American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 53: The Name of Superman, Life Story (End)

Colonel Leon felt extremely excited. He never expected, never expected, that the ultimate vested interest would be him!

Under the stunned eyes of Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Captain America, who was rescued by Diana's sword and shattered the ice, their views were shattered.

The blue sky suddenly rang out with gunshots and cannons. The missiles that were supposed to hit Carrot now turned into fireworks specially set off for him.

Amidst bursts of cheers, Carrot waved to everyone silently, like a leader responding to their soldiers.

This scene made Tony Stark's gums tremble when he saw it. He didn't know whether he was cold or frightened, so he muttered in a low voice:

"Oh my god, what kind of nonsense has this guy learned in human society?"

Diana smiled softly and looked at Al's back. At some point, she had already changed into the attire for the dinner:

"Isn't that good? It shows that he has really integrated into this place."

Steve Rogers immediately pulled a blanket over his body and wrapped it tightly around his arms, with a cold breath coming out of his mouth:

"Okay, now I know what it means to be cold. I really don't know how I survived those 70 years."

Natasha held up her forehead with a helpless expression: "I'll go, this trick is really fucking slippery!"

Time is frozen in the distant tomorrow. The sunlight reflected through the blue ice reflects Carrot’s smile as he slowly looks towards the sky.

The bonfire slowly rose, and as the bright moonlight from the horizon fell on the earth, among countless armies, the 12th Arctic Military Base finally ushered in a bonfire party with the complete completion of the research project.

Natasha stayed by Hawkeye's side, feeding him a bowl of soup, telling him the story of Carrot and the fate of Nick Fury in the end.

I heard the wounds on Clint Barton's body being torn open again and again, whether he was laughing or angry.

Sergio Leon was sitting in front of the computer, frantically calling his boss and typing emails.

On the other side of the computer, General Swann, who was in the military council, had a complicated expression after receiving the report from his subordinate, but at the same time he was stunned and remained silent for a long time.

Bruce Banner slowly woke up in bed. When he woke up and saw Carrot for the first time, he almost fainted again from fright.

Steve was originally looking for Stark to reminisce about old times, but these two pairs of shields and irons, who are incompatible with each other in nature, quickly started fighting after a few words of conversation!

And Stark, who has been trained by Piccolo Hell, can fight with the American team back and forth without using steel armor. If it weren't for his 50/50 attributes, he could even be knocked down directly.

The soldiers who returned to the military base seemed to be in a dream, but more and more people discovered that in their twists and turns of life, they still had money, wine, food, and they could go home!

After spending so many years in this barren world of ice and snow, many soldiers have become aware of their homesickness. Carrot's method of ruling with a big stick and sweet dates, although not brilliant.

But since one is willing to take the steps, the other is willing to walk up.

Why don't you all enjoy it?

As a result, countless soldiers seemed to explode, and the most talked about topic was Carol.

Some say he is a god on earth, some say he is a generous capitalist, some say he is a god who subdues monsters.

Of course, some people will say in their hearts that he may be the incarnation of the devil in the human world, but he has a short mouth to eat others and a short hand to take advantage of others. As long as there is no poison in this food, then whether you are a god or a devil, what does it have to do with me?

What's more, the people at the top are there to exchange cups with him, so what do they have to worry about?

Some soldiers were even brave enough to ask Al to come on stage to perform a heat ray! ! !

So, when Carrot El looked at him with red eyes, the soldier directly explained on the spot what it meant that Ye Gong was a good dragon.

"The best martial arts club in the world sounds interesting."

With the wind and snow blowing, Carrot El and Diana stood side by side, looking at Stark who threw Captain America to the ground in the audience, and their cups also clinked together.

These two two of the three giants of Zhenglian finally met at the origin of this world.

"What you said to Natasha before was to consciously gather people like us together?"

Diana lifted her hair and asked Carrot tentatively. She thought Carrot would deny it, but the man in front of her unexpectedly nodded and sighed deeply:

"We should do this, shouldn't we, Diana?"

"Have you been waiting for a day like this for a long time?"

"In other words, everyone like me, or even everyone in the parallel universe, should have been waiting for a long time."

"Not only do we unite and fight on the unknown side of the world, we also unite on the basis of the original social foundation of this world."

"The world will let you down, essentially because you have forgotten the process of connecting with it."

"Maybe in billions of worlds, you are all like this."

"But in fact, if these two places are regarded as battlefields, then you who are protecting the masses on the other battlefield should also be protected by the masses on this battlefield."

"So now, just think that I am doing this as a human being, and wait until one day humans want to do it and can do it."

"As I should, I came to your side."

The soft light of the bonfire fell on Carrot's face in the swaying, and was heard by Natasha who came to deliver wine behind him, and also made Diana's eyes fascinated.

He seemed to understand why Carrot said such words during the day.

He was neither a hero nor a devil.

He was a human, or rather, he was a kind of person who was more human than them.

So, he could be a bridge connecting them and lead them to fly higher.

"But humans are sometimes not so beautiful."

Diana sighed secretly.

"So, we need some people who are both light and human."

Drinking the wine in the glass in one gulp, Carrot El's words murmured and echoed in the night sky:

"We also need an excellent ruler."

Suddenly, the two looked down at the same time.

As the bonfire rose slowly, rows of soldiers stood in line on the empty playground, pulling a banner with a smile on their faces.

The eye-catching S was enlarged as the first letter, and the outlined lines and logos made it clear at a glance that it was the pattern on El's chest.

"That is."

In Diana's surprised eyes, Carrot El silently read out the word:


Suddenly, Carrot's eyes suddenly looked into the distance, and saw the window of the Kryptonian spaceship standing on the snowy glacier, revealing Jor-El's relieved smile.

Carrot smiled knowingly, took a new Margarita from Natasha's hand, and slowly raised the glass to the soldiers below, with wine as a meaning.

Cheers to the moon, to hope, to my father, to my life experience, to Planet Vegeta, to my mother. Cheers to the earth!

And to the beginning of the future!

Although the wind and rain outside are sweeping the world like a bucket, in this chaotic world, which day is not facing the crisis of destruction?

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