Andrew smiled and asked: "Hogs, tell me directly, how do you want to compare?"

"We compete with our disciples."

Hoggs said: "My apprentice, let's have a fight with your apprentice, Mechanical Demon King. I don't deny that I have a bit of an advantage, but not much. After all, you have also trained a lot of good helpers."

"I don't care if you take advantage, but are you sure you want to compete with me?"

Andrew raised his hand, and the projection of Galadriel appeared in mid-air: "She is my half-disciple. Her technological magic was taught by me step by step, and she is about to break through the Heavenly Father God."

"About to break through Heavenly Father God?"

Hogs had a toothache. Because of his supernatural powers, he taught a large number of disciples, but the strongest of these disciples were only at the level of the original motherland, and they were still far away from the Heavenly Father.

There is no way, Hogs' apprentices were just ordinary people at the beginning, with a low starting point. Therefore, their improvement speed could not keep up with the batch of soldier boys from the motherland.

"What I'm talking about is finding an apprentice in this world and training him again."

Hoggs immediately changed his mind and said: "The time is two months. After two months, let them compete. Of course, this is a fair competition, so we cannot use despicable means.

For example, stimulating all the potential of the opponent and letting him die after the competition cannot be used. In addition, the age must be under 18 years old, like Voldemort and Dumbledore, which cannot be used.

Also, the comparison is about magic and superpowers, and other methods cannot be used, such as making people become the Grim Reaper. "

Gu Yi secretly laughed, Hogs was really afraid of Andrew, otherwise he wouldn't have put forward so many conditions.

"Die after the competition? Wow, Hogs, why are you so dirty, do you even have such thoughts?"

Andrew looked disgusted, Hogs had black lines on his head, am I dirty? Is there anything more sinister than your old silver coin?

"Okay, you choose first."

Andrew did not refuse. He had confidence in himself. No matter what Hogs chose, he would win.

"You really want me to choose first?" Hoggs asked.

"Of course, I will win anyway."

Andrew said, and Hogus said: "That's not necessarily the case. I choose Harry Potter. He is the son of luck in this world. With my help, he will be reborn in two months."


Andrew nodded, and then he looked at Hermione and said, "This is my apprentice. In two months, she will also play with you."

"That's it Ron."

Andrew smiled and said, Hogs, Ancient One, and Hermione were stunned at the same time, Ron? Compared with Harry and Hermione, his qualifications can be said to be nine blocks behind.

Andrew said: "In this way, I can better reflect my power, right?"

"What a mechanical demon. If you can use Ron to defeat the Harry I trained, then I will be convinced by you. From now on, I will completely obey your orders."

Hoggs said happily, he couldn't beat him in a single fight, he couldn't play with scheming, and if he couldn't even train a disciple, Hoggs had no choice but to surrender.

Compared to Sithorne, Seth, Hogs, or Emperor Weishan, they still have a bottom line. At the very least, they want face, and they will not sacrifice others easily, let alone sacrifice at every turn. A planet, a galaxy.

Emperor Weishan has protected many universes, and they represent the righteous gods of the universe. This is why Andrew is willing to put so much thought into it.

"Well, see you in two months."

Andrew said: "Miss Know-it-all, come on, if you can win, I will give you a gift."

"what gift?"

This is a question that interests Hermione very much. She is still just a child now, and she especially likes to show off herself.

"You'll know when you win."

Andrew smiled slightly and led everyone away from the underworld. Then, he went to find Ron, who was complaining about his father: "Director Tianjian provided you with protection, but you actually took the initiative to help others block attacks. What on earth did you do?" Thought?"

"Why are you talking to me?"

Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, scolded him with his father's majesty, and then said: "It turns out that the layer of protection was arranged by the Director of Skyward Sword. I thought it was because I was lucky and had awakened some bloodline."

Ron looked at his father speechlessly. His father was a really good person, he loved helping others, and he doted on his children, but in other aspects, such as making money and getting promoted, he was quite average.

Ron's family is a pure-blood family that is notoriously poor.

Then, the two father and son contacted other family members and found that everyone was fine. They were relieved. In this disaster, Muggles suffered heavy casualties. Although many magicians also died, they were basically combatants.

At this moment, Andrew came over. He talked about the competition without any nonsense.

Before Ron's father, Arthur, could speak, Ron himself backed down: "This won't work. One of them is a savior, and the other is a genius who can cast repair spells before going to school. How can I be better than them?"

