American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1450 The Demon King of Greed

"Masters are really lonely."

Andrew was humming while waiting for the Beetle Demon King's performance to end. It was quite interesting for a Demon King to perform his head burrowing into the ground in front of him.

"how so?"

Seeing that he could not break through the barrier of the world, the Beetle Demon King was a little doubtful about life. Could this be a barrier in the universe? Otherwise, how could it be so strong?

Even if it is the barrier between hell and the world, if you drill like this, you will have already broken through it, right? You know, you have paid a lot of treasure.

Thinking of those treasures, the Beetle Demon King felt distressed. He gritted his teeth and continued to use magic. The reason was very simple. If he didn't continue, all the previous treasures would be lost in vain.

Next, in addition to continuing to drill fiercely, the Beetle Demon King also tried various powerful magics such as the Insect King Cannon and Space Fragmentation. Unfortunately, it was completely useless. The world's barriers were so strong that it made people want to hit him to death.

Finally, the Beetle Demon had to stop and turn his target to the Mechanical Demon. Before, he had been dealing with the world barrier because he felt that the world barrier was easier to deal with than the Mechanical Demon.

Moreover, as long as you leave here, you can call people to attack the Mechanical Demon King. This is much more cost-effective and safer than fighting the Mechanical Demon King yourself.

Now that we know that the world's barriers cannot be penetrated, we can only change the direction and deal with the Machine Demon King first. He, the Beetle Demon King, is not an ordinary person. Of course, if you really can't defeat him, then surrender.

"Mechanical Demon King, let me see, what are your abilities, dare you to get involved in the position of the Lord of Hell?"

The Beetle Demon shouted, and Andrew said: "Sorry, I have no interest in attacking you, you are too weak."

"Do you think I will stop if you are not interested?"

The Beetle Demon turned into a drill again and drilled towards Andrew at full speed. At this moment, a light lit up in front of Andrew, and a large amount of data formed a huge metal barrel.

Then, the gun barrel was aimed at the Beetle Demon King, and the depth became brighter and brighter. The Beetle Demon King's expression changed drastically, it was so big, no, isn't this his Insect King Cannon?

The Beetle Demon King immediately wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, the surrounding space was completely solidified. It was a complete solidification. Even a being like the Beetle Demon King found it difficult to move.

Before the Beetle Demon King could get away, the Insect King Cannon was fired, and the power that destroyed the world broke through the blockade of space and hit the Beetle Demon King hard. The Beetle Demon King screamed and flew backwards, hitting the world barrier hard, and his whole body was shattered. Not far from death.

"I said, there is no need for me to take action."

Andrew spread his hands, walked up to the Beetle Demon King, and asked, "Is he dead? He didn't make a sound."


The Beetle Demon King did have a sense of humor. He said weakly: "You won't kill me because you need me. I surrender and sign a covenant with you. However, I want to know what happened just now?

The World Barrier has no absorption function, I am sure of this. If I noticed that it was absorbing my energy, I would not keep attacking. "

Andrew asked: "Have you ever considered the possibility that it is not the barrier that is absorbing your power, but the world that is absorbing your power?"

"The world is absorbing my power?"

The Beetle Demon King was stunned, and he said: "In other words, in this world, any energy you use will be absorbed by the world and become your energy?"

"Almost, this is the game battle space I designed. If you want to defeat me in this space, you must do it in the first three minutes. The longer the time drags on, the greater my chance of winning."

Andrew said: "By the way, three minutes refers to attacking me directly. Someone like you who foolishly attacks the world's barriers and sends me energy can be sentenced to death in one minute."

"Cleverness leads to mistakes."

The Beetle Demon King smiled bitterly. If he attacked Andrew directly, he might still have a chance of survival. Unfortunately, he was frightened by the strength of the Mechanical Demon King and chose to attack the world barrier to escape, and then, uh, nothing happened after that.

"Sign the contract. The terms are easy to negotiate. After all, I am a loser."

The Beetle Demon King said that as a smart person, he has to admit when he loses. He knows this truth very well.

"I have never believed in contracts. I will take you to a good place."

Andrew smiled slightly, picked up a broken shell dropped by the Beetle Demon, and threw it into the small castle outside. The broken shell quickly grew in size and turned into the shape of the Beetle Demon.

Then, Andrew grabbed the remains of the Beetle Demon King and, through the cover of the game space, teleported to the underground of the Lazy Demon King's castle, where the Seven Deadly Sins magic circle was located.

The Demon King of Sloth, Demon King of Gluttony and Beelzebub who were summoned by Andrew were very surprised when they saw the Demon King of Beetle. The BOSS actually captured the Demon King of Beetle from the enemy castle?

"This fighting power is by no means inferior to that monster of the Power Demon King."

Beelzebub nodded, becoming more and more confident about the future. The Beetle Demon King looked at the three demon kings and the magic circle, and suddenly felt a little creepy. He asked: "Mechanical Demon King, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Let you be one of my own, Beetle Demon King. You have made a lot of money. From now on, you can walk around in hell."

