American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1172 Disaster Countermeasures Bureau

"How can you have so much money?"

Madeleine looked at those numbers and shouted in disbelief that this much money in America is enough to make all the difference.

The problem is, there is no reason for this. The motherland has been out for so long, and all the benefits it has created are not that much in total, let alone the soldier boy who has long since passed.

"You don't have to worry about where my money comes from?"

The soldier boy took back his cell phone and said, "Take this money and contact those shareholders and acquire their shares secretly."

"No problem, it's easy to do things if you have money."

Madeleine's eyes lit up. With hundreds of billions of dollars to support him, nothing was impossible. She said, "But Edgar is troublesome. He is an old fox."

"Don't worry about him. There is a huge scandal in Vought Group. As long as it is revealed, he will definitely step down."

Soldier Boy said that this scandal is Storm's identity, and when the time comes, Edgar will be blamed - the reason why Storm joined the Super Seven was entirely driven by Edgar.

This old guy has dark skin, but his heart has never been on the side of black people. Of course, he has never been on the side of white people. He only stands on his own side.

Madeleine asked: "Scandal? You mean Compound No. 5? This is not possible. We have made an agreement with the authorities."

"It's not Compound No. 5. You don't need to ask more about this."

The soldier boy said: "Anyway, if you do as I say, then you will be the president of Walter Group."

Madeleine's breathing was a little rapid. She had been coveting that position for a long time. She hesitated and asked: "Soldier boy, there is another question, what about my safety?

It's impossible for Walter Pharmaceuticals to abide by the rules of the game. Once they find out something is wrong, they will definitely attack me. You can't always protect me, right? "

"Don't worry, I've arranged a bodyguard for you."

The soldier boy smiled slightly and said, "After a while, she will go to you and protect you."

"Watch me by the way, right?"

Madeline complained secretly, but she did not refuse. After all, safety was the most important thing.

In fact, Madeleine is a bit of a villain. The bodyguard was purely to protect Madeleine and had no intention of monitoring her, because there was no need for it. Madeleine's soul was in Andrew's hands. , Andrew can view her memories at any time.

This is also the reason why Andrew chose Madeleine, otherwise, he would not trust this old woman.

The people are unaware of the changes within the Vought Group. They are only concerned about two things now, one is Christmas next month, and the other is the official announcement of the establishment of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau.

The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, as the name suggests, is an organization dedicated to combating disasters. It is currently independently built by each country. When the time is right in the future, it will be globally unified and become a global organization.

Of course, this depends on whether disasters happen all the time. Simply put, the more disasters occur, the more terrifying they are, and the faster the disaster situation changes.

The Superpower Management Bureau that Nathan mentioned before has become a department of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. On the one hand, it is the general trend, and on the other hand, in order to avoid irritating the superpowers.

"The main responsibility of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is to combat disasters and provide logistical assistance to superheroes."

Nathan stood on the podium and said: "In addition, the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is also responsible for eliminating the black sheep among superheroes. Whether they are ordinary people or superheroes, as long as they commit crimes, they will be punished.

Vought Group, as well as other superhero companies, are happy and applauded the establishment of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. We will do our best to cooperate with them to protect the world together. "

The reporters applauded for a while, and then a reporter asked: "Mr. Vice President, are you the director of the Disaster Response Bureau?"

"I am currently serving as a part-time director, and a new director will be promoted from within in the future."

Nathan said: "I am the vice president after all, and I don't have time to hold the post all the time."

Everyone laughed. The Vice President is notoriously idle. As long as the President is around, the Vice President does not have much real power.

The reporters didn't know that Nathan, the vice president, would take over as president in the future. He was different from other vice presidents.

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Vice President, superheroes are very powerful. Is there a way for the Disaster Countermeasures Agency to catch them?"

"Of course there is. Within the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, in addition to agents, there are also superhero teams. We named them the Black Robe Pickets."

Nathan nodded, raised his hand, and motioned everyone to look to the right. A nervous Huey, an unhappy Billy, a confused Dave, and an expressionless Kimiko walked onto the stage at the same time.

Why is Dave here? Quite simply, he couldn't accept the president's despicable behavior and voluntarily applied to join the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau.

Dave has a pure heart and cannot accept the darkness on the president's side. He is afraid that if he stays any longer, a plasma ball will one day blow off the president's head.

