American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 52 In this era, its surname is Al!

Carrot El's words anchored the winner's judgment on the loser, and also marked the end of the return journey for the visitors in this endless snowy land.

In a dark but luxurious basement, Nick Fury threw his cell phone to the ground angrily and frowned deeply.

Carrot is not just venting his anger unilaterally!

The appearance of the Skrulls in this operation is completely a soy sauce role.

If he had to retaliate in the form of venting his anger, shouldn't Captain America, Diana, and Hulk, who attacked him, be directly targeted for revenge?

But in the end, Carrot chose to uproot the Skrulls directly, and left the complete eradication operation to two unreliable things, the military and the parliament. .

This move deeply aroused Nick Fury's vigilance.

As an alien, or even as a citizen living on the other side of the ocean, does Clark's grandson trust these things so much?

Natasha Romanoff also stared at Carrot with deep eyes. This invincible god on earth is by no means a reckless man who only uses his fists.

He is well versed in the rules of human society and knows how to use these rules to make what he wants to do more beneficial.

"Carrot I think."

As soon as Natasha spoke, Carrot interrupted her and looked into her eyes calmly:

"Don't beg for mercy, I know you have a good relationship with that Braised Dantou, but the biggest beneficiary after his downfall is you."

Carrot's words stunned Natasha. Suddenly, she discovered that this human god was actually very close to everyone.

If the place he reaches when he takes off is a height that we can never reach, then when he lands, the warmth he brings is so tangible.

Carrot El said calmly: "With Nick Fury alone, you will never be able to live the life you truly deserve."

"Because he will not let such an outstanding ace agent who can continue to work leave him."

"But if this continues, you will become a fly like him, or die in one of the missions."

Natasha Romanoff's eyes dimmed, she took two steps forward, shook her head charmingly, and lightly hit the S on Carrot's chest:

"Thank you for your kindness, friend, but I don't deserve that kind of life."

"I am a relic of the old era. Besides, you said you saw it before, and I can't act like a normal person."

Natasha thought that maybe she had been in the snowy land for a long time, and her body and heart had reached the point where she could no longer keep warm.

"Don't be like that old popsicle over there. He's useless and just makes trouble."

Carrot El continued to interrupt Natasha: "Let Diana take you to Paradise Island, or you come to me."

"I also have a lot of things I need you to do."

Hearing this, Natasha Romanoff raised her lips in self-mockery.

Sure enough, all the organizations in the world are greedy for her abilities, and for this reason, they will do anything to recruit her. Even Carrot is no exception, and immediately mocked:

"Then what's the difference from before?"

"And what's the difference between you and Nick?"

Carrot looked directly into Natasha's eyes. He shook his head word by word:


"Remember what I said?"

Natasha Romanov lowered her eyebrows and hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Exchange sincerity for sincerity?"

Carrot's face showed the gentleness that belonged to Superman and Wukong, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as soft as the rays of the sun:

"Well, of all the organizations in the world, there is no one who doesn't desire the Black Widow's spy capabilities."

"But I don't need your professional agent level or the physical body that can add to this level."

"Because that's not your real power."

Natasha Romanoff frowned and looked at him doubtfully:

"But what else do I have besides these?"

"The delicate heart that has been polished in danger, the empathy after witnessing all tragedies, and the heart that finds another one in the abyss that one wants to save, and the most selfless protection of the people around him."

Carrot El answered without hesitation.

"It sounds idealistic, but I'm not that noble."

Natasha Romanoff's tone was very understated, but there was some hidden movement in her heart.

Carrot shook his head silently: "It's just a kind of reliability."

"This is all about me and Nick Fury and those organizations don't care at all."

Natasha Romanoff looked angry and funny: "Hahaha, are you crazy? You actually said that a spy is reliable??"

Carrot seemed to have not heard her words, turned around and said:

"There are many people like you and me who need a destination and a starting point."

"And I'm doing it."

Seeing this, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but be silent for a long time. The black widow, who never hesitated no matter what decision she made, actually showed a rare hesitation at this moment.

And the reason for that hesitation was very simple, just because Al understood her.

Except for Clint Barton, this alien whom she had only met once seemed to understand her better than everyone she knew.

After a long time, Natasha asked: "Then why are you doing this?"

Carrot El turned back and smiled: "Like you, I am not that noble."

"I do this because I have a desire to rule over power, status, and wealth."

"Many people regard this as a villain, but if we can do better and be more reliable, don't we have the right to vote and be elected?"

"Another selfish point is."

Carrot El looked back, his blue eyes flashing with ambition and solemnity:

"I hope that in this era, his last name is El!"

"And my era must be the best era."

"To this end, we must pick up sincerity and strength!"

After the voice fell, Carrot El walked towards Sergio Leone, who had been standing at attention for a long time, without looking back, and gently patted his shoulder:

"You are good, you have a wide road to walk. After reporting and exposing Nick Fury, you should have military merits."

Sergio Leone's mind moved, and his eyes lit up unconsciously.

Carrot glanced at the Kryptonian reconnaissance ship, and walked step by step to the front of many soldiers. His flying cape and the S pattern of the silver dragon coiled like their well-deserved idol logo, he began to speak:

"Hello, soldiers, I am Carrot El, CEO of the Universal Capsule Company. This visit to the 12th Military Research Project in the Arctic has been successfully completed."

"For your selfless dedication, on behalf of the Universal Capsule Company, I would like to express my condolences to everyone."

Stark and his men were amazed by the set of rhetoric. Carrot El faced thousands of troops. , delivering his post-war speech:

"Of course, since the research is about to end, everyone will be able to return home soon. As a reward for everyone's hard work, a bonfire party will be held tonight, and I will pay for it."

"All those who participated in this mission can get $1,000 in consolation funds."

"Although it's not much, it's enough to fill everyone's table with a steak and a glass of whiskey."

Sergio Leone rushed up with a goose step, his eyes shining, and shouted to the people below:

"In order to thank Mr. Al for his funding, everyone fired a cannon to express their gratitude!!!"

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