American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1051 Future Scene

"I know a lot more."

Andrew smiled and didn't say much. He asked Peter: "Pete, why did you call me over? You don't look like you are in danger."

"I am indeed not in danger, or rather, I am not in danger now."

Peter waved his hand and said, "I accompanied Claire to Texas to investigate Mr. Bennet's matter. As a result, he discovered him not long after. After a fight and explanation, we finally sat down and discussed it."

Bennett is a top agent, and it is normal for Peter to be discovered by him. After all, he is just an ordinary person with super powers.

"Dad confessed everything to me. He is indeed an agent."

Claire continued: "The organization he works for is indeed very unfriendly to people with special abilities. However, he never intended to hand me over to the organization and has always protected me."

Andrew looked at Bennett, who said: "Claire is my daughter, I will never hurt her."

In fact, Claire was given to Bennet to be raised by the organization. Bennet was not very willing at first, but as he raised her, Bennet gradually regarded Claire as his own daughter, and even deceived the organization for her sake.

"I trust you."

Andrew said: "So, why did you come to me? Is there something wrong?"

"Two things."

Bennett said: "The first thing I want is for you to help deal with the organization. The organization is very powerful. I, the Haitians, and Pete alone cannot deal with them.

In fact, even though I have worked for the organization for thirty years, I still don’t know much about the organization. I don’t even know who the big BOSS is. I follow the orders of my superiors in everything. "

"I can give you some help, but I won't do it myself because I'm busy."

Andrew said that he was busy conquering those gathering places. As for other things, naturally it was his younger brothers who took care of them.

Bennet frowned a little when he heard this, which was different from what he wanted. He asked Peter to find Andrew. On the one hand, he really needed his help, and on the other hand, he wanted to take the opportunity to find out Andrew's background.

His daughter was absorbed by a mysterious organization. As a father, of course he wanted to know the details of the mysterious organization.

"If you just want to get rid of the organization, there is another way. Move the whole family to the wasteland world, which is the world that appeared above New York before."

Andrew said: "In this case, you no longer have to worry about that organization."

"This is acceptable."

Claire's eyes lit up. She has always been enthusiastic about saving the wasteland world. Of course, the main reason is that the time is short. Over time, a girl of this age may not be able to withstand it.

Bennett was not willing to go to the wasteland with his family. After all, he knew from the name that the place was not good. He asked: "Sir, what kind of help can you provide?"

Andrew opened his hand, and several talismans appeared in his hands. He said: "These talismans can help you teleport to the wasteland world. If you encounter danger, you can escape through these talismans.

In addition, if necessary, I can send the army from the wasteland world to help you. "

Although the army cannot deal with powerful superpowers, most superpowers will still die under the siege of the army.

These talismans were made by Andrew during this period. In addition to the power of the devil, they also have the power of the world.

Bennett took the amulet and was a little surprised. He said: "In this case, it's not bad. At least, safety is guaranteed, and you can fight with the organization with confidence.

Let’s talk about the second thing now, which is related to Pete. "

"Is it related to me?"

Peter was surprised. He thought Bennet was looking for Andrew for organizational matters, but he didn't expect it was related to him.

Bennet nodded and took out his phone to open a photo of an oil painting. In the oil painting, a man somewhat similar to Peter was glowing in the city, as if he would explode at any time.

Peter asked in confusion: "What is this? Is that person me?"

Andrew was a little surprised. The nuclear explosion in New York was the main plot of the first season of "Heroes". He naturally knew it. However, he did not remember this oil painting, and Bennett should not know about it.

If nothing else, it should be the change caused by the fusion of the two worlds. Of course, this is normal. When two completely different worlds merge together, changes will definitely occur.

"Yes, that person is you."

"According to the prophecy, you're going to have a nuclear explosion in New York, killing millions of people," Bennett said.

Pete was confused: "What, I had a nuclear explosion in New York? Why didn't I know I was so capable?"

