As for Death's urging, Wade didn't take it to heart at all. Anyway, the result would not be any different. Besides, he was here to contain Andrew for the Losers Alliance.

Death was very annoyed, but he couldn't force Wade. Fortunately, Wade at least let them know the location of the Machine Demon King. They immediately looked up the information of the academy to find out Andrew's purpose.

The Losers Alliance did not send anyone to investigate because it was pointless. He was not at the Demon King level. In the past, he was just delivering food.

Soon, the Quidditch match began, and the frightened students finally found something to distract themselves, and laughed from time to time.

why are you laughing? Because Wade fell off the broom from time to time, making all kinds of ugly appearances, and all kinds of weirdness, which made the students very happy - the first time they were scared, but later they found out that Wade could not die, and they became happy.

"Is this really an enemy?"

Dumbledore held his pipe in his mouth and looked confused. Andrew said: "Don't worry about that person, he is just a funny character. If you are worried, send someone to praise him. He might in turn help you kill the devil."

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. When Dumbledore heard this sentence, his eyes lit up. If it could be true, that would be great.

Andrew paid little attention to what was going on outside and concentrated on analyzing the Three Holy Artifacts of Death. Under his control, the Three Holy Artifacts, namely the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Magic Stone, were mixed together to form a special pattern.

In this pattern, there is a vertical line in the middle, which represents the Elder Wand, a circle outside the vertical line, which represents the Magic Stone, and a triangle outside the circle, which represents the Invisibility Cloak.

This is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows, which is like a triangular eye with a vertical line in the middle.

As soon as the Deathly Hallows mark was formed, Andrew's eyes flashed, and he appeared in a dark, dead world, which was the underworld of this world.

"Legend has it that the person who collects the Three Holy Artifacts of Death can become the master of death. Now it seems that this legend is correct, but there is a price to pay."

Andrew sensed it for a moment and shook his head. With the Three Sacred Artifacts of Death and activating the divine power mark inside, he could enter the underworld and become the Lord of the Underworld, the God of Death, but he would be completely integrated with the underworld.

Sounds like a good thing? In fact, it is also a good thing. After becoming a god of death, you can reach the sky in one step and be promoted to the level of Father God. However, the god of death has great restrictions.

For example, life cannot be harmed, which is why in the story, the God of Death did not kill the three brothers, but gave them treasures.

In addition, the God of Death cannot easily appear in the human world. There are great restrictions. How should I put it, like a wage earner in the underworld, a wage earner named the God of Death.

"Forget this power, becoming a god of death does not mean owning the underworld, but becoming a slave of the underworld."

Andrew shook his head, then he opened his eyes and asked Galadriel and Dumbledore: "Which of you is interested in becoming the Grim Reaper?"

Dumbledore was shocked. The story of the Three Deathly Hallows was actually true? Can one really become the God of Death with the Three Sacred Artifacts?

Compared to Dumbledore, Galadriel is much calmer. If she wanted to, she could become the Demon King early on, but Andrew has always instilled in her the concept that power that cannot be controlled is not real power.

Andrew did not hide anything, and went through the pros and cons of becoming the God of Death in detail. Then, he said: "If I guess correctly, the last God of Death should have committed suicide. He spent long and lonely years, allowing him to choose to end his life."

"In other words, even if you become a god of death, you can't take action against those demon kings outside?"

Dumbledore frowned. If so, what's the point of becoming the Grim Reaper?

"That's not true."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Demon kings and devils are foreign invaders, and the God of Death can take action against them because the God of Death wants to maintain the rules of the world.

In fact, the God of Death can also take action against me, because I am also an outsider, but the God of Death cannot take action against Voldemort, no matter how evil he does, because Voldemort is a product within the rules. "

Dumbledore understood. He touched his beard and asked, "Director Skyward Sword, is Death very strong?"

"At the beginning, it will be at the same level as the new devil. I'm talking about the true body. Once it adapts to the ability to die, it can reach the level of the old devil."

Andrew said: "In addition, the God of Death also has the ability to collect souls. The reason why the devil invaded this world is for the souls. The God of Death can open the underworld and collect all souls in advance."

"Can the soul be taken away in advance?"

Dumbledore was so happy that he gritted his teeth and said, "Director Skyward Sword, I am willing to become the God of Death."

"Can you let go? Becoming a god of death is actually no different from death."

Andrew asked. Dumbledore looked at the students watching the game below and said, "I can't let go, but in order to protect them, I am willing to become the Grim Reaper."

