All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 78 Open the special session of boiled meat slices

For this sake, how could Jiang Qiuqiu refuse.

She picked up the helmet in the box and found that there was a button under the box with a piece of paper beside it—

You have decided to accept the gift, just press this button, I will know what you mean, and you can prepare for the next visit without psychological pressure.

Really thoughtful, Jiang Qiuqiu pressed the red button.

A burst of 'I got it~', 'I got it' and the singing sounded.

In this situation, it is really a sand sculpture.

What Mo idiom did and her personal image were almost completely separated.


In the afternoon, the courtyard was silent, and Jiang Qiuqiu started preparing the ingredients for the boiled pork slices in advance.

The good tenderloin and cornstarch, the previously ground chili sauce, and the best vegetable cp, bean sprouts for boiled meat slices.

The bean sprouts of this era are a bit long, not from beans, but from the soil. The taste is similar to bean sprouts, and the growth is similar to that of leeks.

At 7:30 at night, Mingmei went online ahead of time and confirmed the broadcast time with Jiang Qiuqiu.

The recommendation effect of the last wave of homepages was very good. This time, another homepage has been approved, and the location may be better than last time.

It can be said that it is one of the most ceiling recommendations that non-head anchors can get.

The importance of this recommendation to Jiang Qiuqiu is beyond doubt.

What spicy dishes did you prepare today? Mingmei asked routinely.

Jiang Qiuqiu said: Today is boiled sweet and sour pork slices.

Boiled? is another new cooking term. Compared with the previous braised, this boiled is more straightforward. Can something just boiled taste good? If it was another anchor, Mingmei would definitely ask a few more questions, but she is full of confidence in Jiang Qiuqiu.

Sister Mingmei, don't worry. Boiled water is not simply boiled with water. This dish tastes richer than the previous bloody flavor.

I believe in you, so many live broadcasts, you have never fallen off the chain.

I also believe in myself. In those years, thousands of times, I picked up the kitchen knife and the spatula. The kitchen is almost another place of her life.

The editor and the anchor are very confident. Since they are full of confidence, there is no need to talk about comforting words.

Under the fighting spirit, Mingmei wished Jiang Qiuqiu: The old saying goes a hundred feet, go further, I hope you can go further tonight.

I will.

Food speaks the most touching words.

Seduce the pedestrians who come and go and offer their hearts willingly.


Evening Star is a student at Federal University. She studied at the Federal School of Economics and aspired to become an excellent economist all her life. In the future, she will stir up the situation in the field of imperial economy and become the next rich man chosen by fate.

There is an interesting legend circulating in this college. If your girlfriend tells you that one day I got excellent in the monthly exam of the Economics Institute, I will break up with you. That is undoubtedly the most affectionate and lasting promise.

Because of the monthly exam of the Federal School of Economics, only perverts can get excellent.

Coincidentally, Wanxing is the only outstanding pervert in this session of the Economic Institute.

Tomorrow is the time to organize the monthly exam. The students in the library who were waiting for the ray of light to inspire their students discovered that the study seat dedicated to the God of Learning was actually empty today.


Is she too sick to get up?

At the same time, the dormitory of the School of Economics.

As the most wealthy college in the federation, the dormitory of the scholastic is a double room.

At this moment, the two people in the dormitory were holding their terminals, their eyes burning.

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