The Haitian complained: "Are you sure you have the ability?"

Andrew asked: "Whose prophecy? We can't just come and paint an oil painting, and let's kill Peter, right?"

"You want to kill me?"

Peter opened his eyes wide and looked at Andrew in disbelief. Is the organization handling this kind of thing so ruthlessly?

"It's just a joke, don't be so nervous."

Andrew smiled and said: "Prophecy is just a possibility in the future. It may not come true. If it does come true... Haha, don't look like that. Tianjian Bureau is a positive person and will not kill its own people."

Pete breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"This prophecy comes from a painter named Isaac. He can draw pictures of the future. We have confirmed that his ability is real."

Bennett said: “In addition, the organization believes in this prophecy very much, and they seem to be planning something.

Sir, Claire said, your organization’s mission is to save the world. This matter should be within the scope of your organization’s responsibilities, right? "

"Of course, I know what you mean. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Andrew said: "Speaking of which, Mr. Bennet, you took this out to get Claire to leave Peter, right?"

"Yes, Peter is too dangerous and Claire can't be with him."

Bennett did not deny that three days ago, the organization asked him to contact Isaac, and he saw this oil painting.

At first, Bennett didn't take it seriously. After all, he was not from New York, and if anything happened, those superheroes would be responsible. More importantly, at this time, Claire had returned to Texas from New York.

As a result, as soon as Bennet came home, he saw Claire and Peter together. What a surprise, this was what he called a surprise.

Bennet wanted to get rid of Peter very much, so he called the Haitians, but he didn't expect that Claire had discovered his secret, and eventually the situation became what it is now.

"I agree."

It was not Andrew who spoke, but Peter. He said: "I don't know if I will have a nuclear explosion in the future, but since I am in danger, Claire can't continue to be with me."

"No, I will continue to follow you. If there is a nuclear explosion, you will die too."

Claire said: "If you want to survive, you must imitate my self-healing ability."

"No, it's too dangerous."

Peter shook his head repeatedly. He thought for a while and said: "BOSS, Mr. Bennet, from now on, I will not return to New York again, so that I will not have a nuclear explosion in New York."

"The future is not that simple. You will definitely come back to New York in the future."

Bennett said: "Destiny is so magical. In addition, as I said before, what does the organization want to do with this matter? Therefore, they will definitely push you to go to New York for a nuclear explosion."

"I said, the future can be changed."

Andrew waved his hand and said: "Claire, during this time you go to the wasteland world first. Your help is needed. Peter, you follow Mr. Bennet to solve the organization's troubles."

Bennet frowned, and Andrew said to him: "Mr. Bennet, I know what you are worried about, so how about you go visit the wasteland world first?

After you confirm the safety of the wasteland world, we will talk about other things. "

"fair enough."

Bennett thought for a while and nodded in agreement. He was very interested in the so-called wasteland world. If it was really safe, it could be used as a backup route.

Andrew didn't talk nonsense and brought everyone into the wasteland world. Bennett was a talented person who could stand alone. What he lacked most now was talent and he had to find a way to conquer it.

Wasteland world, fortress.

This place is now a large construction site, and countless people are busy, including Queen Maeve. She carries a cement truck and climbs up quickly. Many warriors around her look at her with admiration.

"Is that Queen Maeve?"

Bennett was a little confused. Didn't he say that Queen Maeve was dead? He also specially bought a commemorative disc. What is going on with Queen Maeve, who is wearing overalls and covered in dust?

"Yes, it's Queen Maeve, she rules here."

Andrew smiled, moved his fingers lightly, and used the power of the devil to impose restrictions on Bennett and the Haitian.

This restriction is not to harm them, but to prevent them from telling the truth about the wasteland world. This is a necessary precautionary measure, needless to say.

"Claire, take your father and this Haitian friend to visit the fortress."

