American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1509 Game Magic

“Making superheroes real life?”

Ron seems to understand, and Andrew doesn't expect him to understand these things. In fact, the less Ron knows, the easier it is to succeed. After all, he has a pure heart.

"When you turn superheroes into real life, they will sign a contract with you. When the time comes, you can summon them to fight for you."

Andrew said: “The premise is that you really treat them as friends. If you treat them as a tool, they will not sign a contract with you even if they are resurrected.

The true meaning of game magic is sincerity. They are not tools, they are the guardians of you and the world. Protecting the world is the meaning of the existence of superheroes. "

"I will consider them my friends, real friends."

Ron said hurriedly, and Andrew smiled: "I believe you. Next, in addition to practicing magic and playing games, you also have an important training content."

"What is the training content? I will train well and not let myself lose to Harry and Hermione."

Ron said, if there is no hope, forget it. Now that there is hope, of course he must hold on tightly.

"Physical Training."

Andrew said, Ron was dumbfounded, physical training, he is a magician, what kind of physical training does he need?

The world of Harry Potter is a relatively traditional magical world, where wizards hold magic wands and cast magic. Although physical fitness requires certain training, it is not the focus. Just make sure you are not out of breath while casting spells.

"Game magic, to put it bluntly, is to summon game characters and attach them to you. The stronger you are, the stronger they can be."

Andrew said: "In addition, playing games for a long time can easily make your health worse. You don't want to marry a wife in the future. When you are thinking about something, you gasp and say, wait a minute, I will increase my physical strength and let's do it again. "

Foreigners are more precocious, so Ron naturally knew what Andrew meant. He thought about the scene for a while, with a look of disgust on his face. Not to mention the woman, even he felt embarrassed.

Ron said: "This will definitely not work. I want to maintain my physical fitness, at least to the level of a normal person."

"Don't worry, as long as you complete the training I assigned you, you will definitely be better than normal people."

Andrew smiled and said: "Next, you do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 kilometers every day. As long as you successfully lose all your hair, you will be invincible."

"Take your hair bald?"

Ron was dumbfounded and immediately backed down. Although he was still young, he also knew the importance of hair to men. Andrew laughed: "Don't worry, it's just a joke. Even if you want to be bald, you don't have that kind of fate. A bald head is better." Not everyone can be that person.

It's a pity that you can't learn, otherwise you can learn biological magic. In that case, you can transform into various monsters and become a powerful melee mage. "

Technological magic requires extremely strong learning ability and talent. It is obviously impossible for Ron and he can only learn game magic.

Of course, this is not to say that game magic is bad. In fact, game magic is also very powerful. Andrew plans to use Ron for experiments to promote game magic and create more helpers in the future.

Summoning superheroes from the Marvel universe and DC universe is too expensive and cannot be used frequently. The best way is to create game characters. In this way, a lot of energy can be saved, and more importantly, this trump card can be turned into a powerful weapon. Popularity.

These will be introduced in detail later. Then, Ron began to receive training from Andrew. At first, he was very motivated, but soon he found that he was too naive.

There's no problem with playing games. Ron is very interested and enthusiastic, but in terms of physical training, it's really terrible. Not only do you have to train at high intensity all the time, but what's even more frightening is that the recovery time is super short. I just lay down for five minutes. , it’s time to get up and continue training.

There was no way, Andrew's recovery magic was too strong, and Ron's physical strength was completely restored in a short time.

"No training? Your father said, scold him when he should be scolded, and hit him when he should be beaten."

Andrew said with a smile on his face: "In the past two months, you have been complaining about the weather and the earth. You have no other choice but to train."

Ron was stunned, why did he feel like he was on a pirate ship? Is this director of Tianjian really a good person?

Andrew smiled, and while using his clone to train Ron, he also sensed God Andrew and asked Him to tell the superheroes about the game characters.

This is a game character created based on superheroes. It will be resurrected in the future. Naturally, we need to tell them about it, which is equivalent to a copyright issue.

Although the superheroes were a little surprised, they had no objections. After all, they were happy to have someone to protect the world together.

Although Batman agreed, he asked for a lot of information to avoid any problems with his clone in the future. Although he couldn't understand the information at all, he had to have it.

"After you finish it, take me there to have a look. I'm very interested in the resurrection of the game characters."

