American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 10 Desert Oasis, Piccolo Appears!

Smoke, the aroma of boiling gravy.

A faint thought drifted away through the car window

In a deserted area, a black off-road vehicle drove towards the center of the desert. On the radar, there was a thick gray fog.

"You are really obsessed with food."

Tony Stark was too tired to complain about this behavior of having a smokeless grill and an air fryer in the car.

Carrot Al stepped on the accelerator with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on cumin. For him, driving a car is more of a pleasure, just like sitting on a throne and resting. It takes him less than a second to get to any place on the earth:

"Yes, so if you dare to drip your saliva on my steak, I will tie a rope around you and throw you behind the car to run!"

Tony Stark was speechless. He regretted why he didn't eat more before. That burger was not enough to satisfy his hunger. Now he is starving:

"Can you tell me where you are going?"

"It seems that you are driving into the desert?"

Carrot Al asked expressionlessly: "Listen, Did you mention the gray fog area? "

Tony Stark thought for a moment and said, "I have heard of it in the tabloids before."

"Like Bermuda, the Delta, Shennongjia, Kunlun, the Himalayas, the Amazon Paradise Island, these places that cannot be searched on the radar are said to be displayed as a hazy gray fog."

Carrot El looked at him in surprise, as if he did not expect Stark to be interested in knowing these things:

"Well, what the tabloids said is right. There are many mysterious forces that cover these places and prevent outsiders from approaching."

"And the first stop we are going to is the oasis deep in the desert."

"Why go to the oasis?"

"You will know when you get there."

The scorching sun was replaced during the long drive.

The golden sun has been replaced by the moon.

The cloudless sky suddenly turned pitch black with twinkling stars, turning into a beautiful painting.

"Stop sleeping, get out of the car."

Stark was forcibly awakened from his sleep, looking around in a daze, and was thrown out of the car by Carrot by the back of his neck like a kitten, shivering with cold:


"Oh my god, this damn desert is so cold, be gentle, I think I have a cold."

Carrot got out of the car and closed the door, took out a small hand-held ice chest from the trunk, and threw a blanket to him:

"The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large. "Great, you can survive the first two days, and it's all because of your reactor that keeps your heart beating, otherwise you would have frozen to death."


Stark hurriedly wrapped the blanket around himself, sniffed his nose, and suddenly felt weak all over:

"Oh my god, it's so cold, and you still carry a freezer?"

"Ice beer, in the depths of the desert, a bottle costs you 10 million, right?"

"But unfortunately, these are not for you to drink."

As he said, Carrot El raised his head, and Stark followed his gaze, only to find that the scene in front of him had completely changed.

In the dark night, the traces of yellow sand all over the sky have faded in the night, and a dense vegetation has laid out a world of weeds in the vast world.

The riverbed flows with streams, and the high canyons on both sides make the entire terrain sink, hiding this oasis symbolizing life in this cursed devil's yellow sand!


It's a desert oasis!

Tony Stark rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and for a moment he could not hide his joy:

"Hahaha, this is incredible, Oasis, I only heard about this thing before, and never thought that I would be so shocked when I saw it, this is simply a miracle! An exciting miracle!!!!"

Stark's joy cannot be understood by those who have not wandered in the desert. Although he is no longer struggling to find water, he is still shocked by this after almost dying of thirst.

"This place is great, why didn't I find it earlier! Hahaha!!!"

Carrot El glanced at him lightly: "Then you should be thankful for this. If you didn't meet me, but found this place in advance, you would be dead now."

Tony Stark's smile froze: "Ah?"

"What do you mean?"


Suddenly, a sound exploded in the air, and a terrible air pressure fell from the sky, stirring up the sand and dust in a radius of several kilometers.

The ripples spread out like a sandstorm blowing in all directions, spreading out, and in an instant, it pressed Stark to the ground, and his chest was choking.



Before Tony Stark could figure out what was happening, a sound of cutting through the air flew away under the night, and a golden object was thrown towards them.


Carrot El raised his hand and opened his palm lightly. A glowing golden sphere was thrown from above the oasis into his palm and was caught steadily by him.

The golden sphere exuded a luster that could not be seen clearly inside, and it was slightly bright in the night. In the depths of the center, six stars were shining.

However, the strange thing was that no matter from which angle you looked at it, you could see a pentagonal star pattern.

"Six-pointed star."

Carrot El's mouth corners gradually rose, raised his head, and looked at the white wind robe above the sky:

"Long time no see."


The figure in the sky showed a smile, and the green figure slowly fell to the ground. Under the two tentacles, there was a pair of evil eyes flashing with murderous intent:


Compared to the Namekian after the fusion in the later period of Dragon Ball, Carrot obviously prefers the Piccolo who said that fighting is my specialty in the Vegeta period.

He is sharp, decisive, ruthless but not without tenderness.

In the later period, he is indeed more intelligent, but less brave, and lacks the courage to continue to rush up even if he is beaten to a mouthful of blood.

In this fusion world dominated by American comics, there is actually no legend of Piccolo in the outside world.

Because the combat power of old Piccolo is far from enough. When he was just born, he was killed by someone carelessly.

Piccolo's egg was also sealed, and it was not until Bulma came here five years ago that she accidentally broke the seal and hatched Dan.

Five years ago, Piccolo was just a child, but the growth period of the combat-type Megatron was only three years.

So, now they have all grown up.

Maybe it was destined, or maybe it was intentional, Piccolo's position was also placed at the location of the Celestial Spaceship two hundred years ago, which is what Celestial said, home!

This oasis deep in the desert is also the most suitable place for him, isolated from the world, and also far away from the troublesome SHIELD and the Political Dawn Agency.

Please recommend, collect, and wish you all a happy September

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