American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1165 Time and Space Butterfly

Andrew said, why have new tricks? You can't crack the old trick?

Can Sithorn be cracked? No, the reason is very simple. This is a real crushing force. He has no way to break the siege of the three people, and his body is quickly pulled into the black hole.

"At this point, I can only fight hard and hope that other diverse existences will support me. Otherwise, I will really perish."

Sithorn was helpless. He couldn't rely on himself now. He could only gamble his life. If no one responded to him, he would definitely fall today.

Sithorn's body glanced at the other multi-dimensional beings, without saying anything. With a tap of his fingers, countless creatures were sacrificed on a certain universe, an entire planet, that he controlled.

After countless creatures were sacrificed, a force followed the mysterious connection between Sithorn's body and his clone and entered Sithorn's clone.

This method of transmitting power can only transmit one part of 10,000 parts of power. The price/performance ratio is extremely low. But now Sithorn can't control that much and transmits power as quickly as possible. He knows very well that this kind of thing, Can only be done once.

"you dare?"

God Andrew and other multiple beings quickly discovered the movements of Sithorne's body, and they all took action to cut off the transmission chain.

God Andrew said coldly: "Sithorn, you cheated!"

"Did I cheat? Why didn't I know?"

Sithorn looked puzzled: "Uh, what are you talking about just now? That was my believer's mistake in sacrificing me. They originally wanted to sacrifice me, but who knew that the sacrifice became my clone? This is their mistake, and it is not the same as mine." It’s irrelevant.”

As the ancestor of black magic, Sithorn knew how to violate the contract. The pluralistic beings snorted, but did not pursue it to the end, because it was an unspoken rule that they would use in the future.

To put it simply, cheating is okay, as long as you don’t get caught with substantial evidence, this way, it won’t trigger a contract backlash.

God Andrew sneered: "Sithorn, even if you cheat, you are dead."


Sithorne's body snorted coldly. At the same time, in the battlefield, Sithorne's clone absorbed the transmitted power, and densely packed sacrificial runes appeared outside his body, making him look extremely weird.

"Last chance."

Sithorn glanced at Andrew and Hogs, his eyes full of unwillingness. This time, he was really unwilling to lose. He didn't even use 20% of his 100% strength, and was completely suppressed and beaten.

There was no way, they had been planning for several months, and the three of them joined forces. It was normal for Sithorn to be suppressed. Since he did not discover Andrew's conspiracy and was locked in position by Andrew, today's result was destined.

The three of them, Andrew, were so devoid of martial ethics that they could just forget about the siege. Instead, they went to great lengths to arrange so many means, which was simply outrageous.

"As long as I can escape, I will definitely make King Andrew pay the price. I, Sithorn, the ancestor of black magic and the great devil, will never fail like this."

Sithorn opened his hands and his body annihilated itself. In the blink of an eye, it turned into nothingness.

Andrew felt something was wrong. He turned his hands and wanted to go back in time. At this moment, ninety-nine black butterflies appeared where Sithorn was annihilated. They ignored the constraints of time and space and penetrated directly into the black hole, magically imprisoning them. Cage, flying towards the main world.

"Mechanical Demon King, those are space-time underworld butterflies. They can transcend time and space and intercept them immediately."

Hoggs shouted, Damn Sithorn, he cheated again. If it weren't for outside manipulation, with his current strength, it would be absolutely impossible for him to turn himself into a space-time butterfly.


Andrew and the soldier boy opened their hands at the same time and went all out. One after another, small black holes emerged around the underworld butterflies, swallowing them in and disappearing without a trace.

The underworld butterfly can transcend time and space, and the black hole can destroy time and space, enough to destroy the underworld butterfly.

Peter did not use the black hole. With his control, even if he summoned the black hole, it would be impossible to swallow the butterfly. He released red lightning at Andrew and Soldier Boy to increase their strength as much as possible.

Hoggs roared, and his mouth seemed to be able to swallow the heaven and earth and swallowed those underworld butterflies. A large number of underworld butterflies were swallowed into his big mouth.

"I hate these butterflies."

Ganata cursed and clasped her hands together. Two giant hands appeared in the void and swatted at the underworld butterflies with unparalleled power.

This was not over yet. Then, Andrew handed over the control of the black hole to the soldier boy. He raised his hands, and the magic cage turned into nine black hole whips, distorting time and space, and whipped hard at the underworld butterflies.

