American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1411 Technological Army

Aragorn loved the elf princess deeply and had always felt guilty for her giving up eternal life. Now that there was a way to make up for it, of course he would do it.

The three-tailed demon king has the help of the Losers Alliance, and its commanding skills are much higher than those of ordinary demon kings. In addition, there is an army of puppets. Andrew must find someone who is qualified to fight them to help.

Aragorn has experienced hundreds of battles and is the top war commander. It is very suitable for him to be the commander. In fact, the elf queen Galadriel also has this talent, but she is an elf, and the hell environment is not suitable for her.

As for the demon kings, well, they are indeed very powerful in combat and often fight, but their commanding skills are nothing more than "charge me" and "charge me".

After Aragorn said hello, Saruman said proudly: "I am the white-robed wizard Saruman."

Saruman has also commanded large-scale wars. Although he failed, he finally has experience and powerful magic. He is definitely a good choice as a strategist.

For Andrew's sake, the three demon kings said hello to Aragorn and Saruman. Then, the lazy demon king asked: "BOSS, we have a commander and strategist. Where is the army? Where is the army?"

"At this."

Andrew raised his hand, a space crack appeared, and then a large number of armed robots walked out neatly from inside.

These armed robots come from the world of "Elysium" and the world of cyberpunk. In fact, Andrew has been building robots and transporting minerals from other worlds over the years.

In the world of "Van Helsing", one of Tracy's important responsibilities is to dig out various minerals that Andrew needs.

"Is this a robot from a human science fiction novel?"

Beelzebub was a little surprised: "Human technology is not at this level, is it?"

"It's from another world."

Andrew shook his head and said: "These are ordinary types of armed robots. In addition, there are modern conventional weapons such as fighter jets, cannons, tanks, missiles, etc. To put it simply, next, you will use technology to fight the devil.

Modern technology, coupled with science fiction technology, will definitely give the devil a big surprise. If it doesn't work, the worst possible scenario is to use nuclear bombs. Anyway, the American military has been trying every means to sell nuclear bombs. "

Andrew must be in control of the nuclear bombs in the cyberpunk world. He can have as many as he wants.

"If it is just a purely technological army, it may not be able to defeat the demon army. After all, demons have many unique abilities, such as teleportation, thunder, etc."

Beelzebub thought for a while and said: "But we also have a demon army here. If the two are combined, we will definitely be able to fight the coalition forces. Of course, the premise is that there are enough robots and modern weapons."

"Don't worry, there will definitely be enough."

Andrew smiled and said: "Beelzebub, I realize that I underestimated you a little. You are not as bad as I thought, although you were defeated by me at the beginning."

"BOSS, can I interpret this as a compliment?"

Beelzebub was speechless. If you couldn't defeat you, I would definitely let you experience the wrath of the Angry Demon King.

Andrew turned to Aragorn and asked: "Aragorn, how much do you know about these robots?"

"There is a lot of understanding."

Aragorn nodded and said: "I often play in the game world you opened, and my understanding of modern technology is pretty good.

In addition, I am currently studying sociology and anthropology, and I am very interested in the evolution of institutions. In the future, I will reform Gondor and make it better. "

"If you want to make the country better, you should study economics. When the economy improves, reforms will naturally happen."

Andrew said: "For example, when the economy develops to a certain level, everyone will be eager to hang the king and welcome the new world."

Aragorn smiled and said: "It's okay, I, the king, will lead everyone to overthrow the decadent aristocratic stage."

"Why did the king rebel?"

Andrew burst into laughter. Aragorn was a very enlightened man, and he was not obsessed with power. As long as he didn't take too many steps, Gondor would definitely have a bright future.

"Now that you understand robots, it will be easier."

Andrew said: "Get familiar with these armed robots, and then take them and the demon army to the battlefield to block the demon coalition forces from the core circle, and it is best to push them back to the original border.

In addition, I have installed intelligent systems on all aircraft, cannons, and tanks. You can control them with your consciousness through this helmet.

The helmet has an artificial intelligence system that will assist you in commanding. The various data will definitely be a bit confusing at first, but once you get used to it, you will find that this is an artifact. "

After speaking, Andrew handed a helmet in the shape of Magneto's helmet to Aragorn. Aragorn took the helmet and asked: "Will the communication waves be interfered by the demon coalition? Although they don't understand technology, thunder will cause Lots of distractions.”

"Don't worry, I'm using quantum communication. They can't interfere even if they want to."

Andrew smiled and said, how unimaginable is it to use radio waves for communication on the battlefield? Quantum communication is the way to go.

Aragorn didn't know much about quantum communication. He only heard the name and thought it was very powerful. He nodded and said, "Okay, leave it to me, Saruman. We are ready to start a war. By the way, send a demon staff officer. Tell me the details of the current situation."

"The Sloth Demon."

