American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1447 World Fragments

"I knew there was a dark side within me, which was arrogance and a desire for power."

Regarding Andrew's words, Galadriel did not deny it. She said proudly: "But I am confident that I can defeat them. This is one of the reasons why I want to come to hell. If I don't defeat myself, how can I complete the transformation?"

"It's best if you have confidence, and I will support you."

Andrew smiled and said: "Speaking of which, your fall is not entirely a bad thing. You are very suitable for the arrogance among the seven deadly sins."

"Besides, you like it very much, don't you?"

Galadriel snorted, and Andrew laughed: "Those who know me, Galadriel, how about getting a new skin tonight?"


Galadriel rolled her eyes at Andrew. She looked at the battlefield and said, "This stalemate is too ugly. I want to break the stalemate as soon as possible and kill the three demon kings on the opposite side."

At present, the Mummy Demon King has only recruited two demon kings as helpers. It is three to three with the Lazy Demon King, which is considered a draw. The other demon kings choose to wait and see for the time being, and they have their own battles to fight.

The current hell can be said to be a mess, and there will always be wars.

"That's exactly what I was hoping for."

Andrew nodded and said: "I want to capture all three demon kings, and in a short time, otherwise, the three-tailed demon king will definitely attract more demon kings to join their alliance, which will be troublesome.

However, after taking care of these three demon kings, we will become the public enemies of the demon kings. When the time comes, there will be a major counterattack, and we must be prepared first. "

"You have a strong sense of the overall situation. No wonder you were mixed in among several women and your true identity was not discovered by them at all."

Galadriel snorted, and Andrew complained: "In such a serious war, you actually changed the topic to jealousy? Elf Queen, are you worthy of those desperate soldiers?"

"You have the nerve to say this to me after so many soldiers are used as your shield?"

Galadriel smiled disdainfully and said: "I won't talk nonsense to you. I can use magic to defeat these armies in a short time, but the three demon kings want to eat them all in a short time. easy.

Other demon kings, including the three-tailed demon king you mentioned, will probably stop them if they see something is wrong. "

It is really not difficult to deal with these armies. Not to mention magic, just technology will do - throw nuclear bombs. No one in hell cares about nuclear radiation anyway. In fact, hell can digest nuclear radiation.

The real problem is the three demon kings. Andrew said: "Don't worry, I have already prepared. You are responsible for destroying the demon army, and I am responsible for destroying them.

In addition, I will give you a chance to challenge the Demon King. As for whether you can defeat the opponent, it is up to you. "

"Now that you are sure, it will be easy to handle."

Galadriel said: "Give me three days. I will prepare magic and tactics to destroy this demon army. I will leave the rest to you."

"Three days are enough for me to prepare."

Andrew had no objection, and the two made a plan. Galadriel stepped onto the command platform and officially began to command the army.

Andrew thought about it and didn't rush to do anything. Instead, he went back to New York to find Ganata.

Ganata was easy to find because she was determined to eat in the restaurant. This was also the case. She had been fighting in hell for several months without eating a good meal. During this time, she ate like crazy in New York, leaving her with a big urban stomach. The terrifying legend of the king.

Ganata was showing off lobsters at a seafood restaurant when she suddenly saw Andrew walking in. She was shocked and ate lobster meat while shouting: "My vacation is not over yet, don't come to me, I don't know you."

"Are you sure? Don't forget one thing. You can eat and drink as much as you want now. I am paying for it."

Andrew sat unceremoniously in front of Ganata. He took one look at the lobster and felt a little tired of it. With a move of his hand, a long crab leg flew into his bowl. He touched it lightly and all the shells disappeared. , leaving only the crab meat.

"I said, is this how magic works?"

Ganata complained: "Also, although you are the one paying, this is the salary you gave me. In other words, you are actually using my money to help me pay."

"I've made some progress. As for how to use magic, of course I can use it however I like."

Andrew picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the crab meat, and said disgustedly: "It's not a live crab, it's a frozen crab. It tastes very bad."

Although he said this, Andrew continued to eat crab meat. After all, it could not be wasted. After finishing eating, he took a glowing crab from the food world and continued to eat.

"It's a buffet, how much can you ask for? Just be satisfied."

Ganata said nonchalantly: "Why do you want to ask me for anything? Let's agree first, don't ask me for anything that has nothing to do with food. As for the war, I still have more than half a month of vacation."

"What a coincidence, it really has something to do with eating."