At this moment, the door was pushed open with a loud bang - Andrew deliberately did not stop it. Then, an old but evil man walked in. He snorted coldly: "Dumbledore, you are still the same."

Dumbledore was very shocked when he heard this voice. He turned his head quickly and said with a complicated expression: "Grindelwald, how long has it been since we last met? Hey, wait, why are you here?"

"It's been a long, long time."

Grindelwald, the Dark Lord of the previous generation, has a blood contract with Dumbledore. The two parties cannot harm each other. One can imagine what kind of relationship they have.

After Grindelwald was defeated, he had been locked in the tower. He said: "Why am I here? Of course it is because of your order. You asked the Ministry of Magic to open the prison and let the prisoners out to save the world. I also came out.

Don't talk nonsense, who is that? This old man is not cruel enough. I should take the position of the God of Death. "


Dumbledore's expression became more and more complicated. He didn't know whether Grindelwald was doing it for himself or to protect him?

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just too lazy to live anymore, and besides, I want to try what death feels like."

Grindelwald snorted. It was obvious that this old man was just as arrogant as Professor Snape.

"As for Master Dumbledore, I can give him the Deathly Hallows without any restrictions because I trust him."

Andrew looked at Grindelwald and said slowly: "Even if he becomes the God of Death, he will not do anything to harm the world, but you, I don't believe it, so if you want to become the God of Death, you have to do one thing first. "

Grindelwald asked: "What is it?"

"Swear allegiance to me, and I will have the power to restrain you."

Andrew said that the God of Death actually also requires that the soul be intact and unfettered, but Andrew has a way to get around this - the rules of the underworld are not as complete as hell.

"There are very few people who dare to be loyal to me."

Grindelwald snorted coldly, and Dumbledore said: "The Dark Lord Voldemort, who is stronger than you, also swears allegiance to him. Grindelwald, Director of Skyward Sword, is the savior of all worlds, and his status is extremely honorable."

"Savior, are you telling the truth or lies? Why do I feel that this guy is more sinister than me?"

Grindelwald complained, and Wade flew past the window and shouted angrily: "Who do you think you are, worthy of comparing with my BOSS? My BOSS is the oldest silver coin in all the worlds."

Andrew's face is a little dark. Are you praising me or hurting me? However, before he could speak, Wade left after the Golden Snitch.

Andrew said with a smile on his face: "He is an enemy. As we all know, what the enemy says cannot be trusted."

"It's weird if you can't believe it."

Dumbledore and Grindelwald complained at the same time. Grindelwald hesitated for a moment, lowered his head and said, "I am willing to be loyal to you."

It was just a word, no big deal. He could always go back on his words when needed. After all, he was the Dark Lord.

When have you ever heard that the Dark Lord talks about his word?

"very good."

Sensing that Grindelwald's soul was in hand, Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Then, he drove the Deathly Hallows into Grindelwald's body and said, "Promote to the God of Death, Grindelwald."

With the help of the Deathly Hallows, Grindelwald entered the underworld. Unlike Andrew, he was conquered by the power of the underworld for the first time. He said: "I am willing to become the God of Death."

The next second, Grindelwald merged with the underworld, his body floated up, and a black-smelling death cloak appeared on his body. At the same time, a long death scythe appeared in his hand.

The cloak of Death is very large, so Grindelwald's face cannot be seen clearly, and only two glowing red dots can be faintly seen, which are the eyes of Death.

Grindelwald officially became the God of Death. Andrew nodded with satisfaction. His attempt to change the world was successful.


Dumbledore shouted tentatively. Grindelwald shook his head and said coldly: "There is no Grindelwald, only Death."

It was obvious that Grindelwald's ego had been eroded by death, Dumbledore sighed. However, his old friend had done evil all his life, and now he could contribute to the world, which was considered redemption.

"Do you know who your enemy is?"

Andrew asked, and Grindelwald, or the God of Death, replied: "It's those devils and devils. Although you are also an intruder, you are saving the world. I will not touch you."

"very good."

Andrew nodded, as long as he was not that stereotypical NPC, and said: "Death, according to my sense of the future, there is a devil lurking in Hamburg and Birmingham in Europe.

You go to Hamburg to deal with the devil, and I'll handle it in Birmingham. We must stop them before they succeed.

In addition, when necessary, you must rush to Tianzhu to collect souls as soon as possible. You cannot let the demon kings get too many souls, otherwise, the gate of hell will expand again, and in that case, the world will be in trouble. "


The God of Death nodded indifferently and disappeared, looking very clean and neat.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes. He always felt that Death glanced at him before leaving. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Does Grindelwald, an old friend, still have a self?

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