American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1451 Bribery

The Beetle Demon King is not rebellious. There is only one more Demon King on Andrew's side than on the Mummy Demon King's side. Moreover, the Mummy Demon King still has the power of the home field, coupled with the reinforcements from the Dark Lord's side, and the Three-tailed Demon King who may take action at any time, Andrew and the others It is difficult to take down the Mummy Demon King and the others.

"It seems difficult to you, but not to me."

Andrew smiled slightly and said: "No nonsense, in short, you do as I say, and I will take down the Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King."

"You are the BOSS, you have the final say."

The Beetle Demon King nodded, and then, with the help of Andrew, he returned to the small castle in the Mummy Demon King's territory.

"Hey, who would have thought that while drinking wine, eating meat, and counting treasures, in the blink of an eye, he would become someone else's subordinate."

The Beetle Demon King shook his head. Since it is already a fact, there is no need to be more melancholy. The next thing to do is to be a good undercover agent. Well, to be precise, it is a double undercover agent. He is an undercover agent on the side of the Three-tailed Demon King and also on The Dark Lord is working as an undercover agent.

This kind of undercover is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may be in catastrophe, but the Beetle Demon is very excited.

On the one hand, being a double undercover means double income and double happiness. On the other hand, this feeling of dancing on a sharp knife is really wonderful.

The Beetle Demon King is not only greedy, but also loves excitement. He is a natural material for being an undercover agent.

At this moment, the Beetle Demon King sensed something vibrating in the sealed bag. He took it out and saw that it was a stone given by the Three-tailed Demon King. The Three-tailed Demon King had previously persuaded the Beetle Demon King to join the alliance and gave him some benefits and tokens.

"Here comes the life, or in other words, comes the money."

The Beetle Demon King chuckled and asked lazily: "Three-tailed Demon King, what do you want from me?"

The figure of the Three-tailed Demon King emerged from the stone. He didn't waste any words and asked straight to the point: "Beetle Demon King, do you want to join the Dark Lord?"

"It seems that you have a good relationship with the Mummy Demon King, or the Mist Demon King. I guess it's probably the Mist Demon King. The Mummy Demon King doesn't have such a good mind."

The Beetle Demon King smiled and said, this three-tailed demon king should not be underestimated. No wonder the BOSS wants him to be an undercover agent.

"I have what the Mist Demon King wants, so he gave me information in equal exchange. Although he seems to look down on me, he will not refuse the benefits."

Having said this, the three-tailed demon couldn't help but sigh. This failure caused his prestige to plummet. Even the mere mist demon dared to look down on him.

The Beetle Demon King asked: "Are you looking for me just to complain?"

"of course not."

The Three-Tailed Demon King said: "Beetle Demon King, I want to completely bribe you and make you my ally. What do I need?"

"Completely bribed?"

The words spoken by the three-tailed demon reminded the beetle demon of Andrew's words before, and he subconsciously became more vigilant. The more benefits, the more dangers. He had not realized this before, so he was tricked by the mechanical demon.

The Beetle Demon King thought for a while and said: "If you want to completely bribe me, it's very simple. Give me a divine weapon or the corpse of the Demon King, and I will completely surrender to you.

Three-tailed Demon King, don't be too high-minded. In your current situation, if there are not enough benefits, why should I risk my life to seek refuge with you?

I took refuge in the Dark Lord, not only because of profit, but also because he is powerful enough. "

"The price is too high, I can't possibly give you the artifact."

The three-tailed demon king shook his head and said: "However, I can give you a bottle of blood, a bottle of blood that can greatly increase your strength."

The Beetle Demon King asked suspiciously: "What kind of blood can greatly increase my strength?"

The three-tailed demon king took out a bottle filled with green blood. The bottle was covered with dense runes, and it was obvious at first glance that it was very high-end.

"This is the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King."

The Three-Tailed Demon King said: "It contains the original power of the Wood Dragon Demon King. If you devour it, you can evolve into an insect dragon. Its value to you is much greater than an artifact."

"The blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King?"

The Beetle Demon was stunned, and he asked: "Wait a minute, has there ever been a Wood Dragon Demon in our hell? Why don't I remember? I only remember that there was a Black Dragon Demon, and he went to challenge the monster of the Power Demon.

Then, He was roasted and eaten by the Power Demon King. He heard that the great tonic was also eaten. Therefore, the Power Demon King went to find the Succubus Queen, and the surrounding mountains were flattened. "

The three-tailed demon king was speechless. As a demon king, is it really okay for you to be so gossipy?

"This bottle of blood from the Wood Dragon Demon King comes from other worlds. Don't worry, I can take out a drop for you to verify first."

The Three-Tailed Demon King said: "As long as you are willing to sign a contract and become my ally, this bottle of the Wood Dragon Demon King's blood will be yours."

Demon king contracts are unreliable most of the time because the demon kings are unwilling to sign harsh contracts. They will choose more liberal terms so that they can perform better and obtain greater benefits.

