American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 9 New Adventure! Did Carrot have a tail removal surgery?

"Those two children think you are a murderer and want revenge on you."

Next to the backrest, Carrot's white fingers casually rubbed on the steering wheel, and said with burning eyes:

"So I decided to take you to meet them."

After hearing this, Tony Stark finally understood why many of Carrot El's actions seemed to be saving him, while some did not care about his life or death at all.

"And then let them kill me?"

Carrot El turned on the air conditioner in the car, leaned on the chair, and said calmly:

"I don't want to interfere with other people's revenge, and I'm not used to moral kidnapping."

"It's just that I still have some things to do before I bring you to them."

Tony Stark spread his hands helplessly, with despair on his face:

"That means I was kidnapped again?"

When Carrot El heard this, he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder with a smile:

"Just think of it as an incredible adventure."

"That's what the girl who used to come to the farm told me."

After the words fell, the tune of the stereo rang throughout the carriage, and Tony Stark shook his head mockingly:

"Come on man, please understand, you are not a pretty girl!"

The next second, Carrot thoughtfully took out a long metal strip with an S pattern from the drawer next to it, like some kind of inserted key.

"What's that? S?"

Carrot El leaned back in his chair and did not reply. In silence, he slowly started the vehicle and drove deeper into the desert. Countless questions that had been silent for many years arose in his heart.

Carrot El, that's the name on the back of that sign.

Why does he have the S symbol of the El family of Krypton even though he is wearing a Saiyan battle suit and has a tail?

Adoptive father Jonathan Kent recounts the sign as the only symbol hanging around his neck.

"Karot Kakarot who am I?"

Al's murmur recalled certain speculations that were ready to come out but were uncertain.

This trip is to confirm these.

"Congenital tail resection?"

In SHIELD, Natasha Romanoff looked a little ugly. She rubbed her swollen eyebrows and felt her blood pressure rise.

It was difficult for her to connect the completely unrelated words of meteorite fall, tail resection, the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army, and the Universal Capsule Company.

"We found the doctor who was doing the surgery."

Nick Fury didn't want to continue to be a dumb fan. The situation was urgent and there was no room for any compromise:

"According to him, Carrot's adoptive father, Jonathan Kent, had his tail removed when he was a child!"

"Coincidentally, just one day ago, a meteorite crash occurred in the small town. However, the detectives at that time did not find the remains of the meteorite in the crater, so they made a hasty inference that the meteorite had already fallen after it fell. Burn out”

"Afterwards, we checked medical treatment records in towns, hospitals, and within ten kilometers nearby. We found that there were no more than five newborns born in those two days, and we ruled out the possibility of abandoned babies through preliminary interviews and surveys."

Although this explanation was outrageous, Natasha Romanoff understood what Nick Fury meant and looked at him present with a psychopathic look:

"You don't mean to say that he is an alien with a tail, do you?"

"And that meteorite is actually a spaceship?"

Faced with Natasha's stupid look, Nick Fury didn't care at all, because people who don't know the truth are the real fools. Instead, he added:

"And he is an alien who has the ability to destroy the entire Red Ribbon Army at the age of thirteen."

"Five years ago, Dr. Bryzev's daughter Bulma came to a small town in Kansas. At that time, a large-scale tornado hit the town."

"Jonathan Kent was trapped in heavy traffic while rescuing people and was about to be swallowed by a tornado. It was in that desperate situation that Carrot Al showed extraordinary strength despite his dissuasion."

"But his power to save his adoptive father made many residents feel ostracized and frightened. Although there were no unpleasant conflicts, it also had a considerable impact on the Kent family."

"So, he changed his name to Carrot El and left the town with Bulma."

Natasha Romanoff murmured: "Is it so that your parents won't be hurt?"

Judging from this, he is not a heartless person.

Nick Fury: "And our focus is that after Carrot El joined, the rise of the Universal Capsule Company began."

Hill continued to narrate: "After so many years, in the grand publicity of Magnum Capsule Company to the United States for the first time, Carrot El, who was supposed to be the core figure, has been missing for two days."

Natasha Romanov reacted quickly: "They are attacking in the east and west, are they covering for Carrot?"

"This is the focus of the goal!"

Nick Fury's expression turned serious, and a trace of solemnity flashed through his solemn eyes:

"Currently we are not sure of Carrot's purpose, and all our agents sent to the Universal Capsule Company have all disappeared mysteriously, including Coulson!"

Upon hearing this name, Natasha Romanoff straightened up instantly:

"How is he? Have his physical signs disappeared?"

"It's still there, but we can't locate it. Maybe they don't want to break up with us, or it could be a trap to make us afraid to act rashly."

If the situation hadn't seriously gone beyond his control, or even a conspiracy against the next global change, Nick Fury would not have used such a huge amount of manpower and material resources:

"They are ahead of us in both technology and force."

"In recent years of investigation, we found that the rise of the Universal Capsule Company is very strange."

"It has been mediocre in the past ten years, until five years ago, it officially rose through a series of large-scale projects such as contracting demolition projects, slag cleaning, mine blasting, and disaster ruins reconstruction!"

"They have monopolized almost half of the blasting projects in America with extremely efficient slag cleaning methods!"

Natasha Romanov wondered: "Efficient? How efficient?"

"Zero building residue."

"No transportation routes."

"No dumping sites."

"Labor costs are about zero."

"Time. About a few seconds."

Natasha widened her eyes and opened her mouth in amazement: "???????"


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