American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 4 The Red Ribbon Army suddenly appears!

The moment he looked out, Stark felt like he was falling into the abyss, his face turned pale, and he closed the door with a bang as fast as he could.

Chasing troops.

Damn it, it's the pursuers.

Tony Stark's eyes couldn't hide the look of horror.

It has been two days since he built the Mark 1 armor and escaped from the desert base.

Stark has experienced dehydration, hunger, heat, fatigue, death, worsening of wounds all over his body, inflammation, and countless other extreme conditions!

But he never expected that before the military found him, there would be pursuers from the Ten Commandments Gang chasing him.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. He has obviously killed everyone, so why would someone come after him?

He couldn't help but look at Carrot beside him and frowned.

"You, are you with them?"

Tony Stark's eyes were a little wary. Although Carrot's behavior judged this to be impossible, the man who suddenly appeared in the depths of the desert did reveal too much irrationality.

This building is unreasonable, and neither is this person.

Although he already had negative guesses in his mind, Tony Stark still couldn't help blurting out the question.

Obviously, compared to the calmness of the bat, he is more like an emotional person. The anxiety lingering in his heart makes him want to seize every minute to find safety!

"what you think?"

Seeing this, Carrot asked rhetorically, and from the corner of his eye, he noticed that Stark's hands were shaking.

It was fear, a fear that could not be suppressed or concealed at all.

Tony Stark's eyes wandered back and forth on Carrot's dress and temperament.

Although this is not a reasonable speculation, Al and the Ten Commandments gang are not the same people.

Although it is a very strange thing to appear here, his temperament, clothing, and behavior are very different from those of the Ten Commandments Gang.

Compared to the ferocity, brutality, and inhumanity of the Ten Commandments Gang, which frequently kills people, slaughters villages, and tortures them severely, every move of this guy named Al appears to be very gentle, even elegant.

This is a reading attitude that has been cultivated by a good education, and there is no greed for money in Al's eyes when he looks at him.

His behavior is completely unlike that of a terrorist who hides his head and hides his tail, carefully avoiding the pursuit of Interpol.

Hearing this, Tony Stark took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said solemnly:

"Okay, no matter who you are or what your purpose is, we have to get out of here now!"

"The pursuers outside are completely a group of inhuman murderers, mercenaries, and terrorists. I believe you don't want to offend them, right, Mr. Al?"

"But maybe I could choose to hand you over."

Glancing at him with a smile, Carrot El's words made Tony Stark pale.

"It's a good idea, but I think you'll be silenced because they won't let anyone know they have Tony Stark."

Tony Stark answered immediately, but immediately afterwards, Carrot's words filled the shaking wine glass with some kind of indifferent joking. He glanced at him appreciatively, and motioned to the surroundings with his eyes:

"There is only one building here, and there are hundreds of kilometers of desert no-man's land nearby. If you run out, you will be a living target. So what are you going to do in this situation?"

Tony Stark was silent. After analyzing all the possibilities, his dull eyes were filled with only one color: despair.

"what is that?"

"Oh God, a mirage? I actually saw a building in the desert???"

Enrique Royo Ellance couldn't help but rub his eyes with the hand holding the gun. In the yellow sand sky not far away, a semi-circular building was shockingly exposed.

In the depths of the world-famous desert, this brand-new building looks like the remains of an alien civilization, which is incredible.

"Something's wrong, this is weird."

Boris Elfman cocked the barrel of his gun, raised his gun and warned: "Everyone spread out, cover your advance, be careful, there seems to be a light inside that building!!"

Time goes back to one day ago.

Just as Stark escaped to ascend to heaven, an unimaginable killing occurred at the headquarters of the Ten Commandments Gang.

The Red Ribbon Legion, a terrorist organization that mysteriously disappeared overnight five years ago, suddenly appeared at the headquarters of the Ten Commandments Gang, and forcefully occupied, annexed, and took over their sphere of influence with thunderous force.

This battle lasted very hastily, and could be called a textbook mercenary blitz attack and strangulation.

However, what is interesting is that just when the Red Ribbon Legion sent people to conquer Base 13, they found that there was an unexpected battle at Base 13, and the entire army was wiped out.

The Red Ribbon Legion, which found the remains of the steel armor, seemed to have some interest.

After obtaining information about the recent activities of Base 13 from the database, we found out that they had kidnapped Tony Stark to make missiles for them!

Exploration news told them that Stark has not returned to human society and may still be wandering deep in the desert.

So, the team in front of them received the order to find Tony Stark.

Faced with the never-ending heat wave, deep into the deepest part of this no-man's land, a group of mercenaries with live ammunition, under the alternating search of No. 100 people, finally slowly approached the hut in the desert.

"They're coming. It's all because your house is too conspicuous. Now you can't leave at all."

At this point where he couldn't run away, Tony Stark calmed down.

He opened the reactor on his chest. Unfortunately, there was no iron armor for him to use. Even if there was a laboratory that could make it, he didn't have time to make it:

"Do you have any weapons here?"

Carrot Al shook his head decisively: "No."

Tony Stark looked at him eating slowly and couldn't help but complain:

"Am I dreaming?"

"You are a guy living in a no-man's land, surrounded by terrorist organizations that kill people without blinking an eye, and you don't have any weapons in your home??"

"And we are going to die soon , you are still in the mood to eat? ? "

"Huh? Wait! How come there are only ten portions left on the table?"

"Oh my god, you've finished the twenty portions? Is your stomach a black hole?"

Carrot El glanced at him, unhurriedly took chopsticks to add food to his mouth, chewing and said:

"Since we are going to die anyway, of course we should eat as much as possible?"

"I am not afraid of anything else, but I am afraid of being hungry!"

"If anyone makes me hungry, I will make him not eat for the rest of his life."

Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!

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