At the same time, Andrew mobilized the power of the world to seal the world of Elysium, making it impossible for people to leave easily.

"Before calculating victory, calculate defeat first. Perhaps, I should make preparations that will not completely kill Sithorn."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. These ninety-nine space-time butterflies are actually Sithorne dividing his soul into ninety-nine parts. This can certainly increase the success rate of escape, but it also leads to a problem - the sensitivity of Sithorne's soul. Degree dropped significantly.

In other words, if something is done to Mingdie, Sithorn may not be able to detect it as long as it is clever enough.

Of course, you have to think carefully about which one you want to manipulate. Andrew thought for a moment, tapped his fingers, and a wisp of soul breath silently wrapped around one of the space-time butterflies.

This soul breath is Andrew's origin, and it is impossible to separate it too much, so he can only choose one target.

"This magic circle actually has such changes?"

Balthazar and other magicians were surprised when they saw the Black Hole Whip. They personally arranged this formation, but even they didn't know that there was a second change in the formation.

Balthazar sighed: "The BOSS's magical attainments are indeed far superior to ours."

"Did you know? BOSS has only been learning magic for less than half a year."

The fire dragon said quietly, and the magicians all sneered, do you think we are stupid? With BOSS's magical attainments, unless he is the reincarnation of Merlin, he will have to practice hard for at least a thousand years.

The fire dragon shrugged, what's wrong with the world? No one believes the truth?

Under everyone's hard attack, the number of space-time butterflies was greatly reduced. A few managed to escape to the space-time barrier, but the world was blocked by Andrew.

It's not that you can't escape, the problem is that it takes at least three seconds to escape. This time is enough for Andrew to kill the underworld butterfly ten times.

Sithorn had expected this situation. Now let's see, is there anyone outside to help him?

The next second, the world barrier shook violently, and then, a big eyeball appeared, and the time and space blockade collapsed. There was no doubt that it was Shuma, the beholder, who took action.

Sithorn was a little surprised. He thought it would be death or the snake god Seth, but he didn't expect it to be the beholder Shuma.

The beholder is an extremely chaotic creature that cannot be measured by common sense. Even Sithorne does not know what he will do, so it is really a surprise for him to come.

As for Death and Seth, it is not that they have no idea of ​​​​taking action. The problem is that they are not willing to take action. They were deceived by Andrew once before through the use of his motherland, and the two of them cannot take action again in a short time.

Sithorn's body thought for a while and contacted Death's body. After Death heard what he said, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then nodded in agreement.

Then, the body of death began to use cheating methods to communicate with his clone. After hearing this, the clone was overjoyed and immediately went to Tianzhu.

Let’s not talk about these for now. In any case, the beholder Shuma took action. After using his ability to shatter the blockade, he waved his tentacles to tear open the space and form a crack, allowing the underworld butterfly to escape.

Sithorn didn't waste any time and immediately fled outside. As long as he left this world and entered the main world, the preparations he made in the main world would come in handy. By then, although it would be impossible to fight back, escaping would not be a big problem.

"Beholder Shuma! Sithorn, you are really lucky, but if you want to escape, you have to ask me first."

Andrew had long expected that someone would take action. He clenched his fists and the shadows of two worlds loomed behind him, namely the torn doomsday world and the wasteland world.

Andrew has three affiliated worlds, but the world of 'Van Helsing' is not favored enough and cannot be summoned. Tracy has to continue to work hard.

Then, Andrew shouted loudly, and the two worlds turned into two thousand-meter-long dragon-shaped lightning bolts, one of which struck the beholder Shuma.

Shuma screamed and flew backwards. The tentacles that tore open the space were forced to leave the world barrier - Shuma was not the true body. Although he was chaotic, he was not stupid and would not bring his true body here.

Hogs and Ganata immediately rushed towards Shuma and fought with him in the void.

As for the other one, the target was those underworld butterflies. As the lightning swept across, the underworld butterflies died one after another, leaving only the last few running for their lives in panic.

"Damn it! Now we can only look at death. We must be quick."

Sithorn's expression was extremely ugly. He didn't expect Andrew to have such a trump card.

Soon, ninety-eight of the ninety-nine underworld butterflies were killed, leaving only the last one running for its life, and the dragon-shaped lightning was about to catch up with that last one - this last one was made by Andrew The one that lost its limbs.

