Chapter 1050 Devouring Superpowers

Looking at Ganata who was feasting, the Lord of Hell said seriously: "This is a trap, this must be a trap."

"Isn't this nonsense? This must be a trap."

Andrew was convinced. He said: "How could anyone be so stupid as to take the initiative to show up on the big screen? If nothing else happens, Death must be waiting near her, waiting for others to come over."

The Lord of Hell said: "This plan is a bit rough and can easily fall apart, unlike the handiwork of death."

"If there is only one enemy, it is indeed easy to crash, but with several enemies, it may be miraculous."

Andrew shook his head, and used mechanical powers to edit a temporary artificial intelligence specifically responsible for keeping an eye on Ganata.

"This is a pit, I'm waiting to see the follow-up development."

Andrew secretly thought, he didn't know that other multiple beings had the same idea as him - this was a trap. Therefore, although everyone found Ganata, no one took action, they were all observing.

Simply put, a bunch of old silver coins.

In the Marvel Universe, Galactus is as usual, taking a spaceship to search for planets suitable for swallowing in the universe, and inside the spaceship, in addition to Him, there is also the sleeping Ganata.

After all, Ganata is not a plural existence, she is not even a single existence. Therefore, after splitting into an original clone with growth potential, her body fell into a deep sleep.

Because of this, Galactus doesn't know what's going on with Ganata now, and he doesn't care. With death covering her, Ganata must be fine.

"My dear daughter, if you want to become the next Galactus, you must experience another universe."

Tunxing looked at his daughter dotingly. At this moment, he didn't know that the situation was slightly different from what he thought.

After staring at Ganata with artificial intelligence, Andrew continued to his destination, a private ward.

In this private ward, Peter's father Arthur lives. He has a powerful devouring power. Unfortunately, he has never found a person with self-healing powers. Therefore, he will also get sick and be on the verge of death.

"Knox, haven't you found that person yet?"

Arthur was lying on the hospital bed, using the instrument to ask his subordinate. His subordinate was a black man named Knox, whose ability was to absorb the fear of others and turn it into strength.

"Not found yet."

Knox shook his head and said: "Boss, there are some superpowers who also have the ability to recover. Do you want to find them?"

"Ordinary self-healing ability is not enough. I need that kind of immortal self-healing ability to heal my body."

Arthur shook his head weakly. Just as Knox was about to speak, a voice suddenly sounded: "No need to look for it, because you won't survive today."

Knox turned his head sharply and saw an Asian man entering the ward at some point. He picked up an apple and took a bite.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Knox shouted, and then, while activating his ability to absorb fear, he called the guards outside to come in and help.

Unfortunately, the guards didn't react at all because they couldn't hear the sounds inside - the Demon King's power was used to block sound.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is, old man, I want your ability."

Andrew said that he has not watched many TV series "Heroes" and is familiar with the first season. Fortunately, in the Internet era, there are many UP hosts who commentate on American TV series. Therefore, Andrew knows that Pete's father has devouring powers.

Andrew also knew that Arthur was the big boss of a certain season and was killed by his own son in the end. Therefore, he was not polite. Again, he preferred bad people to good people because he could be unscrupulous.

Arthur didn't talk nonsense and immediately ordered: "Kill him."

Knox did not act rashly, because he could not sense any fear in the other party. In other words, the other party had nothing to fear.

In fact, Andrew had something to fear. The problem was that Knox couldn't arouse it.

Andrew didn't talk nonsense and snapped his fingers. Knox fainted and fell to the ground, but it was a coma curse.

Then, Andrew popped out a mechanical spider in the direction of Arthur. The mechanical spider jumped on Arthur, and in his horrified eyes, it penetrated into his body through its mouth.

Arthur had no ability to resist at all and could only keep whining and whining. Then, the mechanical spider began to absorb Arthur's supernatural powers.

Absorbing superpowers is never a trivial matter. Andrew had to sacrifice his soul to help the mechanical spider, which is why he wanted to obtain the devouring superpower.

You can't sacrifice your soul every time you absorb powers, right? The landlord's family has no surplus food.

Soon, Arthur's devouring power was sucked away by the mechanical spider. At the same time, Arthur died. Andrew raised his hand to take away his soul and put an end to waste. Starting from you and me.

Then, Andrew controlled the mechanical spider to crawl out of Arthur's body. The mechanical spider flew to Andrew's waist and turned into a belt-head pattern.

"very good."

Andrew sensed the mechanical spider's ability and nodded with satisfaction. Then, he controlled the mechanical spider to fly out, swallow Knox's ability, and then kill it and take away the soul.

