American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 3 Getting used to the fearful gaze

Speaking of this, Tony Stark slapped his head suddenly. That's right, he has been missing for three months, and the outside world must have judged him to be dead. Maybe the media has already released relevant news and registered Stark's identity information as dead.

"No, I have to make a phone call and quickly call a car back to Stark Tower. I still have a lot of things to do."

"Thank you for the meal, Carrot Al, right? I remember this name, wait, I will definitely come to you!"

As Stark said, he looked at Carrot with a look of expecting the other party to hand him the phone, and he almost reached out his hand.

However, the person in front of him just shook the red wine glass gently, unmoved at all.

Suddenly, Carrot Al's eyes slightly deviated, as if he saw something outside through the layers of walls, and then slowly put down the wine glass and said:

"If you can get out, then go wherever you want."

Tony Stark blinked and was stunned for a long time. He didn't see Carrot Al get up to take the phone, so he shrugged:

"Well, thank you for your burgers and wine. Since you don't want to provide a phone, I'll leave first."

Patting the dust off his body, Tony Stark walked to the door step by step with a feeling of survival.

This time he escaped from death, he really saw the other side of this world.

Cruel, dark, bloody, disordered, countless days of fear of death completely made him a brand new person.

In response, Carrot just looked at him quietly until Stark pushed open the door

A bright piece of golden yellow sand came into view.

A scorching wind blew in the sun.

A boundless golden color instantly made Tony Stark stunned.

"What's going on? Am I still not awake?"

The daylight was dazzling, and what caught Stark's eyes was still the nightmare-like yellow sand.

The scorching sand sea blew surging heat waves, reaching a high temperature of 40 degrees in the center of the desert, scorching all living things and vegetation.

Tony Stark was stunned, his mouth wide open in amazement, he looked at the endless desert outside the house, his shocked pupils full of disbelief.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, until a gust of yellow sand blew on his face along the wind, and the nightmare-like sun scorched the back of his hand again. Tony Stark was so scared that he took two steps back and slammed the door shut.

"Help, help, oh shit, what the hell!"

"Why is it still a desert outside?"

Tony Stark's legs were shaking, and the nightmare of being kidnapped once again swept through his body, panic and trembling.

He turned his head in panic and looked at Carrot El who was still eating, and his shocked eyes kept wandering between the world inside and outside the door.


"Is it a hallucination?"

"Or... am I dead?"

Stark cursed in disbelief, and fell to the ground with a plop, as if his heart was dead.

Carrot Al looked at him with lowered eyebrows, picked up a tissue to wipe his hands, and asked lightly:

"Where do you think you are now?"

Tony Stark swallowed his saliva, and his voice trembled rapidly: "This, isn't this New York?"

Carrot Al swallowed a three-pound shelled Australian lobster in his mouth in a gluttonous way, and then swallowed it with a gurgle, and asked back:

"You fainted in the desert, how could you wake up in New York, could it be that you can teleport?"

Tony Stark widened his eyes and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. God, am I dazzled? How did this guy eat that Australian lobster in one bite?

But then, Carrot's words were like a knife stabbing into his chest.

He wanted to shout out in panic, but the terrifying anxiety attack reaction that followed made him sit on the ground and gasp for air.

"Haha. Ha!"

Nightmare, isn't it over yet?

Yes, the nightmare has just begun!

"This is unreasonable."

The brainstorming from the depths of his mind is still running. That special wisdom, as if it will not be controlled by emotions at all, also gave him the courage to resist the cold in the desperate cold.

Stark stood up from the ground with all his strength, pushed open the door, wiped the corner of his mouth with a wandering look, and said to Carrot:

"This building, your mansion, is impossible."

"It's all desert outside, and it's all yellow sand a few dozen meters deep. There's not even a little water and building materials for hundreds of kilometers around. How could you build it?"

"Look at the luxury of this room, as well as the laboratory and medical equipment. It would cost hundreds of millions of dollars in New York, right?"

"It's unreasonable that such a mansion would appear in the depths of the desert!"

"And these news on TV, you deliberately played them for me, right?"

"Who are you? Why are you here? Do you want to gain my trust?"

A series of questions permeated from a pair of eyes that seemed to be trying to stay rational, but were actually filled with fear.

Carrot Al had seen this kind of gaze more than once in his life.

His existence was born to make people fear him. Even if he pretended to be sunny and cheerful, even if he was harmless in his heart, this was his sin, the original sin of his birth, and the crime was his power.

So, Carrot got used to this very early. The only people who were not afraid of him were Dr. and Mrs. Breeze, Bulma, and a few others, except his adoptive parents, the Kents.

"If old Pym knew that I saved Tony Stark, he would probably faint from anger."

Taking a sip of red wine, Carrot El cut the steak elegantly. The sharp blade shaved the plump and juicy meat from the bones like a dissection, and then put it into his mouth, leaning back in the chair and chewing:

"What should I say now?"

"Accurate judgment? Quick reaction? Or great wisdom?"

"Or should I say it's Tony Stark?"

"None of them, it's nonsense. An eight-year-old child can see through the deliberate arrangement and abnormality at a glance. It took you so long to realize it. It's stupid."

The tone was indifferent, but the sarcasm was as painful as a knife. Tony Stark's face froze, just when he thought that the man in front of him was in the same group as the Ten Commandments.

"It's a pity, Mr. Stark, that you are not as talented as the other person in this area."

Carrot Al calmly pointed to the direction of the gate:

"I can answer your question later. Now that the person who is looking for you is here, what are you going to do?"

Following Carrot's gaze, Tony Stark looked towards the door in confusion.

Through the outline of the gate, deep in the flying yellow sand, where the hot air waves distorted the vision, a group of mercenaries with live ammunition slowly appeared, reflected at the end of the horizon.

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