Meanwhile, the beholder is entangled with Hogs and Ganata, unable to come to Sithorne's rescue.

Seeing that Sithorn was about to end completely, at this moment, a black ball filled with endless resentment appeared in the Paradise World along the connection between the Paradise Space World and the main world, wrapping up the last Hades Butterfly.

Dragon-shaped lightning struck the black ball heavily, and the black ball quickly disintegrated and soon disappeared, but the last underworld butterfly also disappeared.

Andrew turned his head sharply and looked in the direction of Tianzhu in the main world, and cursed: "Damn it, Sithorn is so cruel."

Tianzhu has a large population, with several cities with a population of tens of millions. A few dozen seconds ago, these cities were as peaceful as usual, but with the sound of an explosion, the tranquility of one of the cities was broken.

This explosion came from the center of the city, the most populous place. Along with the explosion, a large amount of red, blood-like poisonous mist appeared and spread quickly around. Wherever it passed, all humans fell down holding their throats.

However, in just a few dozen seconds, more than 100,000 people died, and this number was increasing crazily. The people died without knowing what was going on.

When other people saw this scene, they ran away like crazy, but they couldn't match the speed at which the blood mist spread.

Normal poisonous gas definitely does not have such an effect. First of all, the toxicity is not that strong. Secondly, as the poisonous gas spreads, the toxicity will definitely become weaker and weaker.

The problem is, this is no ordinary poison gas, this is a poison gas carefully prepared by Sithorn.

This is a world of superpowers, with many poisonous superpowers. For example, when Maya, the messenger of Death's Choice, cries, everyone around her will shed black tears and die tragically on the spot.

Sithorn also found a person with similar powers. The other person's blood contained extremely poisonous substances. One drop of blood was enough to poison a cow on a farm, and it was done immediately.

Sithorn used the power of sacrifice to let this person provide an endless supply of blood, ten times or a hundred times his own blood. Then, he sealed the blood in the center of the city, waiting to be used.

Because the blood concentration is extremely high, after turning into blood mist, even if it continues to spread, it can still kill those people instantly in a short period of time. If nothing is done, this method can kill millions of people.

This is the trump card prepared by Sithorn. Unfortunately, this time the battlefield is in the attached world, so Sithorn cannot activate this trump card at all.

For this reason, Sithorn had to find Death and let him use this trump card to save himself.

The power of death is that as long as someone dies because of him, whether directly or indirectly, his strength will greatly increase. When he heard that he had the opportunity to kill millions of people, he immediately agreed to Sithorn's conditions without saying a word.

Afterwards, Death rushed to Tianzhu and found the trump card arranged by Sithorn. Then, he activated the arrangement and poisoned more than 100,000 people.

This was not over yet. Then, as promised, death turned their souls into black balls and went to the world of paradise space to take away the last underworld butterfly.

After doing this, Death glanced regretfully at the city that was constantly dying, and disappeared completely.

As soon as Death left, Andrew's figure appeared. He raised his hand, and a tornado blew around him. All the blood mist was swept into the sky by the tornado.

Then, under the influence of magic power, the blood mist condensed into a blood bead and fell on Andrew's hand.

Andrew put away the blood beads and raised his hand. The ground rumbled and shook. An altar slowly rose up and was shattered by his punch from the air, turning into ashes.

Andrew looked at the corpses on the ground, shook his head, and the body disappeared.


The blood mist disappeared, and the people who were fleeing were stunned for a moment, and then fell to the ground helplessly, crying loudly. It was really terrible just now, and the boundary between life and death was only a little bit.

What happened in this city quickly spread around the world, and people from the motherland who were being interviewed soon discovered that the number of people in the live broadcast room had dropped drastically.

At the same time, reporters looked horrified after receiving the call, and their interest in interviews dropped significantly.

"what happened?"

The people of the motherland are shocked. I have come here shamelessly to gain popularity. Why has the number of people in the live broadcast room dropped?

Soon, the people of the motherland knew what had happened. A blood mist appeared in a big city in Tianzhu, killing more than 100,000 people. It was shocking and shocked the whole world. The entire world's attention was attracted there.

As for the kidnapping of the president, sorry, it is already outdated news, although it only happened less than an hour ago, but there is nothing we can do about it, this is the information society.

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