"Why doesn't Peggy always reply to my text messages? I've told so many explosive inside information, and doesn't she care at all?"

Dave was puzzled. He didn't know that his Peggy was obsessed with music and magic. Of course, she was also obsessed with other things, things that would put many hats on Dave's head.

Marvin and Frankie did not go on stage. After all, they were not superpowers, and as support staff, they were not suitable for being too high-profile.

In addition, Billy and Huey have been injected with the perfect version of Compound No. 5 and no longer need to inject temporary medicine every day.

Marvin and Frankie rejected Andrew's offer to inject them with Compound No. 5. They did not want to become superpowers, especially Marvin, who had serious psychological barriers to superpowers.

As soon as Huey and the others came out, the reporters immediately went into an uproar. Some reporters stepped back violently, while others desperately took pictures of Huey. This man had just kidnapped the president some time ago and was a criminal among criminals.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Vice President, why would a criminal become a member of the black-robed picket team?"

"He is not a criminal. Someone disguised his identity and kidnapped the president. Huey Campbell made a great contribution to the president's rescue."

Nathan said: "As for his misunderstanding with the Walt Group, it has been explained clearly. The Walt Group has dropped all charges against Mr. Campbell. From now on, Mr. Campbell will work with other members to arrest criminals with special abilities and protect the world. .”

The reporters suddenly realized that the reporters who had escaped before came back to take pictures of Huey. As for Billy and others, they were ignored, which made Billy even more unhappy.

Billy doesn't care about fame, but you all went to film Huey. Isn't this too much? As if I don't exist?

Although Huey was a little nervous, he was also a little proud of being in the spotlight. At this moment, a reporter asked: "Mr. Campbell, may I ask, do you have any personal hobbies for not wearing clothes?"

Another reporter asked: "Also, do you have any special relationship with Mr. Billy behind you? Someone saw you two staying on the road without clothes."


Huey and Billy were dumbfounded, but the other reporters were excited. This was big news.

Nathan had a headache, and he hurriedly said: "As for their personal issues, you can interview them slowly later, and we will continue to talk about the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau.

The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is headquartered in New York, well, I'm sure you all know why. "

The reporters laughed, and they all knew why. The New York audience sighed, and we also knew. By the way, is there any place more unlucky than New York?

Nathan continued: "In addition to New York, the Disaster Countermeasures Department will also set up branches in major cities across the country. In the event of a disaster, they will have command authority over the police and National Guard..."

In any case, the Disaster Countermeasures Department has been officially established, and the superpowers have an agency dedicated to managing them. Although the top superpowers are not affected, the management rights for ordinary superpowers are real.

Andrew doesn't care much about the establishment of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. No matter above or below, they are all his people, so what should he care about?

What Andrew cared about was Watt Pharmaceuticals. He knew that the authorities also cared about it. Grace would definitely try her best to investigate the situation of the pharmaceutical company, and Andrew could sit back and enjoy the results.

Grace was indeed very concerned about it. As soon as she entered Walter Company, she began to investigate various information. Edgar did not stop him directly, but secretly destroyed a lot of information. The war between the two sides had just begun.

In the blink of an eye, time has arrived in December. Whether it is the main world or the world of "Elysium", Christmas is coming soon.

In the past, in the world of Elysium, except for Elysium, other places generally had no festive atmosphere. This is normal. If you can't live anymore, why should you celebrate?

But this year is an exception, because they have ushered in an emperor who has reformed the Elysian Space, allowed people to go to the Elysian Space for treatment, and is also preparing to rebuild the earth.

The people didn't believe it at first, but as people continued to receive treatment, they gradually gained some hope. Maybe everything would really change.

Therefore, the atmosphere of this year's festival has obviously become more lively, and many people even regard His Majesty the Emperor as the incarnation of God.

At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor is floating in space with a group of people. In front of them, there is a huge ring device.

Delacourt, wearing goggles, stood in the magic sphere. She glanced at the boundless space and couldn't help but swallowed her saliva. She said: "Your Majesty, I admit that magic is amazing and can make me, an ordinary person, Staying in space, but is this thing really possible?”

"Don't worry, it will work."

Andrew smiled and said: "From today on, your world will no longer need to worry about energy issues, unless the sun dies."

After speaking, Andrew didn't waste any time. He raised his hands, and the ring quickly decomposed into devices. Then, these devices shuttled through space, flew to the sun, and floated around the sun in a ring.

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