American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1412 Experience

"Damn it, such a majestic demon king actually attacked in person?"

Saruman was frightened and angry, and used magic to change places with Aragorn. The mountain devil sneered, and his majestic fist distorted the surrounding space, making it impossible for Aragorn to be moved away.

"A mere human being dares to interfere with our war in hell. Let him die."

The Mountain Demon King looked ferocious. At this moment, 'Aragorn' suddenly dwarfed and struck the Mountain Demon King in the chest with a shocking punch. The Mountain Demon King immediately screamed and flew backwards, sliding crazily on the ground, leaving a deep streak behind. Deep ravine.

The Mountain Demon King used his hand as a brake and stopped quickly. He raised his head angrily and saw 'Aragorn' turning into a girl who looked almost sixteen years old.

The girl jumped up high and kicked the Mountain Demon King from the air. At the same time, she cursed with an unhappy face: "It's you bastards who prevent me from eating well and have to come to hell to fight. You really deserve to die."

This girl is naturally Ganata. Before, Andrew took her out of the food world and asked her to come to hell to experience it.

"Hell? I won't go there. The smell of sulfur is everywhere there, which affects eating."

Ganata shook her head repeatedly: "Moreover, demon meat is not delicious and is filled with the aura of chaos and evil. If you eat too much, it will be corroded and corrupted."

"Ganata, your power is to increase your strength through eating. The stronger the energy of the food, the more it increases. The delicious food does not affect the increase in strength, it is just delicious."

Andrew said: “As a result, our progress in recent years has not been rapid, and it can even be said that we have fallen behind.

Letting you go to hell is not a request, but a requirement. You must become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise, you will not even be qualified to participate in the final battle and will be just a cannon fodder. "

"Cannon fodder is cannon fodder, I have already lost anyway."

Ganata said indifferently, and Andrew's face darkened, and he said: "But I haven't lost. Go to hell quickly, otherwise, don't even think about entering the world of food again. I won't even let you eat food from the earth."

Ganata wanted to say something else, but was taken directly to hell by Andrew and handed over to Aragorn.

After Aragorn learned about Ganata's strength, he directly asked her to play himself as bait. As a shrewd commander, how could he not guess that the other party would use decapitation tactics?

"Little girl, you are very arrogant."

Facing Ganata's attack, the Mountain Demon King turned around to avoid it. Ganata hit the ground with a kick, causing a large pit to sink into the ground.

Before Ganata could do anything else, a giant stone hand emerged from the ground and slapped her hard. The Mountain Demon King naturally has the ability to control the soil.

Ganata cursed, and a row of purple floating cannons appeared around her, firing energy cannons continuously. Boom boom boom, the giant hand was shattered on the spot, and a large number of rocks crackled down.

"Who is this girl? She is quite strong?"

A girl suddenly appeared. The three-tailed devil was a little surprised and asked Sithorn.

"It's another god, our fellow countryman."

Sithorn said that he felt a little headache because they couldn't let this girl die - they had done something to Ganata's body and would use Ganata to sneak attack Andrew in the future.

"Ganata's strength is a bit low. We have to find a way to make her stronger. Otherwise, she may not be useful."

Death said: "The Machine Demon King asked her to come to hell, probably because he wanted to train her."

Sithorn nodded in agreement: "It is true that she should be made stronger, but this must be done slowly and not in a hurry. It would be bad if the Machine Demon King discovers any clues."

On the other side, Ganata flew into the air and fired continuously in the direction of the Mountain Demon King. The Mountain Demon snorted coldly, and the surrounding soil flew up, turning into a stone shield to block the attack of the floating cannon.

Then, the Mountain Demon King shouted loudly, and countless pieces of soil shot up into the sky like cannonballs. Ganata quickly dodged while destroying these stones with a floating cannon.

The Mountain Demon King grinned, pointed his hands at Ganata, and a powerful force of gravity exploded. Ganata fell to the ground with a bang, making a big pit in the ground.

Ganata climbed up with difficulty, as if she was carrying a mountain on her back, and her movements were extremely slow.

The Mountain Demon King would not hold back. He sent a large number of stones to the sky. Under the influence of gravity, these stones hit Ganata like meteorites. Ganata avoided it in embarrassment and almost got hit several times. .

Ganata's improvement speed is too slow, and her current strength cannot defeat a real demon king.

"Andrew, if you don't help, I will die. If I die, you will lose a beautiful and delicious super helper."

While Ganata was hiding, she asked Andrew for help in her consciousness. Andrew sneered: "I won't talk about being beautiful. Isn't being able to eat a negative status?"

Ganata shouted: "Hurry up and help. You asked me to come to hell, didn't you want to kill me?"

