American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1164 Fierce Fight

Andrew said he let Hogs take the lead, but in fact, he also took action. A time machine appeared in the sky, and as Andrew injected magic power, it stopped the time of Sithorne.

Mechanical powers construct a time machine, and technological magic increases the power of the machine, and they jointly attack Sithorne.

It was obvious that this was not a probing attack at all. The five of them joined forces to launch a decisive attack.

Balthazar, Veronica, and Maxim looked at the battle in the magic circle and were speechless. A battle of this level could not even be compared to their teacher Merlin.

"The BOSS is more powerful than imagined."

Balthazar secretly lamented that as for the other magicians, they could not see the situation in the cage. These three people controlled the formation, so they had more authority.

"These bastards really act like one."

Sithorn cursed, activated his powers, and sacrificed everything that could be sacrificed - including the hundreds of thousands of souls he had collected in nearly a year, all of them.

If he didn't do this, Sithorn wouldn't even have a chance to fight back.

Along with Sithorne's sacrifice, a large amount of black mist emerged from his body. This black mist can even erode time, the stasis of time is disintegrated, and the surrounding time returns to normal.

Then, Sithorn's body exploded, and the black mist fled in all directions. It wasn't over yet. A human face appeared on every wisp of black mist, making the sound of howling ghosts and wolves. Everyone present, including Andrew and Hogs, , I felt dizzy.

This dizziness caused a certain deviation in their attacks. Therefore, although they destroyed most of the black energy, some of the black energy still managed to escape aside.

Then, these black energies merged together and transformed into Sithorne again.

"I wonder what else you can sacrifice next?"

Andrew asked with a smile on his face. Sithorn looked ugly. If it were in the main world, he would have many things to sacrifice. In fact, as an old silver coin, Sithorn had arranged many means in Tianzhu.

If the war starts in the main world, Sithorn will continue to sacrifice Tianzhu people in exchange for his own power. He can even sacrifice Tianzhu's rivers, mountains, earth veins, etc.

In that case, if Sithorn faced the siege of three people, even if he could not win, he could still easily escape. How could he be as embarrassed as he is now?

It has to be said that Andrew was right to set the battlefield in the attached world. Sithorn's power was at least 50% eliminated.

Andrew meant no nonsense. He shouted, "Soldier boy, Pete."

Pete and Soldier Boy fired red lightning at Andrew at the same time. To be honest, Pete was quite surprised that Soldier Boy was one of his own, but at this time, he had no time to ask more questions.

With the increase from the two of them, Andrew's strength greatly increased. He pushed forward with both hands, and the space around Sithorn shattered and turned into a huge black hole, swallowing Sithorn inside.

At the same time, Hogs's eyes glowed with divine light, and Sithorn felt that both his movement speed and thinking speed were greatly affected. This was the light of slowness, Hogs's ultimate method.

Ganata still punched Sithorn in the front, preventing him from escaping.

Sithorn gritted his teeth and sacrificed the surrounding space, letting them fill the black hole. Then, his body transformed into the form of a hundred-meter-tall demon god, and punched Ganata's Star-Eating Fist.

The two fists collided violently, and the surrounding space shook violently. Ganata's fist was blocked by Sithorn.

At the same time, a ray of Sithorn's consciousness entered Ganata's body and said to her: "Daughter of Galactus, I know you work for King Andrew because he forced you to sign a contract. I have a way to invalidate the contract, 伱Attack King Andrew secretly, and I will take the opportunity to take you out."

"Sithorn, I admit that I am a bit greedy, but I am not stupid."

Ganata complained: "You clearly want to use me as cannon fodder to stop King Andrew and escape by yourself. Why do you think I will be fooled?"

Sithorne was speechless. Is this girl really the daughter of Galactus? Why isn't his IQ the same as his father's? He said: "In short, I will help you terminate the contract. As for what to do next, you decide for yourself. Don't forget that you are the person of death, not King Andrew."

Sithorn didn't know that Ganata had fallen out with Death, otherwise he would never have said such a thing. In his mind, the five creation gods were one, and Ganata had no reason to really help Andrew.

If it were Galactus, or other creation gods, it would be as Sithorn thought, but Ganata is an exception, because she is still a child, and children can't care about the overall situation and do whatever they want.

Sithorn took advantage of the opportunity of fist collision with Ganata to sacrifice part of himself to help Ganata temporarily shield the contract. It was only temporary and would be restored later. As for what would happen to Ganata then, it was none of his business?

Ganata sensed that the contract had disappeared, and the offensive became more intense. Sithorn was confused, what the hell, just forget it if you don't help me, why did the offensive become more intense?