After doing this, Andrew waved his hand, and the two bodies were reduced to ashes at the same time. Then, he took the apple and disappeared silently, as if he had never been here.

On the streets of Miami, Andrew appeared quietly and found that everyone was watching TV. He raised his head and saw Azu saying with a deep face:

"I want to tell you some sad news. Queen Maeve died in order to save the world and completely eliminate weirdos..."

"Queen Maeve is dead?"

The people were in an uproar, and many people even covered their mouths and cried. There was an atmosphere of sadness around them.

Andrew silently raised his mobile phone and took pictures of all these scenes. Then, he returned to the wasteland world and played the video to Queen Maeve.

Queen Maeve's face turned dark. Is she going to die now? Also, Walter Company, are you a little too black-hearted to use my death to crazily cut off fans’ leeks?

"The Walt Company has released a documentary on Queen Maeve. Do you want me to buy it for you? It will definitely be fun to watch your own documentary."

Andrew asked with a smile: "It's hard for Watt Company to move so quickly. You just died yesterday, and the documentary came out today."

"Of course those bastards are quick to make money."

Queen Maeve cursed, what was on her mind, and asked: "What do you think will happen if I go out now and expose the true face of Walter Company?"

"It's not that great. Walter Company can definitely say that you are a fake. Moreover, people from the motherland are a big problem."

Andrew said: "Save this card for later use. Now, let them be proud for a while."

Queen Maeve gritted her teeth and said, "I feel bad when I think about those bastards using my name to make money."

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late."

Andrew shook his head and got down to business: "Last night, I captured some more gathering places. You can help with them."

"You can go slower, I simply can't manage so many gathering places."

Queen Maeve frowned: "The nearby gathering place can be relocated, but the far away gathering place can only be managed by sending people there first. The problem is that if the material supply is not available, we can't continue to exploit those slaves, right?"

"Don't worry, I have a way to solve this problem."

Andrew smiled and took Queen Maeve to the back, where he saw a huge plane parked there.

Queen Maeve looked incredulous: "Where did you get the big plane?"

"Of course I borrowed it."

Andrew said that the reason why we didn’t build a big plane before was because the mechanical parrot couldn’t teleport. Now that there is a space channel, Andrew will certainly not be polite.

As for who provided the plane? Oh, everyone understands. There are many kind-hearted people in the United States.

With the big plane, all the previous troubles were solved. Queen Maeve was very satisfied. Andrew said: "Leave it to me to conquer those gathering places, leave the construction management to you, and together we will make the wasteland world a good place."

"no problem."

Queen Maeve nodded, and then she couldn't wait to start working. Andrew sighed repeatedly, where can I find such good employees?

In the following period, Andrew conquered the gathering place during the day and took Anne on a date to conquer the gathering place at night. He lived a very fulfilling life. His strength increased crazily as he harvested more and more souls.

Improving your strength in the affiliated world is much faster than on Earth. On Earth, you need to keep a low profile and hide yourself to avoid being discovered by other diverse beings, but in the affiliated world, you don't need to consider these things.

Other diverse beings are also aware of this, and the competition for affiliated worlds may become fierce.

Putting all this aside, on this day, Peter suddenly summoned Andrew. Andrew left the attached world and used a mechanical parrot to teleport to his home in Claire, Texas.

At Claire's house, Peter, Claire, Claire's adoptive father Mr. Bennet, and a hairless Haitian are staying together.

Andrew suddenly appeared, and Bennet, who was wearing big glasses, immediately wanted to draw his gun. When Andrew raised his hand, Bennet's gun flew away on its own.

"Dad, he is Mr. Wang, one of our own."

Claire hurriedly shouted, and Bennet glanced at Andrew with some dissatisfaction - just dissatisfaction, not hostility. As an old father, it is normal to be dissatisfied with the guy who kidnapped his daughter.

Andrew said: "You responded well and are a very qualified agent."

"BOSS, why can you still use superpowers?"

Peter asked in surprise: "That Haitian can eliminate the supernatural powers around him. I stand next to him and I can't use any supernatural powers."

"Superpowers and supernatural powers are different."

Andrew shook his head and said: "His ability can only eliminate one type of superpower and has no effect on another type of superpower."

If not, Andrew would have taken action against the Haitians.

"Two powers?"

Both Peter and Claire were surprised. Bennett nodded and said, "Yes, there are indeed two kinds of abilities. Our organization has studied it. One kind of ability is innate and can be influenced by Haitians. The other kind of ability is acquired. , Haitians have no influence.

Our organization has always wanted to find out how the latter ability was born. Sir, do you seem to know this? "

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