American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1171 Arrangement

The soldier boy did not disturb Bejia, and quietly watched the battle ahead. He had no intention of participating, because as soon as he participated, the battle would immediately escalate, and then the three guys behind the motherland would also take action.

It's not that a war cannot begin, but that there is no need to start a war at this time.

Seeing that they had been unable to capture Billy and Huey, the people of the motherland were a little annoyed, and the eyes of death began to appear between their eyebrows, preparing for a big move.

Soldier Boy saw this and shouted, "Okay, stop it."

The motherland man glanced at the soldier boy, and the eyes of death gradually disappeared. Seeing that he was no match for the motherland man, Billy stopped helplessly. As for Huey, he quickly went to get dressed.

"Soldier boy, this is my baby and I'm taking him away and no one can stop me, not even you."

said the native, and Béjart shouted: "No way, this is my child."

Ryan also hugged Bega tightly and didn't want to leave. Billy frowned greatly. He could accept the imperfect Bega, but he couldn't accept this little bastard.

The soldier boy asked, "Fellow man, do you know why I told you this?"


The motherland man asked, the other party's purpose was not just as simple as drawing a tube of his blood.

"To give you a little bit of humanity."

The soldier boy said: "You grew up in a laboratory and lacked humanity, so I will give you a chance to enjoy the warmth of family.

You can't take this child away, but you can visit him at any time. Bejia and the others will not move away. In addition, I asked Director Tianjian for a magic scroll. "

After saying that, the soldier boy took out a magic scroll from behind and opened it. Two rays of light flew out of the scroll and fell on Bejia and Ryan respectively.

"what have you done?"

The motherland and Billy asked in shock at the same time, and the soldier boy said: "Nothing, just use magic to connect their lives together. From now on, if Bejia dies, this child will die, if this child dies, Bejia will die." "


The motherland and Billy shouted at the same time again. The two also noticed this and looked at each other with disgust. Billy even spat.

"Anyway, that's what happened."

The soldier boy said: "You can come to Bejia and the children, but you cannot harm them. As for other things, you decide for yourself."

Both the Motherland and Billy looked a little ugly. At this moment, Bejia and Ryan were completely inseparable. The Motherland flew down from the sky and said, "Bega, can I talk to the child first?"

Billy also said: "Bejia, I want to talk to you."

Bejia hesitated and said, "Okay, but Ryan and I can't be too far apart."

The motherland and Billy nodded, and then a father and son, a couple, each started chatting.

The chat between the motherland and Ryan was a bit awkward. The motherland didn't know how to get along with his son. As for Ryan, he was introverted and didn't know how to deal with the motherland.

Bega and Billy were even worse. They started to quarrel without even talking a few words - Billy wanted Bega to give up Ryan, but Bega didn't want to.

Huey walked to the side of the soldier boy and sighed: "Billy is quite miserable. He tried his best to avenge his wife, but his wife secretly gave birth to a child for his enemy."

"This is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that next, Billy may have to raise the child of his enemy."

The soldier boy laughed, leaving Huey speechless. He complained: "It's really miserable. Billy might as well not find Bega."

"If he were given a choice, he would still choose to find Bega."

The soldier boy shook his head and said: "Billy is a bastard, but he is really sincere towards Bega. Unfortunately, he is too sincere."

"There is always someone who will make you willing to give everything for her."

Huey thought of his girlfriend who was killed by a locomotive and sighed. He hesitated and asked, "Soldier boy, do we really want to join the Superpower Administration?"

The soldier boy raised his hand, and a light curtain enveloped the surroundings, preventing the people of the motherland from hearing their conversation. Then, he asked: "Do you really want to be a wanted criminal for the rest of your life? Do you want your old father to hide around all the time?"

Huey was silent. After a moment, he said: "Of course I don't want to. I don't even dare to video chat with my father now. He is much older."

The soldier boy continued: "In the black robe pickets, you and Billy are for revenge, Marvin and Frankie are for the complete eradication of superheroes, and Kimiko, uh, she is for Frankie.

