American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1489 Command

Dumbledore sighed, magicians are becoming more and more in decline, and there is nothing that can be done about it. People without qualifications cannot be magicians, and can only become squibs and Muggles.

"Don't worry, I've been trying to figure out a way to solve this problem, and it's almost done now."

Andrew suddenly said, Dumbledore was puzzled, what's the trouble?

"I'm talking about the trouble of the demon army."

Andrew said: "The gate of hell is opened by the enemy, so I cannot teleport my army in. I can only teleport a small number of strong people in. A large army is simply impossible.

From the beginning, I was trying to build my own Gate of Hell, and now, it has worked. "

Along with Andrew's voice, a space door opened, and then, an elegant, noble, impeccable, and perfect-looking woman came out, with a strange elf sword on her waist.

Although Dumbledore's eyes flashed with surprise and appreciation, he didn't show much else. After all, Englishmen have special hobbies.

The person who came was none other than the Queen of Elf Galadriel. She had come out of seclusion. She asked neatly: "What's going on now?"

Andrew explained the matter in the shortest words, and then he said: "In order to avoid any misunderstandings among people in this world, the demon army will no longer be used, and the mechanical army will be dispatched to deal with those demons and save the people.

Galadriel, you take command. If the mechanical army is not enough, I will think of another way. "

After speaking, Andrew handed an illusory door to Galadriel, which was the control center of all portals.

"My gate to hell? Don't the demon army need to move?"

Dumbledore frowned greatly. These two sentences represented a very terrible thing - Director Tianjian seemed to have a deep connection with hell.

Immediately, Dumbledore shook his head. No matter what the connection was, their world could only rely on Director Tianjian now, and he should not be a bad person. If he was a bad person, the world would have been over long ago.

"give it to me."

Galadriel didn't talk nonsense. She looked at the globe and opened portals one after another in big cities such as London and New York.

Then, rows of robots came out in neat lines, and then, under the control of the intelligent core, they flew into the sky, killing demons and saving people.

The remaining people looked at these robots and were stunned. What happened to this world? First there were demons, then magicians, and now there are robots? Is this still the world they know?

"Please don't waste time and seek refuge in a safe place as soon as possible."

A mechanical voice came from the robot's mouth, and the people reacted and ran away quickly. Some people turned around and shouted: "Thank you, Mr. Robot, although I don't know where you come from?"

"We are under the command of Director Tianjian. Director Tianjian is working hard to save the world. Please rest assured."

The robot replied that Andrew would never lag behind when it came to gaining reputation.

"Director Tianjian?"

Naturally, the people have never heard of this name, but there is no doubt that the other party is a big shot, a big shot who is working hard to save their world.

With the help of the robots, the demon's offensive slowed down. Upon seeing this, the demon kings immediately sent out more demons. Galadriel did not fall behind and kept dispatching troops.

As a result, the whole world became more chaotic, and there were wars everywhere, the war between the devil and the strong, the war between the demon army and the robot army.

The officials were extremely worried about this. The President of the United States said: "Forget about magicians. After all, we have known about their existence for a long time. Where did Director Tianjian come from? Also, he actually has so many robots? Could it be an alien? people?"

"This director of Tianjian is very suspicious."

A general said: "Mr. President, we can no longer hesitate. We should launch nuclear bombs immediately to eliminate all demons, magicians, and robots. If we delay any longer, the disaster may spread around the world.

Moreover, the earth is our human earth, not the devil's, nor the magician's, nor the alien's. "

The president hesitated, but at this moment, a voice sounded: "A bunch of idiots, now I take over your command system, and all your troops will be handed over to me.

By the way, Andrew is right. Your American military is either selling nuclear bombs or on the road to selling them. "

"Who is speaking?"

Everyone was startled. At this time, Galadriel's figure appeared on the TV screen in front of them, and at the same time, the locations and control programs of all nuclear bases appeared.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Galadriel said coldly: "Do you understand what I say?"

The president swallowed and asked, "Who are you? Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I am the savior, who else could it be?"

Galadriel said proudly, and the general on the side reprimanded: "Even if you are the savior, you cannot rob our army and nuclear weapons. You are committing a crime."

"I am informing you, not begging you. You should stay there honestly now and don't hold me back."

Galadriel snorted and used the command system to command all the American armies. The originally chaotic army immediately became orderly under her command.