Andrew smiled and said, "Didn't I say last time that I would find a small world for you to swallow the fragments? I've found a good place, and you come with me."

"World fragments?"

Ganata was stunned. She looked at the table full of lobsters and asked, "Can we go after eating?"

"Of course. It's a buffet. Of course you have to eat before leaving. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss?"

Andrew smiled and said, of course, this was just a joke. With Ganata’s appetite, if she really paid according to ordinary people’s standards, the buffet owner would be ready to close down.

"I never lose money when I eat at a buffet. The best invention of mankind is the buffet."

Ganata said happily, and after she had cleared away most of the food in the restaurant, Andrew took her into the board game and came to a void.

Ganata asked in astonishment: "Where is this? Is there such a place in a board game?"

"Board games have several worlds, and these worlds are not connected but exist independently."

Andrew said: "The void we are in is outside the world. Ganata, please concentrate on the surroundings."

After hearing this, Ganata closed her eyes and concentrated on the surroundings. After a moment, she said: "There is nothing around? There is no substance, and even the rules are incomplete. It is empty, like a semi-chaotic land."

"No, there's something here."

Andrew said: "Use your devouring instinct to sense. You are a hunter and now you have to sense the prey."

"Devouring instinct?"

Ganata was stunned for a moment, and then she sensed it again. This time, she seemed to sense something, and she didn't speak for a while. After a while, she pointed forward in surprise and said, "I sensed food at that location."

Andrew took Ganata to that location. Ganata found a glowing fragment with light spots dissipating on it. In the fragment, a barren desert could be vaguely seen.

Ganata was stunned: "Is this a fragment of the world?"

"Yes, I won't go into details about the origin of the board game. It originally had many worlds, but as time went by, some worlds were destroyed for one reason or another."

Andrew nodded and said: "Those destroyed worlds left many world fragments, and these world fragments will gradually dissipate, or, in other words, merge into the void.

When enough fragments are integrated, a new world will be born in the void. This is a cycle. Well, I won't go into details about this. In short, there are many world fragments in this void.

Ganata, if you can't swallow the complete world, then swallow these world fragments first. I believe that after swallowing these world fragments, you will make great progress, and even break through to the level of Heavenly Father God. "

"let me try."

Ganata didn't object. She said, "But can you try again in a month? I'm still on vacation."

Andrew smiled slightly and disappeared, leaving only his words: "I will pick you up in a month. During this period, you can do whatever you want."

"I can do whatever I want? In such a ghost place, what else can I do besides swallowing the fragments of the world?"

Ganata complained, she sighed helplessly and began to study the fragments of the world before standing up.

Although she is a little dissatisfied, to be honest, Ganata is not very resistant to this, because swallowing the world is also good for her body. When the bet is over, her body can use this ability to solve the food problem and become stronger. .

"Then let's get started. When I become stronger, I will beat that bastard Andrew into a pig's head."

Ganata waved her fist and began to think of ways to devour the fragments of the world in front of her. This was not an easy task. After all, it was still a fragment of the world.

However, Andrew has confidence in Ganata. After all, she is the daughter of Galactus. In the future, she will grow into a terrifying existence that devours planets and planes.

"Ganata, Van Helsing, Lord Bowser, and Galadriel, these are all partners who will fight together in the future. As for others, such as Annie and Peter, they are still far behind and may not be able to catch up."

Andrew shook his head and headed back to hell. Now, he had three demon kings in hand. When entering hell, he no longer needed to be as cautious as before. The auras of the three demon kings would cover up his existence.

When Andrew returns to hell this time, his target is not the Demon King of Sloth, but the three Demon Kings of Mummy.

In the Mummy Territory, the Mummy Demon King with bandages all over his body said to the other two Demon Kings: "Continuing this stalemate is not an option. Our army is dying in large numbers every moment. We should go find other Demon Kings and recruit them to deal with the Lazy Demon King. .”

"I know this kind of thing without you having to tell me. The problem is that the demon kings around us are either fighting their own battles or observing the situation, and will not come to help us at all."

The beetle demon king, who was covered in carapace, shook his head and said: "Three against three, this is the tacit understanding of the other demon kings."

"What kind of tacit understanding? You don't want us to fight with the Lazy Demon King so that both sides will suffer, and then they will take advantage of it."

The Mist Demon King, whose whole body was covered in mist, sneered: "Of course, I would do the same thing if it were me. If our territories weren't too close, I wouldn't have sent troops so quickly."

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