The problem is that times have changed. If it were before, there would be nothing wrong with Marvin and Frankie's ideas, but now that disasters are happening one after another, superheroes must exist. "

"I agree that superheroes must exist, but for idiots like Locomotive and Homelander, allowing them to exist will only kill more people."

Huey said: "BOSS, with your strength, if we join forces, we should be able to kill the people of our motherland, right?"

"You can't kill the people of the motherland. It's not that simple."

The soldier boy shook his head and said: "You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step. First, join the Superpower Management Bureau to arrest ordinary superpowers who commit crimes.

Just because front-line superheroes can't be touched now doesn't mean they won't be able to do so in the future. In addition, the Superpower Management Bureau is not just about managing superpowers, it also has the responsibility of saving the world.

In other words, you will become superheroes, real superheroes.

When one day, everyone recognizes you, then business superheroes will naturally die and cease to exist. "

"A real superhero?"

Huey's eyes lit up. There was no doubt that he was persuaded by the soldier boy. The soldier boy nodded and said nothing more. The Superpower Management Bureau would be his force, so he would naturally arrange for the black-robed pickets to be included. .

While Soldier Boy and Huey were talking, Billy and Béjart's conversation broke down. Billy came back angrily, while Béjart cried alone.

Upon seeing this, Ryan hurried over to comfort his mother. The motherland was a little helpless. He talked for a long time, but his son didn't seem to listen.

However, it is great to have a child of my own. I will teach him well and make him as strong and perfect as myself.

"Okay, Bega isn't leaving here."

The soldier boy said: "You can visit them at any time, but you can't take them away by force. Is there any problem?"

Both the motherland and Billy were silent. After a while, the motherland flew into the sky. He wanted to find some people to have a good chat and ask them why they had been hiding themselves?

Billy quarreled with the soldier boy, but in the end, he was persuaded by the soldier boy and stopped taking Bega away by force. At the same time, he also decided to join the Superpower Administration.

Death looked at all this coldly, and said to the snake god Seth: "The Superpower Management Bureau is obviously an organization created by Andrew Wang to fight against the Vought Group and us."

"He has the Superpower Administration, we also have the Death Organization, and we can cooperate in depth with the Vought Group."

Seth said: "The power of the Walter Group is much stronger than the so-called Superpower Administration. The question now is, Death, how deep is your control over the people of the motherland? King Andrew seems to want to use his children to instigate rebellion against the people of the motherland. .”

"Don't worry, my prey will not escape my control."

Death said nonchalantly: "Not to mention the son of the motherland, even if I, the motherland, come, he will still stand by our side."

"That's good."

Seth nodded and said: "Let's talk in detail about the cooperation with Watt Group.

Sithorn, you may be asked to do this. Death and I are developing the Death Organization. If we cooperate with the Watt Group, it may result in the two organizations having the same capabilities, which would be funny. "

"It's really funny. As soon as the fight started, both sides turned into snake men at the same time."

Death complained, Sithorn said: "No problem, leave it to me. In fact, I have noticed the Walter Group for a long time and controlled some people in advance.

However, these forces are only auxiliary. If we want to defeat King Andrew, the real key is to improve our strength. "

"I know, but mass killing makes it easy for Andrew Wang to target me."

Death said: "It worked last time because of the powerful means you arranged, and also because Andrew Wang wanted to save those ordinary people first."

"If you want to improve your strength quickly, you will make a big noise, and if you make a big noise, you will be discovered by Andrew Wang. This is an endless cycle."

The snake god Seth also said that his power is that of a snake god, and there are many ways to improve his strength, such as developing more snakes and believers, and devouring lives and souls.

Sithorn said: "In order to allow me to regain my strength in the shortest time, my body specially sacrificed ten life planets to divine the world that is about to merge."

"Isn't this a divination thing?"

Death was stunned. The reason why the divination couldn't be done was because other people would definitely interfere.

"Divination cannot give you the whole picture, but you can get some details."