Even better is that Galadriel has the ability to open portals, and soldiers are successfully sent to where they are needed to join the battle.

The firepower of the police is not enough to deal with the devil, but the firepower of the army is still enough, especially since many places have become "no man's land" and the soldiers can use some heavy firepower weapons.

Under the command of Galadriel, the situation quickly began to improve. Robots, magicians, and soldiers cooperated with each other to destroy demons and save people.

"This commanding art is simply like a god."

The general looked at the various data on the screen and was amazed. The other party not only mastered the god-like teleportation technique, but also had the god-like command ability. Even if the general was very dissatisfied with her snatching power, he had to say a word of admiration.

"It seems that this time we can only watch the battle."

The president decisively chose to give up. Others are much more capable than them. More importantly, they have nuclear weapons in their hands. What can they do if they don't give up?

"May God bless us."

Many people are shouting in their hearts that they are much more pious than before. On the one hand, this is a time of disaster. On the other hand, angels have appeared. Can God be far behind?

"The attack of the demon army has been blocked, and the speed of collecting souls has dropped significantly."

The three-tailed demon king said coldly, and Sithorn said: "This is normal. The mechanical demon king cannot ignore the demons. The three-tailed demon king will let the demon army under the nine-headed demon king launch an attack on the lazy demon king and his army, and try their best to Contain troops.

As for the soul, it's not a big problem. As long as our plan is completed, the soul is more than enough. "

Everyone nodded. The key now is whether their clones can succeed. Once successful, everything will be easy to say.

Sithorn thought of something and asked Death: "Where's that guy Wade, have you found the Machine Demon King? I'm not worried about the robot army. What I'm worried about is the Machine Demon King's next methods.

The mechanical demon king only sent out clones, and his true body never appeared, which made me very uneasy. "

Death contacted Wade and said: "Wade has found the Machine Demon King. When he finishes what he is doing, he will go and talk to the Machine Demon King immediately."

Sithorn frowned: "Is there anything more important now than finding the Machine Demon King?"

"Yes, Quidditch."

Death said with a dark face, and before anyone else could ask anything, he cursed at Wade.

"Death, stop scolding me. How could you come to the magical world and not play Quidditch? Wouldn't that mean you came here in vain?"

Wade shouted: "When I finish playing, I will go find the Machine Demon King immediately. Don't worry, it won't be too late. Anyway, you will lose."

Death was so angry that he almost rushed to the magic world to beat Wade. Are these human words? The others also had black streaks all over their heads. Sure enough, this guy should have been killed long ago.

Wade chuckled, decisively broke off contact with death, and continued to play Quidditch. What, how could he play alone?

Wade was of course not alone. He used his clone power to create a large number of clones and played with himself. He was seen riding a broomstick, chasing the golden snitch, and laughing: "I want to be the king of Quidditch." man."

Wade was so arrogant that it was difficult for people in the castle not to notice, and soon a teacher reported the matter to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was shocked. He hurriedly asked Andrew: "That person has appeared in London before and is very powerful. Director Tianjian, what should we do?"

"Don't worry, it's a small matter. Send your team to play a real Quidditch match with him."

Andrew casually said that Wade, the enemy, is the least to worry about, because he is not an enemy at all, he is just a funny character.

"Playing Quidditch?"

Dumbledore was a little dumbfounded. He asked suspiciously: "Director Tianjian, this is not the right time to joke."

"This time, I'm really not joking."

Andrew shouted outside: "Wade, seal your own strength and maintain it at a normal level. Someone will come to play Quidditch with you soon, a real Quidditch match.

In addition, I will sponsor you a Nimbus 2000, the kind dedicated to the protagonist. "


Wade was so happy that he immediately dispersed all the clones and landed on the ground. Then, while sealing his own strength, he shouted: "Thank you BOSS for the reward, thank you BOSS for helping me organize the game, I will not let BOSS down. "

"Okay, old magician, go ahead and make arrangements. By the way, those children are more nervous and worried at this time. You can let them watch the game and relieve their stress."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, don't worry about anything. That guy Wade won't hurt children for no reason, because he will lose his popularity."

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Then he went out to organize the Quidditch match. Wade was very excited. This trip was right. He wanted to find a good photographer to take pictures of his heroic appearance.

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