Andrew smiled and said: "If I want to kill you, I don't have to go to so much trouble. Let you come to hell. On the one hand, I want you to realize that your current strength is far from enough. On the other hand, I want you to pass." Demon King, quickly increase your strength."

"I've realized it, help me quickly."

Ganata narrowly avoided a falling rock and screamed: "I'm going to be hit by that bastard devil opposite. He will definitely control all the falling rocks and bury me."

"Don't worry, I won't let you get lunch so quickly. After all, the money to support you has not been recovered yet."

Andrew smiled and said: "Okay, now turn around in a circle, raise your right hand high, and shout, the moon gives me strength."

"You are a demon king, read less girly comics, and if you ask me to shout this, I would rather die."

Ganata complained, and Andrew shrugged and said: "Then just shout whatever you want, there must be a sense of ceremony."

"These days, even the Demon King is obsessed with ritual."

Ganata was speechless. The situation was urgent now, so she didn't care too much. She raised her right hand and shouted loudly: "I am Ganata, the daughter of Galactus."

Along with Ganata's shout, a strange mark lit up on the back of her hand, like her favorite barbecue. Then, a space shadow appeared behind her, and a large amount of energy was injected into her body from the space shadow. .

"Such a strong energy?"

Ganata was so excited that she roared, a burst of purple energy exploded wildly, the gravity field was directly destroyed, all the stones were destroyed by the purple energy, and they fell around like rain.

Even the Mountain Demon King was forced to take several steps back.

Then, Ganata slowly floated up from the ground. She felt the energy in her body and looked incredulous: "Andrew, why is this energy so familiar? And it looks delicious."

"Besides eating, what else do you do?"

Andrew said angrily: "This is the energy of the food world. With your efforts, the food world is under my control. Before coming to hell, I gave you the key to the power of the food world. You can open it yourself in the future. "

The food world and the orc world are both worlds that come with the board game. Andrew has never given up on conquering these two worlds. Of course, it is not him who conquers them himself, but Ganata is responsible for them.

Ganata is not a very ambitious person, but she has mastered these two worlds well.

For example, in the orc world, Ganata defeated everyone and became the unique king. As long as she reigns longer, this world will naturally become Andrew's territory.

As for the world of food, Ganata has done even better, because she really likes food, and the will of the world favors her very much.

Therefore, after several years of development, Andrew successfully turned the food world into his territory - the food world is relatively small and relatively easy.

Andrew secretly sighed: "By the way, it seems that I have never used the trump card of board games? Hey, it's not good to be too strong. Others can't force me to use my special skills."

“It turns out to be the power of the food world, no wonder it’s so familiar.”

Ganata suddenly realized, and then she asked vigilantly: "Wait, when did you do something to me? Did you take the opportunity to do anything to me?"

"You can figure this out by buying a mirror and looking at it, Daughter of the Star Swallower."

Andrew sneered: "Concentrate on fighting and break through the Demon King level in hell, otherwise, don't expect to come back."

"Damn it, this lady is very beautiful, okay?"

Ganata gritted her teeth. At this time, the Mountain Demon King attacked her again. She could only deal with the Mountain Demon King first.

With the blessing of the food space, although Ganata is still at a disadvantage, she can already fight the Mountain Demon King back and forth.

Seeing that Ganata had escaped death, Death couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He said: "This ability is not like the one given by Galactus. It is probably given by the Machine Demon King."

Don't get me wrong, Death is relieved just because Ganata is their trump card, not because of concern or anything like that.

"It's impossible for the Machine Demon King to send Ganata to die. His purpose is to train her."

Sithorn said: "The Machine Demon King must not have imagined that the sharper this knife is, the faster he will die in the future."

Seth and Death both laughed, and Death said: "Then we have to help a bunch of mechanical demon kings and sharpen this knife."

Everyone nodded. Next, he was going to secretly help Ganata become stronger. Seth secretly sneered. It was not certain who the knife would stab.

At the same time, the real Aragorn was hiding in the army, commanding the robot army to fight against the demon army. The battlefield became more and more intense, with sounds of fighting and screams everywhere.

Seeing that the Mountain Demon King was being held back and that the demon coalition could not attack for a long time, the Three-tailed Demon King cursed and sent more demons to join the attack.

withdraw troops? Why withdraw the troops? The more demons die, the better. If the demons don’t die, where will their souls and negative aura come from? It’s not my own devil anyway, so I don’t feel bad.

Therefore, this battle has been going on for a long time. Even if the Mountain Demon King and Ganata stop fighting, the war will still continue. It can be expected that it will continue until one side is completely defeated.

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