Sithorn said: "The next world is related to dreams. All abilities related to dreams will be greatly enhanced. It just so happens that I am also quite proficient in this aspect. Death, the snake god Seth, we can improve in dreams. strength."

"Improved strength in a dream?"

The eyes of Death and the snake god Seth lit up at the same time. The biggest advantage of the dream was that he would not be noticed at all before death. In this case, he could avoid being found by Andrew.

"This requires careful planning."

Death said, and then the three began to discuss the plan carefully. No matter when, strength is fundamental.

Although the senior management of the Walter Group was very dissatisfied with the official entry into their group, they had no choice but to refuse after being caught. They could only allocate some shares and collect 50% to Grace.

On the surface, the government is not involved in the affairs of Watt Group. The shares belong to Grace. She not only became a shareholder, but also became the vice president of Watt Group.

As for the original vice president, Madeleine, she took the blame and resigned.

In fact, this is also an explanation to the people of the motherland. Ryan's matter made the people of the motherland very angry and furious in the board of directors. In order to give him an explanation, Edgar fired Madeleine. She was not innocent anyway.

Madeleine is a very smart woman. She did not defend herself, but kept admitting her mistakes and begging for mercy in front of her motherland.

The man from the motherland was indeed not a good person, but he really had feelings for Madeleine in his heart, and he finally forgave her and did not kill her. She had already been punished anyway.

You know, Madeline was almost able to enter the core senior management of the Walter Group before, but now she is expelled. It is undoubtedly a huge loss for her.

Madeleine packed her things, glanced at her office with nostalgia, drove to the underground parking lot, and returned to the villa.

"How pathetic."

Madeline sighed secretly, feeling unwilling to do so. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind her: "Are you willing to be treated as an abandoned child like this?"

Madeleine was startled, turned her head hurriedly, and found that the person speaking was the soldier boy. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought it was the people from the motherland who came to kill me."

The soldier boy asked: "It seems that you are afraid of the people of the motherland?"

"Who is not afraid? Every time I talk to people from my motherland, I am actually scared."

Madeleine shook her head and said: "Soldier boy, why did you come to me? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been expelled in such an embarrassing manner. Also, the Walter Group is very angry about what you did."

"So what if they're angry? Do they dare to besiege me like they did before, paying with blood?"

The soldier boy sneered: "Besides denying me resources and hiding me, what else can they do to me?"

Madeleine was taken aback, and she asked: "Do you know this? I thought you found Ryan because you knew that the man from the motherland was your son."

"I know everything."

The soldier boy said: "Madeline, without further ado, are you interested in working for me?"

Madeleine asked, "Working for you? What does it do, and what do I get?"

"I will find a way for you to return to the Vought Group and become its president."

The soldier boy said: "And what you have to do is help me figure out the situation at Walter Pharmaceuticals. Those bastards gave up on me back then, and I will let them know how wrong they were."

"Wow, you want revenge?"

Madeleine said: "Soldier boy, with all due respect, why do you want me to return to the Vought Group? You and the people of the motherland are very powerful, but your position in the Vought Group is just that of a tool."

"It is an increasingly important tool man."

The soldier boy smiled and said: "No matter how mysterious and powerful the Watt Group is, as long as it is a listed company, it must abide by the rules of a listed company. For example, it has a large number of shares circulating in the stock market, and there are many outsiders controlling Watt. Group shares.

As long as you have money, you can take over all these shares and become a major shareholder. "

"In this country, America, you can do whatever you want if you have money. The reason why Vought Group operates commercial superheroes is also for money."

Madeleine smiled and said: "The problem is, if you want to acquire the Watt Group, uh, let alone acquisition, if you want to influence the Watt Group, you have to spend at least tens of billions of dollars. Soldier boy, do you have that much money?"

"I really don't have tens of billions, I only have hundreds of billions."

The soldier boy smiled slightly and took out his mobile phone to show Madeline - not only the bank account, but also various real estates, stocks, funds, bonds, which added up to hundreds of billions.

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