"How can you be so unambitious?"

Arthur gave a lesson, and then he said to Andrew hesitantly: "Director Tianjian, Ron seems to be really not that material?"

Ron looked at Arthur with contempt and said that I have no ambition. Don't you still think that I am not good enough?

"Don't worry, Ron, you are good at playing games, that's enough."

Andrew smiled: "I'm going to teach you the game magic I created myself. As long as you play the game well, you can beat Harry and Hermione."

Although Arthur Weasley works in the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items, Arthur himself is very interested in Muggle items. Therefore, Ron has come into contact with many Muggle items, but they are all relatively low-level, such as red White machine and the like.


Ron's eyes were bright. As the most useless person among the three protagonists, of course he wanted to perform well.

"Of course it's true, come on, come train with me."

Andrew smiled and said: "Mr. Weasley, I will return the child to you in two months."

"No problem, Director Tianjian, please continue to train, don't be polite, hit when you need to, and punish when you need to."

Arthur hurriedly said that being able to be trained by Director Tianjian himself was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and of course Arthur wanted Ron to seize it.

Ron wants to complain, am I really your biological son?

"Don't worry, I won't be polite."

Andrew raised his hand and disappeared with Ron, but entered the game world.

Arthur was originally very happy, but when he heard this, he was a little worried that Andrew had beaten him too much. He had no choice but to do it. This is always the case for fathers.

The game world was very lively, and a large number of NPCs and players were interacting in the city. Ron was so surprised to see technology that was far beyond reality, and felt that his eyes were not full.

As Andrew walked forward, he told Ron the details of the game world. Ron was more and more surprised. Was this world really a game before?

Ron asked curiously: "Are the games we play actually real worlds?"

"Maybe, in the eyes of people in other worlds, you and I are just characters in novels or movies."

Andrew said, and Ron thought for a moment and said, "Then I'm definitely not the protagonist. If I were to be the protagonist, the movie would definitely go bankrupt."

"Should I scold you for having no ambition, or should I praise you for being self-aware?"

Andrew complained, he said: "Let's get down to business, Ron. The magic I am proficient in is called technological magic. To put it simply, it is using knowledge as a seesaw to exert the power of the world."


Ron was dumbfounded and said, "Then you should go find Hermione. She has read more books than I have ever read in my life."

"Hermione is indeed the most suitable for technological magic, but with Hermione, winning this game would be too easy and boring."

Andrew said: "Ron, with your learning ability, you definitely can't learn too much knowledge, so let's change our thinking."

"What idea?"

Ron was greatly relieved when he heard that he didn't need to study. Although his learning ability was not at the bottom level, it was definitely not good. Basically, he was at the lower-middle level. Moreover, he hated studying.

"Use my technological achievements directly."

Andrew took Ron into the holographic projection game simulation room, where he could play games immersively.

"The game world is magical, and the NPCs in it are real lives."

Andrew said: “But it’s not that simple to create new NPCs. Someone needs to interact with them a lot, so that they have spirituality and even souls. Only in this way can they become real lives.

Ron, you are indeed not as smart as Hermione, and you are not as lucky and leadership-savvy as Harry, but you don’t need to belittle yourself, you have your own advantages..."

Ron's eyes lit up, waiting for Andrew to praise his advantages. Unexpectedly, Andrew hesitated for a long time, unable to name a single advantage.

The light in Ron's eyes gradually dimmed. Sure enough, I was just a useless idle fish. At this moment, Andrew laughed: "It's just a joke. You can't bear the blow so much, can you?"


Ron was stunned, and then glared at Andrew. As the director and savior of Tianjian, your character is too bad, right?

Andrew touched Ron's head and said: "Your advantage is that you are warm-hearted, you are sincere to others, and you are good at making friends. You are very suitable for learning game magic."

"Really? Actually, I'm not that easy to pull off."

Ron giggled, and Andrew shook his head. Then, he raised his hand, and a large number of superheroes appeared around him, including Iron Man, Batman, etc. However, there was no female superhero related to Andrew.

"Isn't that the stinky uncle from before?"

Ron pointed at Iron Man and asked in surprise, and Andrew laughed: "Yes, it's that uncle, the name of this game is Super Hero Legend, and you will save the world with the superheroes.

Ron, next, you have to use your sincerity and magic to make superheroes real life. "

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