If it is a very strict contract, it would be difficult for even the Demon King to break it. However, the Three-tailed Demon King is a demon, the Lord of Hell. He has personally drawn up a strict contract, and there is no way that the Beetle Demon King can break it.

Therefore, the Three-tailed Demon King took out the precious blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King and lured the Beetle Demon King into becoming a true ally.

In order to let the three-tailed demon king win, the devil is now spending all his money and moving all kinds of good things out. There is no other way, and he has paid too much, and the devil can no longer fail.

"Why do you have to bribe me instead of giving me money once for each task like before?"

The Beetle Demon asked curiously: "Three-tailed Demon, what exactly do you want from me?"

"It's simple. Be an undercover agent."

The Three-Tailed Demon King said: "Go to the Dark Lord as an undercover agent and let him deal with the Machine Demon King with all his strength. If the Dark Lord is defeated, notify me in time and find a way for him to join forces with me."

The Three-Tailed Demon King has not fully recovered yet. In order to prevent the Mechanical Demon King from expanding too quickly, someone must be found to contain him.

The Three-Tailed Demon King was still thinking about who to look for when the Dark Lord himself appeared. In this case, he would certainly not be polite. This would also reduce the Dark Lord's strength.

In this battle for the Lord of Hell, the only ones who are qualified to become the Lord of Hell are the Three-tailed Demon King and the Mechanical Demon King. There are only the Power Demon King, the Dark Demon King and the Fallen Angel Demon King. Of course, the Three-tailed Demon King must prepare for a rainy day.

In order to control the situation, to prevent the Dark Lord from underestimating his enemy, and to plan for the future, an undercover agent must be placed beside the Dark Lord.

This is the reason why the Three-tailed Demon King offered such good conditions to the Beetle Demon King. If it weren't for the special circumstances, the Three-tailed Demon King would never take out the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King.

"It turns out that I am an undercover agent again. Is my face suitable for being an undercover agent?"

The Beetle Demon King secretly complained. He thought about it and said, "First give me a drop of the Wood Dragon Demon King's blood and let me check it."


The three-tailed demon king had no objection. Soon, a drop of blood containing huge life energy seeped out of the stone.

The Beetle Demon King was surprised and amazed. Hell creatures are known for chaos and destruction, but they could actually give birth to a Demon King with such surging vitality? It's a miracle.

"This blood will allow me to complete my transformation."

The Beetle Demon King checked carefully and found that the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King was what he needed. He nodded secretly, and then contacted Andrew through the brand in his soul.

This method of contact might be discovered if the three-tailed demon king was present, but he is just a phantom now and cannot be discovered at all.

Andrew smiled and asked: "You really want the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King?"

"I want it, but I'm worried about the constraints of the contract."

The Beetle Demon King nodded and said: "The blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King can greatly increase my strength, but if nothing else happens, the three-tailed demon king's contract will be stricter, not a loose alliance contract."

"Promise Him."

Andrew said: "You are not the Beetle Demon King. What are you afraid of? If something happens, let the Three-tailed Demon King go to the Beetle Demon King to discuss it. What does the matter of the Beetle Demon King have to do with you, the Greedy Demon King?"

The nature of the Beetle Demon King has changed. He is no longer the Beetle Demon King, but the Greed Demon King. In fact, even his real name, which is placed in the depths of hell, has changed to a certain extent.

"Well, you can't hide this from the three-tailed devil, right?"

The Beetle Demon King asked in astonishment. Signing a contract is not as simple as signing a name. Both parties must verify the original aura.

"Of course it's not that simple."

Andrew smiled and said: "I will pass on a magic power to you, and you mix this magic power with your original blood, so that the person who signs the contract will become your blood.

After that, if you incorporate this drop of blood into your body, even the three-tailed demon king won't be able to find anything. "

"That's good."

Naturally, the Beetle Demon King trusted Andrew very much and did as he was told. Then, the Three-tailed Demon King of the Beetle Demon Dynasty said: "I really want the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King, so I am willing to risk a fight with you.

However, the contract must stipulate that there is no problem with the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King. This is the money for my life, so there can be no problems. "


The Three-Tailed Demon King smiled and said that he had no intention of tampering with the blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King, because there was no need for it. The blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King itself had its own tricks.

The blood of the Wood Dragon Demon King comes from the hell in Van Helsing's world. As the Lord of Hell, the demon is born with the ability to suppress this blood.

Once the Beetle Demon King fuses this blood, he will not be able to exert even 50% of his power when facing the Three-tailed Demon King. Coupled with the constraints of the contract, it is enough to reassure the Three-tailed Demon King.

"In that case, let's sign a contract."

The Beetle Demon King said, and the Three-tailed Demon King nodded and drew up a contract. Then, the two Demon Kings discussed for more than an hour before completely finalizing the contents of the contract.

You have to be so cautious. After all, this is a devil's contract. Don't say any sentences, even the pattern may have problems. Just in case, every detail must be clarified, otherwise, in the end, you may suffer a loss.

Business with peers is definitely the most difficult thing to do.

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