American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1448 Beetle Demon King

"Who says it isn't?"

The Beetle Demon sighed. Everyone wants to be a theatergoer, but the reality is cruel. Sometimes, you have to go on stage and sing for others.

"I know what you are saying. I came to you to ask you to find a solution, not to complain."

The Mummy Demon King said impatiently, and the Mist Demon King snorted coldly: "Besides confronting the Lazy Demon King head-on, is there any other way?

Of course, giving up the territory and running away is also an option, but who wants to become a wandering devil? Not to mention, now is a time of great strife, and the wandering demon king is destined to be eliminated by other demon kings first. "

The Mummy Demon King was very irritated when he heard this, but he could not refute the Mist Demon King. At this moment, the Beetle Demon King said: "There may not be any way, we can find a powerful Demon King to form an alliance, and then the current dilemma will not matter at all.

Of course, doing so is not without cost. We will lose the possibility of competing for the position of the Lord of Hell. Moreover, if we have to fight for other people's great causes, of course, the other party will give us certain benefits. "

"You don't want us to surrender to the Three-Tailed Demon King, do you?"

The Mummy Demon King sneered: "That loser who was beaten by the Lazy Demon King with only a glimmer of consciousness left? He wants to lead us, I don't know."

The Mist Demon King nodded with deep understanding. Hell will always be about the jungle. If it were the three-tailed demon king in the past, they might consider it, but the current three-tailed demon king is nothing.

This is also an important reason why the projection of the three-tailed devil keeps lobbying that there are still only three mummies. The three-tailed devil has lost the respect of other devils for him.

"Of course not that trash."

The Beetle Demon King smiled and said: "You should know which three are the top three demon kings in hell, right?"

"of course I know."

The Mummy Demon King nodded and said: "The number one ranking is the Power Demon King. He is a super demon king whose brains are all muscles. He is very powerful and even has a glorious record of defeating three demon kings with one against three.

Fortunately, He is not very smart and does not like to form cliques. He has always been a loner. Otherwise, He might have become the Lord of Hell. "

The other two demon kings nodded at the same time. Even they must be in awe of the strength of the power demon king.

The Mist Demon King said: "The problem is that the Power Demon King never accepts his subordinates. Even if we want to take refuge, he will not pay attention to us, right?"

The Beetle Demon smiled and said: "No hurry, Mummy Demon, you can continue to introduce the remaining two."

The Mummy Demon King glanced at the Beetle Demon King and continued: "The next two, both claim to be second. As for who is the second, no one knows. They have fought against each other secretly many times, but outsiders do not know the details. Condition.

One of them is the Dark Lord, who controls the power of darkness that can devour everything. He has two Devil Lords as allies. They have a vast territory and are very powerful in terms of personal strength and overall power.

The other is the Fallen Angel Demon King, who is descended from an angel, but no one knows which angel it is. He has a legion of fallen angels that are powerful in hell. However, they are relatively exclusive, and the status of the demons under their command is very low. "

After saying that, the Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King both looked at the Beetle Demon King, waiting for his words.

The Beetle Demon King smiled and said: "What I just said is the Dark Lord. He sent people to communicate with me. As long as we are willing to join his alliance, he will lead an army to help us get rid of the Lazy Demon King and them.

Of course, after that, we have to help the Dark Lord fight, but we are only allies, not subordinates. Everyone knows this. "

"Are you taking refuge with the Dark Lord?"

The Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King were deep in thought. The Mummy Demon King said: "It seems that the Dark Lord feels threatened by the Sloth Demon Lord and others, otherwise he would not recruit us from such a distance."

"Yes, kill two birds with one stone. You can eliminate one potential opponent and gain three new allies."

The Mist Demon King said: "The question now is, should we agree? After agreeing, the position of the Lord of Hell will not be our turn, and we will have to fight for the Dark Lord in the future."

"Even if we don't surrender, is it really possible that the position of the Lord of Hell belongs to us?"

The Beetle Demon sneered and said: "Moreover, if the Dark Lord succeeds in being promoted to the Lord of Hell, then we can get a lot of benefits from him."

After a pause, the Beetle Demon King added: "Besides, the covenant is not 100% safe."

The Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King laughed at the same time. In hell, betrayal is too normal, and not betraying would be abnormal. The Mummy Demon King thought for a while and said: "Wait a moment, although we have suffered greater losses now, we are not in despair yet.

However, we can draw up a contract in advance. Once something unexpected happens, we can immediately sign a contract with the Dark Lord and let him come to save us as soon as possible. "

"That's a good idea."

The Beetle Demon King did not object, and the three demon kings made a plan. Andrew smiled: "Sure enough, the demon king cannot be underestimated. I thought that only after these three demon kings were solved, there would be a counterattack. Unexpectedly, the dark demon king noticed in advance This way."

