what I promised. After we deal with the intruders, we will settle the accounts."

Titan snorted coldly, and Zeus suddenly hesitated. He turned to look at Poseidon and Hades, wanting to hear their opinions. As for Apollo and those people, they are juniors. They are not qualified to interfere in such a big matter.

Poseidon looked at the Titan in the seal and said: "I don't believe in the Titan, Zeus, let's summon all the gods of the pantheon and fight with Director Tianjian and them again. There are so many gods in Olympus, I don't believe it, Can't beat a group of outsiders?

There are only a few of them, and they have a weakness, a fatal weakness. "

"What weakness?"

Zeus asked with interest, and everyone else looked at Poseidon.

"They care about those humans. In other words, those humans are our bargaining chips. If we really can't defeat them, we can use humans to threaten them to leave this world."

Poseidon said fiercely: "If you don't leave, we will launch a great flood and destroy all humans in this world."

Apollo reminded: "The problem is that if humans are destroyed, we will also perish."

"This is just a threat. Don't those people say they are the savior? The savior will definitely compromise."

Poseidon snorted coldly: "If they really don't compromise, then we will really launch a great flood and use the power of world destruction to defeat them.

Anyway, these humans don’t believe in us, so there’s no need to keep them.

We left a group of children to use their beliefs to maintain the existence of several major gods. As for the other gods, they fell asleep at the same time. The power of Olympus was enough to protect them.

At the rate of human growth, within five hundred years, the pantheon will be back to its original state, even more prosperous. "

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