American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 48: Challenging God, Diana admits defeat!


The snowflakes were floating in the world in the horror of extreme cold. The moment they merged into the whiteness of the earth, a sharp sword light broke through the barrier of sound speed and was fixed on the top of Carrot's forehead, unable to move any further!


The solemn eyes reflected a white and smooth finger, like an unshakable Mount Tai, blocking the Vulcan sword that could cut objects at the subatomic level!

"That's it?"

Carrot El's indifferent gaze stayed on Wonder Woman.

Looking into each other's eyes, he saw the shock deep in Diana's eyes.

"Although I didn't feel the killing intent from this sword, this arrogance of taking action without any hesitation really makes me think highly of your rationality in facing fear."

Diana quickly took a step back, her pupils trembled, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she murmured: "What a monster!"

"You actually blocked the Vulcan Sword with just one finger!"

Seeing this, Carrot El smiled, spread his palms and asked: "What's wrong, Princess of Paradise Island, are you afraid of me?"

Hearing Carrot's somewhat arrogant words, Diana laughed in appreciation.

At this moment, she once again seemed to have the same feeling she had when confronting the gods. It was the pleasure of facing the powerful and invincible, and finally surpassing herself:

"Now that you know where I come from, you should know that the daughter of Paradise Island has nothing to fear!!!"

"I'm just belligerent."

"Especially, being warlike against the strong!"

"Carrot El, this is the first time in a century and countless days and nights that I want to challenge someone!"

Endless fighting spirit burst out from his slightly frightened eyes, but after saying this, Carrot El's face relaxed slightly.

The warlike nature of the Amazons is visible to all the world. Diana, who participated in World War I, has an open identity among the top inner circles of mankind.

The princess of Paradise Island, a goddess who calls herself a warrior.

Carrot, who has the same militant characteristics, does have a blood appreciation for this type of women.

Among the three, the strongest one is undoubtedly Wonder Woman.

Whether it is rich combat experience, or incomparable strength and speed, even the intensity of the movie version can match the three-stage Doomsday for dozens of rounds without falling behind, and even cut off Doomsday's arm in one fell swoop!

Although Heng Chao is rated as the weakest Superman, he is Superman after all, and anyone who can fight Superman must not be underestimated!

So, Carrot El extended a finger.


Diana was stunned for a long while, looking at Carrot's current movements with an expression of shame and anger. The angle at which the index finger was extended showed that it was not a directional gesture, but rather like the gesture of a swordsman from the old century when drawing his sword.

"What does it mean?"

"Are you humiliating me?"

"I didn't use any force with that sword just now!!!"

Carrot El pondered for a moment, but the expression on his face never changed: "Just show some respect, that's all I want."

In an instant, a golden light condensed on the fingertips and enveloped it, as if a layer of energy as thin as a cicada's wing had been poured into it, making it indestructible and as heavy as a mountain.

The moment golden light spread across her fingertips, Diana slashed with her angry sword.


The fingertips blocked the sword light, and no one present could see their movements clearly. Afterimage after image had already frozen the scene into an unobservable image.

"Crack crack!"

"Crack crack crack crack!"

Sides of ears, chest, temples, under ribs, cheeks, forehead, heart, kidneys, liver, lower abdomen, neck!

As the sword struck one after another, the speed and force of each sword was harder and faster than before!

But from Diana's perspective, no matter what tricky angle she drew the sword at, no matter what weird speed she swung at, no matter how terrifying the force she exerted on her hand.

Carrot El's finger would always block the sword he was swinging at the moment the sword was about to pierce his body.

It can't be cut away, can't be thrown away, can't be avoided, and can't be broken. It seems to have turned into an eternal wall that makes the gods sigh. It is indestructible and indestructible.

And this is just Carrot's defense at the snap of his fingers.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Carrot's arms kept waving along with Diana's movements, and his feet never even moved a step.

There was no expression on his face, and he didn't even bother to look at it. He relied entirely on his sense of breath to predict his movements.

It wasn't until Diana jumped away, panting heavily in front of her, and thrusting the Vulcan sword into the ground angrily, that she silently retracted her fingers.

Carrot El shook his head at her:

"Have you beaten enough?"

"Is it okay?"

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

Diana's face was not ordinary ugly, and her motionless figure was like a mountain that he could not shake for the rest of his life.


Even though she raised her hand to protect the silver bracelet and slammed it forward, the huge sonic boom and air wave generated between the crossed arms only made Carrot's cloak dance slightly.

"Buzz buzz"

All her self-righteous attacks are no different from the brawling of a young child venting his anger on an adult.

"Damn it, no, this guy is not something I can deal with!"

"I can't beat him!"

Diana can accept her own failure, she can accept that her skills are inferior to others, and she can accept that she loses to others.

But it didn't move even a bit. Just one finger blocking her sword became a barrier that she couldn't break through.

So just imagine, how hard must Carrot's body be?

Even if he stood still and let her chop for three days and three nights, what harm could she do?

Can't win.

There's no way to win!

Diana is belligerent, but she is not stupid. This kind of opponent is not at the same level as her, and is even several levels higher than himself.

She has to admit

"I lost."

Although I really didn’t want to say these words, looking at Carrot’s clear eyes, it was hard to imagine what an invincible god this was!

Those eyes were not as clear as the human world, maybe it was because he was invincible.

Since he came out of the cave, he was invincible and could spare others.

The moment the words fell, Diana also realized that people like Carrot El were already powerful beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

He is definitely not the alien that Nick Fury said was plotting secretly and trying to cause harm to human society.

If he were, humankind would have been doomed long ago!

With such power, Diana couldn't imagine any new or old god being able to defeat him.





Diana expressed doubts, mainly because the guy in front of her seemed a bit too strong, as if he couldn't see the bottom at all.

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