What, how did Andrew know about this? Because a ray of his consciousness was at the scene, eavesdropping on the three demon kings.

With Andrew's ability, the three demon kings still couldn't find him.

"Okay, maybe we can take the opportunity to harvest a few more demon kings."

Andrew didn't pay much attention to this matter. When the three demon kings separated, his consciousness followed the beetle demon back to his small castle.

This time, the Beetle Demon and the Mist Demon came to support the Mummy Demon. The Mummy Demon specially built two small castles for them to show his sincerity - these two small castles have certain protective functions and are not just fake.

After the Beetle Demon King entered the small castle, he first enveloped the surrounding area with magic power. Then, he took out a small mirror from his arms and threw it forward.

The mirror quickly enlarged and floated in mid-air. Then, a human face appeared on the mirror, and He asked: "How is the Beetle Demon King?"

"The Mummy Demon King is going to take a look first, but he has already prepared a contract."

The Beetle Demon smiled and said: "Mirror Demon, as long as they enter a desperate situation, they will immediately take refuge in the Dark Lord, there is no doubt about it."

This mirror was separated from the Mirror Demon King, one of the two demon kings under the Dark Lord. In addition to being able to communicate, it also has some other functions, such as turning into a teleportation array.

"Very well, Beetle Demon King, don't worry, as long as everything goes well, I will give you everything I promised you."

The Mirror Demon nodded with satisfaction. He didn't care at all about the delay of the Mummy Demon and the others, because all demons were like this. If there was a choice, who would want to join someone else's team?

"Then I won't be polite."

The Beetle Demon said happily that the reason why he worked so hard was because the Mirror Demon promised to give him a lot of benefits.

The two demon kings discussed for a while, and the mirror shrank and fell into the hands of the beetle demon again. The beetle demon put it into a special sealed bag.

Then, the Beetle Demon King's heart moved, and there were densely packed treasures like mountains around him. He chuckled and started his daily routine: counting the treasures.

That's right, counting treasures, the Beetle Demon King likes to count the treasures and money he owns. Every time he counts one item, he smiles and feels extremely satisfied.

The Beetle Demon King is notoriously greedy and stingy among the demon kings. This is why the Mirror Demon King came to him. As long as it is beneficial, this guy is willing to do anything.

"Speaking of which, why are you, an insect, so greedy?"

Andrew asked with interest. The reason why he specifically found the Beetle Demon King was because this guy had the talent to become the Seven Deadly Sins.

There are not many demon kings with the talent of the Seven Deadly Sins. The Mountain Demon King, the Eight-Legged Demon King who were killed before, the Mummy Demon King who is about to be killed, and the Mist Demon King are not there.

"Why can't bugs be greedy? No, who is talking?"

The Beetle Demon King reacted. His first action was to put away all the treasures. His second action was to look in the direction of the sound and saw a human-looking man standing there leisurely.

"Are you the mechanical demon king mentioned by the three-tailed demon king?"

The Beetle Demon King thought for a while and asked vigilantly. This guy was as scary as the Three-tailed Demon King said. He sneaked into him silently and he didn't notice it at all.

Currently, Andrew's hell force is officially the Sloth Demon King. Only people related to the Three-tailed Demon King know that behind the Sloth Demon King stands an invincible Mechanical Demon King.

"The Three-Tailed Demon King told you about me?"

Andrew smiled and said, "It seems that you have also accepted a gift from the Three-Tailed Demon King. Does this count as a tea ceremony for two families?"

"So what? Whoever has the money, I will work for. It's fair and fair."

The Beetle Demon snorted coldly, and said, "Mechanical Demon, you are so brave, sneaking into the Mummy Demon's castle alone, and then appearing openly in front of me?

Do you think you can be like the Demon King of Power? One Demon King can challenge three Demon Kings? "

"How can I be the same as the Power Demon? I usually fight ten."

Andrew smiled and said: "These days, if you can't even fight ten, how can you have the nerve to go out?"

"Fight ten demon kings?" The Beetle Demon King sneered: "Mechanical Demon King, are you clear in your head?"


Andrew shrugged and said: "Let's get to the point, Beetle Demon, how much does it cost to bribe you to work for me? Deal with the Mummy Demon and the Mist Demon for me, and guarantee that the Dark Lord will not have time to rescue them."

"Did you hear our previous conversation?"

The Beetle Demon King became more and more surprised. This Mechanical Demon King was not so scary. Then he became excited. This was a big deal.

However, the Beetle Demon King thought for a while and sighed: "This deal cannot be done. Once the Mummy Demon King and the Mist Demon King are defeated, the army of the Sloth Demon King will definitely attack my territory.

When the time comes, I will spit out all the benefits I have gained from you, and I may even perish.

Mechanical Demon King, I'm sorry, I don't do this business. "

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