At the same time, Andrew gradually expanded the black hole, and Hogs kept swaying white light, making Sithorne have to dodge again and again.

If this continues, Sithorn will be driven into the black hole in less than ten seconds. He gritted his teeth and said: "King Andrew, I have severed the contract between you and Ganata."

Sithorn was trying to sow discord, and Andrew snorted and asked, "So what?"

"Yeah, so what?"

Ganata also said that Sithorn was a little crazy. Why didn't these two guys follow the routine?

"Sithorn, Andrew Wang is smarter than you think."

Hoggs said: "He won't attack us before he solves you. As for after that, it's none of your business, because you definitely can't see it."

Andrew rolled his eyes, why do people always misunderstand him? Is he that kind of person?


Sithorn cursed. With this distraction, his body was gradually sucked into the black hole. He wanted to turn into black mist and escape, but Hogus used his superpower to forcefully knock him back to his original form.

After that, Sithorne used several escape methods in succession, but they were all cracked by Hogs. There was no other way. The two were old rivals and knew each other too well.


Seeing that the time was almost up, Andrew raised his hands, and a battleship appeared out of thin air in the sky. A black light wave roared down and hit the black hole. The black hole surged, like a huge mouth, swallowing Sithorne.

At the same time, Hogs and Ganata attacked with all their strength, not allowing Sithorne a chance to escape.

Sithorne knew that it was time to fight. He looked up to the sky and shouted, and the mental sound waves penetrated the magic circle and spread outside. The other magicians were not affected, but the three people in charge of the formation, namely Balthazar and Vero Nika, Maxim, all the darkness in my heart surged up.

Is there darkness in Balthazar's heart?

Of course there is. The biggest darkness in his heart is guilt, because he personally sealed Veronica for more than two thousand years. If it weren't for him, Veronica wouldn't be in such pain, and she wouldn't be aging and living as a result of the sacrifice. Not many years.

Balthazar's eyes gradually turn black. He wants to use black magic to swallow the lives of other people, complete Veronica, and make her return to her former youthful beauty.

Is there darkness inside Veronica? Also, for more than two thousand years, she and Morgana stayed in the same body and were corroded by each other. She wanted to be the queen, the queen who rules everything.

In Maxim's heart...well, needless to say, there is darkness in his heart. He wants to kill Balthazar and occupy Veronica, and the child in Veronica's belly is also his.

Maxim pointed the staff directly at Balthazar, preparing to launch a sneak attack. Balthazar did not notice this, and he was preparing to draw the power of other magicians to supplement Veronica.

After Sithorn drew out the darkness from the three of them, his whole body swelled. Then, his body suddenly shrank to the extreme. Then, it exploded with a bang, and the black hole disappeared directly. Hogs and Ganata also retreated one after another.

After self-destruction, Sithorn quickly resurrected in the ashes. Then, he sacrificed himself and prepared to escape from the loophole in the magic circle.

Where is the flaw in the magic circle? As long as Balthazar, Veronica, and Maxim launch an attack, there will be a big flaw in the magic circle.

Once Sithorne escapes from the magic cage, he has many ways to escape back to the main world. Of course, it is not a complete escape, but the original escape and then resurrection.

For Sithorn, if he could escape from his origin today, it would be considered a victory. After all, he had fallen into the trap of Andrew and Hogs.

Just when Balthazar and Maxim were about to launch an attack, Veronica's voice sounded: "Balthazar, Maxim, stop."

Balthazar suddenly stirred and regained consciousness. He glanced at Sithorn with fear. Unexpectedly, the other party's voice alone almost made him doomed. Then, he turned to look at Veronica, with a smile on his face. Fortunately, Veronica stopped him in time.

Although Maxim was a bad guy, when he heard Veronica's voice, he immediately stopped and looked at Veronica fawningly.

Veronica was also tricked originally, but fortunately, she had a baby in her belly. At the critical moment, the baby's fluctuations made her wake up and call Balthazar and Maxim in time.

"how so?"

Seeing that there was no problem with the magic circle, Sithorn looked extremely ugly. Balthazar just let it go. That guy named Maxim, you are so black. Why did you stop when that woman called you? It’s worthy of your clothes. Black gas?

Seeing Veronica stabilizing the situation, Andrew nodded. In fact, even without Veronica, he had a way to stop everything. How could Sithorn break through his arrangement for so long?

"Sithorne, let me see how many more times you can blow yourself up? Soldier boy, Pete."

Andrew sneered as Soldier Boy and Pete blasted red lightning into his body again, and he yelled before continuing to use the black hole to trap Sithorne.

At the same time, Hogs and Ganata are still attacking in the same way, Sithorn is yelling, can't you have some new tricks?

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