Andrew turned to look at the Lazy Demon King. The Lazy Demon King immediately sent a succubus to Aragorn. Everyone looked at this guy speechlessly. He asked you to send a demonic adviser. You sent a succubus? Are you trying to betray us again?

"What do you think, the succubus can't be a staff officer? What's wrong with this hell? I'm cold and shaking, can the succubus stand up?"

The Demon King of Sloth said angrily, and everyone clapped in unison, too lazy to pay attention to this guy. However, the succubus he sent was impeccable in other aspects except for often hooking up with Aragorn, and he was a qualified consultant.

Aragorn only had the elf princess in his heart, so naturally he didn't care about the succubus. He immediately got into work mode. Three hours later, knowing everything, he led the army to the front line.

"As long as Aragorn doesn't make mistakes intentionally, you must obey his orders, including going to the battlefield in person."

Andrew looked at the three demon kings and confessed: "I'm not kidding you. You can't disobey orders on the battlefield. Do you hear me?"

Gluttony and Beelzebub were a bit disapproving. Hell is a place where the weak eat the strong. Aragorn may have the ability to lead, but he is not strong enough to command them.

"No problem, I promise to obey orders. If these two guys don't listen, I will teach them a lesson."

Demon King of Sloth assured loudly, Demon King of Gluttony and Beelzebub glared at this guy, traitor, in order to flatter the BOSS, he even gave up the dignity of the Demon King?

The Lazy Demon is too lazy to pay attention to these two guys. I will tell you, am I actually your BOSS?

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and handed over the war to these people. As for himself, of course he was busy with his own affairs.

Aragorn did not disappoint Andrew, and quickly stabilized the defeat and stopped the demon coalition. The demon coalition organized several offensives, but they were all blocked by Aragorn's army.

"Damn it, where did the Demon King of Sloth and the Demon King of Gluttony come from so many mechanical creations? They are ridiculously powerful."

The Mountain Demon King, who had transformed into an ordinary person, looked at the battlefield where missiles were exploding and couldn't help but curse.

Modern weapons are actually very powerful. The reason why they couldn't show off when they were on Earth is because the demons were in the city and didn't dare to use powerful weapons.

Now is the battlefield of hell, so naturally you don’t have to worry about so many saturation strikes. Anyway, these hot weapons cost no money. Well, they are exclusively sponsored by the United States (cyberpunk world). Let us applaud the generosity of the United States.

"Sure enough, we took action."

The Three-Tailed Demon King snorted secretly, which meant that they were right. The Gluttonous Demon King and the Sloth Demon King were collaborators with the Mechanical Demon King. In order for the integration of hell to go smoothly, they must be defeated first.

"Mountain Demon King, how many thunder-attribute demons do you have under your command? Bring them all to me."

The three-tailed demon king said: "These mechanical creations will be seriously disturbed by thunder."

"There are not many demons with thunder attributes, so they may not be useful."

The Mountain Demon King shook his head and said: "There is no one inside these mechanical creations. There should be someone controlling them from behind. Let's find a way to deal with the person controlling them, or cut off his control."

The three-tailed demon king looked at the opposite camp and saw a human man standing on a high platform protected by a defensive shield, commanding the battle. It was obvious that he was the commander and the controller of these robots.

"It's impossible to cut off his control. The previous thunder has no effect at all. However, we can send people to surprise them and catch them off guard."

The Three-Tailed Demon King thought for a moment and said, "Mountain Demon King, you are also among the attacking demons."

"You want me to sneak attack on that human? I'm the Demon King, don't I want to lose face?"

The Mountain Demon King said angrily, his beard flying with anger. The Three-tailed Demon King said: "You will get an extra 10% of the spoils."

"For the sake of the overall situation, what does face mean? Don't worry, leave this matter to me. As long as he doesn't have the protection of the devil around him, he will be dead."

The Mountain Demon King immediately changed his mind. Then, he disguised himself as a great demon and teleported to the front of Aragorn together with a group of real great demons - it was impossible to teleport to his side, as the defensive shield could interfere with space.


The big demons all opened their mouths and spit out fire. The flames merged into a sea of ​​fire and attacked the guards in front. A large number of robots were directly burned into molten iron, and the demons could not forgive and turned into ashes.

"Fight back."

With a wave of Saruman's staff, the current in the large ark reactor at the rear was pulled out by him, and merged with his and other demons' thunder to form thousands of thunders, which collectively blasted at the big demons.

The faces of the big demons changed drastically, and they wanted to escape, but the surrounding space was affected. As the thunder rumbled down, the sky and the earth turned pale, and all these precious big demons were reduced to ashes.

Saruman just breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, a figure sprang out of the ground at an astonishing speed, broke through the defensive shield in front of Aragorn, and punched Aragorn. It was the Mountain Demon King. .

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