Andrew said, just as the Beetle Demon was about to say something, the Gluttonous Demon drooled and said, "BOSS, his body is useless anyway, can you let me eat it?"

"have eaten?"

The Beetle Demon looked at the Gluttony Demon in horror. Could this be some kind of feast of sharing? There is also a person painting next to you, the kind that has been passed down through the ages?

"You are overthinking. Without a huge supply of magic power, it is impossible to complete the transformation."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Gluttony Demon King, please bear with me. There are also Mummy Demon King and Mist Demon King. In three days, we will launch a decisive battle. By then, except the Beetle Demon King, the other two demon kings will die."

"Then I'll just endure it."

Gluttony Demon King said disappointedly, what did he think of, glanced at Beetle Demon King, and then shook his head. Beetle Demon King is so greedy, he definitely cannot have the backbone, there is no need to provoke him.

"Let's get started. If it takes too long, it's easy for people to find out the clues."

Andrew threw the Beetle Demon King into the middle of the magic circle and said to everyone. The three demon kings nodded in unison and injected magic power into the magic circle. The magic circle quickly lit up with dazzling light.

Compared to the last time, this time it was much easier because there were more people.

"Can you explain to me first what kind of magic circle this is? I won't resist. I have surrendered. I just want to be mentally prepared."

The Beetle Demon King shouted, "It's a pity that no one paid attention to him. Soon, his body and soul disappeared one after another. He begged for mercy again and again in fear. He didn't want to die. He still had a lot of wonderful years to spend."

In this case, Andrew easily imprinted his mark on the soul origin of the Beetle Demon King. Then, the magic circle was reversed, and the soul and body of the Beetle Demon King were quickly constructed.

Half an hour later, the Beetle Demon officially became the new Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Greed Demon.

The Beetle Demon felt the familiar yet unfamiliar magic power in his body. He was stunned and asked Andrew: "Mechanical Demon, BOSS, do you want to collect the seven deadly sins?"

"That's right, there are only three left now. When you get them together, you will sweep through hell."

Andrew said: "Whether the enemy is one or a group, you will all go up together, no one is your opponent.

By then, I will have the position of Lord of Hell at my fingertips. Beetle Demon King, I will not directly manage hell. In the future, hell will be managed by your seven deadly sins. "

"In other words, as long as you become the Lord of Hell, I will become the manager of Hell?"

The Beetle Demon King asked with bright eyes: "Wow, in that case, how much treasure can I covet?"

Everyone looked at the Beetle Demon King speechlessly. Before he took office, are you thinking about being greedy? If this person really takes office, won't the sky in hell be three feet higher?

"No wonder this guy can become the Demon King of Greed. With this greed, if he doesn't become the Demon King of Greed, who will?"

Beelzebub secretly complained, of course, it is a good thing to have one more Seven Deadly Sins, but now there are only the last three left. Once they are gathered together, it will be time for them to shock hell.

"Alright, Beetle Demon King, quickly familiarize yourself with the new Demon King's power, and then return to the Mummy Demon King's castle as an undercover agent."

Andrew said: "The new magic power is somewhat different from your original magic power. Fortunately, I still have some of your remains over there. After you absorb it, you can use the original magic power."

"no problem."

The Beetle Demon King said loyally: "BOSS, don't worry, I promise to be an undercover agent and dedicate all my strength to you becoming the Lord of Hell."

Only when Andrew becomes the Lord of Hell can he do whatever he wants in Hell. Therefore, although he regrets losing his freedom, the Beetle Demon King has no resentment. After all, this is a road to heaven.

Of course, if Andrew fails, it will be another matter. The devil of hell will not surrender to a loser.

The Demon King of Sloth glanced at Beelzebub, and his meaning was very clear: Look at others, and then look at you? Learn more and have a higher level of awareness.

Beelzebub rolled his eyes. Who am I? How could I be as shameless as the Beetle Demon King?

Then, the Beetle Demon King continued: "BOSS, is the next plan for me to be an undercover agent and lead you into the Mummy Castle, and then the five of us will join forces to kill the Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King?

The five of us join forces, and even if the Mummy Demon Kings have the home field advantage, they will never be our opponents.

As for the Dark Lord, if I don't inform him, he won't know that things have changed at all, and he will just wait there stupidly for my news. "

"It's so easy."

Andrew shook his head and said: "I want to kill the Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King, but you must take this opportunity to join the camp of the Three-tailed Demon King or the Dark Demon King. They are our opponents."

"In other words, you want me to be a long-term undercover?"

The Beetle Demon was stunned, and then said: "BOSS, I have no problem. Anyway, the Three-tailed Demon and the Dark Demon can't see through me. I'm too proficient in speaking human language to people and devil language to demons.

The problem is, if I want to be an undercover agent, I have to inform the Mirror Demon King. In that case, you may not be able to take down the Mummy Demon King and the others. "

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