American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 49 Bruce Banner's Horror! The Red Light Hulk is Born!

At the same time, Diana began to re-examine what Carrot had said before.

Whether it was the blessing of the Truth Lasso or the gap between the strong and the weak, Carrot disdained and had no need to lie to her.

After fighting in person, Diana now had a clearer understanding of this man's strength than anyone else.

He did let him go, even letting the water of the entire Pacific Ocean go.


Suddenly, at this moment, a red light from deep underground illuminated Carrot's dark back.

Diana looked up in surprise, and saw a red light symbolizing anger, splitting from the ground into a scarlet like a scorching fire.

Black and red interweave into a vow, and at the end of eternal time, a low and empty sound is heard:

"Hot blood and scarlet anger,"

"Take it from the body before it is cold."

"Deep hatred and grudges cook the lungs,"

"Forge your road to the underworld!"

Carrot Al slowly turned around, revealing a hint of expectation as if he had expected it.

Just when Diana challenged Al with her arms and legs, under the crack deep into the ground that he stepped on.

Bruce Banner was looking at the tempting red light ring in front of him, hesitating and stunned there.

When Hulk came out, he could not see the same angle, so he didn't know what happened outside, and who would win or lose between him and the alien.

But as the smartest scientist, Banner knew at a glance that there was no human remains around, but a huge human-shaped deep pit, as if it was smashed by Hulk.

Then what is the result?

Banner wanted to say something from the bottom of his heart about Hulk being knocked down.

You have come to this day too! ! ! ! !

However, the glacier cracks that were hundreds of meters high around him also made him so desperate that he didn't want to say a word.

The severe cold of more than 40 degrees below zero almost instantly froze him without clothes into the current Captain America.

So under the desire to survive, he could only make a choice with an unknown result.

If Hulk is the one who can attract the red light ring, then Banner is the one who can suppress the red light ring.

This is a fact that everyone ignores.

Bruce Banner's control over emotions has far exceeded the limits of human beings!

Especially for the emotion of anger! !

It can be said that no one in the world knows how to control anger better than him.

All his seemingly cowardly external performances are just because he is a little angry, which may trigger the Hulk's full-scale rampage!

So he must control it.

Let's ask, a person who has been controlling his emotions for two consecutive years without interruption, and has not risen a trace of anger under any circumstances, how terrible is this person?

Not to mention that there is a Hulk in his body ready to move!

So is Bruce Banner really not angry?

On the contrary, he was extremely angry, and he could even keep on being angry.

But his suppression of anger was absolutely unimaginable and terrible!

He was to Hulk like Jinchūriki to the tailed beast, enduring the pain of staring into the abyss all the time!

But he could never get angry at all, and had to suppress himself forever!

Two years, it was no exaggeration to say that every second felt like a year.

No one could escape, hunt, hide, and survive for two years without feeling a trace of anger, anger, blaming others, breaking the jar, throwing it away, and destroying it when tired!

But he did it. He did it!

Therefore, no one is more suitable for the Red Lantern Corps than him!

Those recruited by the Red Lantern Ring will always be in extreme anger, but Banner is in such a state almost all the time.

And he is not only not crazy, but even alive and kicking.

In addition, Hulk represents anger. The angrier he is, the stronger his power will be, and it will never end.

So when Hulk shows his power, he can attract the Red Lantern Corps's ring!

But he was finally kicked unconscious by Carrot.

Because Banner and Hulk are the same person, the red lantern ring did not leave.

Although neither of them admits this to each other, this is the fact.

The origin of Hulk is Bruce Banner's second personality caused by his own childhood shadow.

The two of them are exactly the best candidates for the red lantern ring.

One represents anger, the angrier he is, the stronger his power will be, and the other can even suppress this anger!

Under the crack, when Bruce Banner put on the ring.

An unprecedented pain swept through all the cells in his body!

What a hot blood it was, burning even the heart couldn't bear it.

Until the red energy replaced the blood flowing in the body and sprayed out of the body, turning into a flame burning like purgatory.

This kind of fire can even burn in a vacuum, burning any combustible or non-combustible material.

There is nothing like this when there is anger in one's heart!

The next second, as the flames spread, Banner's body slowly rose into the air. He was originally naked, but suddenly he had a black and red combat uniform.

"What is that?"

Diana looked up at Bruce Banner flying in the sky. Sure enough, he was not killed by Carrot.

But what is this power?

The sun seemed to be burning, and the overwhelming heat was like hell descending on the Arctic glaciers.

The next moment, Carrot El's figure slowly floated into the air, and the black cloak covered a corner of the sun's rays.

Seeing Bruce Banner with a painful face, the calm tone finally had a hint of expectation:

"It's okay, where I am, you can never be patient."

Carrot El's palm slowly placed on Bruce Banner's hot chest, and bewitched in his ear:

"You can't control this energy completely now, relax, let this anger awaken the guy in your body."

"Let me see too"

"You who have no limit because of anger, in the end."

"Can you take my punch?"

After saying that, Carrot's palm on Banner's chest suddenly exerted force and pushed him down in an instant.

The red streamer hit the blue and white iceberg.


Falling from mid-air, Banner's figure hit the depths of the glacier, and his eyes gradually closed.

The terrible flames grew bigger and bigger, burning more and more vigorously, like magma from purgatory flowing on the snowy area of ​​the Arctic glacier!

And what burst out from the magma was a perfect combination of red and green.


Roaring and roaring, until the moment when the angry blood giant awakened, the new and old hatreds had turned into infinitely expanding power, and smashed down from mid-air fiercely.


With a loud bang, the terrible waves that shook the earth were so loud that even Diana had to put up a shield to block it!

At this moment, Carrot's cold smile came from mid-air:

"Very good. Please continue. Dance."

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