Andrew said, Claire nodded, and left with the two of them excitedly. She was also involved in this base. Now that her father is here, she can't wait to show off her achievements.

Well, what achievements do you have?

"Pete, I know you're worried about a nuclear explosion."

Andrew said to Pete: "It will be difficult to change things in the future, but it is just difficult, not completely unchangeable.

Taking a step back, even if this happens in the end, it can be easily solved. I will take you back to the wasteland world, and you can just find a place to explode yourself. Anyway, there is no shortage of nuclear radiation here. "

Andrew's words made Peter relieved. He said, "That's good. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid that I will bring a catastrophe to New York."

"New York is a place with good feng shui. If there is no disaster like you, there will be other disasters."

Andrew smiled and said: "Next, I hope you will follow Bennet and the others. There is no need to taboo anything, just do whatever you want. I need you to obtain the ability to explode."

Pete expressed confusion: "Why?"

"On the one hand, it is a killer weapon. On the other hand, the nuclear explosion ability, coupled with other powers, may be able to absorb nuclear radiation."

Andrew said: "If the wasteland world wants to develop, it must clean up the nuclear radiation. There is no way in terms of technology, we can only start with supernatural powers.

There is an obvious relationship between nuclear explosion ability and nuclear radiation. When the time comes, combined with other powers, it is very likely that nuclear radiation can be absorbed. "

"What you say makes sense."

Pete thought for a while and said, "The problem is, nuclear radiation is very dangerous. After I absorb it, it will probably explode."

"What's the problem?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Teleport to a place where there is no one and explode casually. It's not like the earth has never launched nuclear bombs before."

"In other words, through my human body, the nuclear radiation in the wasteland world is concentrated in one place."

Peter understood a little bit, and Andrew nodded: "Yes, that's right, Peter, you must not only learn nuclear explosions, but also learn Claire's self-healing. Otherwise, it will be gone after one explosion. What a loss."

"What a loss? What you said reminds me of a black-hearted capitalist."

Pete complained, saying: "I will try my best to learn, but to be honest, Claire's superpower, I don't know how to imitate it at all."

"Just spend more time with her."

Andrew said: "I discovered that in addition to imitation, your superpowers also include absorption. You are now in the awakening stage of superpowers. If you have more contact, you can gain her abilities.

In fact, maybe you already have it now, but you're not injured, so you can't find it. "

Peter blinked and asked, "That means I have to cut myself first?"


Andrew smiled. Soon, Bennett and the others finished their visit. Bennett said, "This can indeed be used as a retreat. However, this place is too chaotic and too poor. Unless necessary, it would be better for Claire to stay outside."

"Of course."

Andrew did not object. He said: "Anyway, Claire will separate from you first. You take Peter to deal with the organization. If you need help, call me."


Bennett did not object anymore. After all, he now had a certain understanding of Andrew and was no longer as ignorant as before.

Of course, Bennet still didn't agree with Claire joining Andrew's Sword Bureau. He only wanted his daughter to be safe and didn't want her to save the world.

Then, Bennett, a Haitian, and Peter left at the same time to deal with the organization. As for Claire, although she wanted to follow everyone, she was left behind by Bennett. After all, she was only a high school student.

Andrew ignored these things and continued to conquer the gathering place and increase his strength.

Strength is the key. As for the plot of the earth, it only needs a little control. Of course, if he finds a suitable superpower, he will take action and swallow up the opponent's superpower.

That's part of the reason Andrew asked Pete to deal with that group.

On the other side, the people of the motherland were frantically looking for Huey and the others, and he completely transferred his hatred for Queen Maeve to those people.

Unfortunately, Billy and Franky are very experienced in hiding. No matter how the Walt Group and the people of the motherland search, they can't find them. At the same time, Billy and the others follow the clues given by Andrew and gradually find the truth about Compound No. 5.

Time passed like this, and on this day, a new world once again appeared outside the black-robed universe.

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