Tony said with great interest, and Andrew said: "Don't worry, the kidnapper I created will definitely look exactly like you."

"My name is Iron Man."

Tony cursed, how many years have I been kidnapped? No, I have never been kidnapped. I just went to their place as a guest.

On the other side, Hogs also found Harry and told him about the competition. Harry did not refuse. He said: "I am eager to gain strength. However, don't expect too much from me. I am not a savior. I am just an ordinary person." boy.

Well, it turned out to be a bit unusual. There were fragments of the villain's soul in his body, but now he is very ordinary, no different from anyone else. "

"No, you are not ordinary. I can feel it. You will lead the trend of the times."

Hogs said: "I will give you strength, magical strength, and powers."

Harry was puzzled: "Power?"

"Do you have any impressions of the previous superheroes, Soldier Boy, Motherland, and Starlight Annie?"

Hogs asked, and Harry nodded. Except for the people from his motherland who were less impressed, the other superheroes were very powerful. They had saved many people before.

"They are all superpowers. Superpowers are actually superpowers. Everyone can awaken superpowers, but the specific superpowers depend entirely on luck."

Hoggs said: "You are the child of destiny, and the superpower you awaken must be particularly powerful. I will teach you and let you learn superpowers, and during this time, you will gain a lot of magic power and master a lot of spells."

"Thank you Mr. Hogs."

Harry thanked him gratefully and said, "Although I'm a little sorry for Ron and Hermione, I will defeat them, but is two months enough?"

"No need to be sorry, it's just a competition. You are in the academy, why don't you compete as usual?"

Hoggs said: "As for time, don't worry, one of my students has the power of dreams. He can greatly increase your study time, as long as you don't find it hard."

"Hermione must really like this magic. She can't wait to go to the toilet to study it."

Harry complained, saying: "If it were before, I might really find it hard, but now, nothing is more important than strength."

This time, countless people died in the world. Anyone who has experienced this will find ways to make themselves stronger.

"Don't worry, your world will be safe with Director Tianjian here. Practice well and I will help you apply for the title of genius magician. This way, you no longer have to be bound by the rules for underage magicians."

Hoggs smiled and said: "When the time comes, if you want, you can move out and live on your own without having to look at other people's faces."


Harry's eyes widened. He really didn't want to go back to that so-called home for a second. He didn't understand why Dumbledore put him in that home, but to him, it was not home.

Little does Harry know that he is about to have a real home, well, not Professor Snape, but his godfather Sirius Black, who has been freed.

Sirius is Harry's father's best friend, the kind who can die for each other. Because of some misunderstandings, he was imprisoned in prison. Now that he has been released, it won't be long before he comes to find Harry.

Without further ado, Hoggs began to teach Harry seriously. Although he was not a magician in this world, with his level of magic, he learned all the magic in this world in a short time, and also created hundreds of new spells. .

That was Emperor Weishan, the ancestor of white magic and one of the origins of magic.

Both Ron and Harry were being taught, and Hermione was no exception. She always had a high opinion of herself and didn't want to lose at all.

"You are a genius, Hermione. This is your strength and your weakness."

Ancient One said: "I decided to send you to another timeline. You will grow up step by step along the path of destiny. I will not appear before you become an adult. I will only appear after you become an adult to teach you Kama." The magic of Taj.”

"Why do you have to teach me as an adult? Isn't my learning ability the strongest when I was a child?"

Hermione was puzzled: "Also, what is a timeline?"

"The timeline is another future."

Gu Yi gave a brief introduction and said: "In that timeline, there was no invasion of Hell, and there was no Director of Heavenly Sword. The person you have to deal with should be the noseless Voldemort.

As for why you have to become an adult? On the one hand, it does not affect your destiny, on the other hand, it is to allow you to grow. Character is more important than talent. "

"I don't quite understand, but that Voldemort isn't very strong, is he?"

Hermione shook her head, was Voldemort strong? Of course he is very strong for people in this world. Those people didn't even dare to say his name and kept calling him 'mysterious man' and 'you know who'.

But compared to those demon kings, Voldemort is really not good enough. The level of this world is still low.

"Headmaster Dumbledore will cry when he hears this."

Ancient One smiled and said: "Hermione, if you train in this way, your mind will directly become an adult. As for whether your body will become an adult, it is up to you."

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