"World quest change?"

Qin Luo was a little surprised.

He looked at Kahet's abyssal incarnation, which was in the form of a dark dragon.

By continuously absorbing the liquid of the abyss, its size is growing crazily...

Not long after.

The black liquid that covered the sky and the sun was completely absorbed.

The size of the dark dragon reaches 300 meters.

The visual effect is extremely shocking.

Qin Luo immediately cast the probing technique.

Incarnation of the Abyss·Dark Dragon

Level: 40

Quality: legend


Attack: 37.4w

Skills: Body of Energy, Call of the Abyss, Evil Dragon Breath, Dark Arrow, ???

Good guy.

The attributes of the abyss incarnation are higher than that of Kahet itself.

The life value has exceeded 100 million.

"Luckily I can handle it this time."


"Before that, let's face the famous players first."

Qin Luo turned to look at Usar of the warlock civilization.

With a thought.

The Golden Crow Divine Spear flew through the air, piercing through the opponent's body.


"Ding, you killed player Thrall."

At this time.

Caut laughed loudly: "Humans, the guy who got in the way is dead, next, it's your turn!"

"Not necessarily."

The corners of Qin Luo's mouth rose slightly.

A red feather appeared in his hand, the surface texture was like a flickering flame.

It was indeed Phoenix Lingyu.

"It's not just your helper!"

Qin Luo decisively turned on the prop effect.

The sky above Abyss City was instantly dyed crimson, and flames were born out of thin air, and a phoenix thousands of meters long was born.

"Clang clang—"

The loud and clear chirping sound spread for hundreds of kilometers.

Phoenix (Lord)

Status: 105

Level: 75

Life: 50e/50e

Attack: 140w

Skills: Rebirth from the Ashes, Phoenix Fire, Divine Flame Shield,...

next moment.

Qin Luo flew over and used the ancient god's blessing on the phoenix.

"Ding! The fire of the phoenix has evolved into a master god-level skill: Nine Heavens Phoenix Fire".


Phoenix's skills have all evolved to the main god level.

Under his command, the phoenix attacked the abyss incarnation.

Nine Heavens Phoenix Fire!"

Setsuna room.

Three phoenixes made of flames appeared in the sky, and they all attacked the abyss incarnation.




In just one second, the abyss incarnation reduced its blood volume by one seventh.

This moment.

Feel the avatar state.

Kahet was terrified: "Damn it! How could you have such a powerful item?!"

"Don't be distracted while fighting."

An indifferent voice suddenly entered the ears.

Qin Luo teleported to the boss.

The bonuses of [Super State] and [Shoufa Angel] are not over yet.

Chick! Chick!

Holding the sword of silence in his hand, he slashed out, and several sword shadows caged Tuka's body at the same time.

A series of "-12w" and "-10w" damage numbers popped up.

8 seconds later.

The abyss incarnation was blown up.

There is only one enemy left.


The phoenix spat out a stream of true red flames...



The life of the Balrog Lord came to an end.

"The three-thousand-year plan...failed...this king...is not reconciled..."

Kaut spoke intermittently.

The flames all over his body were extinguished, turning into stones and falling to the ground.

And burst out a lot of loot.

"Ding, you killed the Balrog Lord Kaet, gained 195w points of experience (+70%), free attributes +32, world reputation +2000, contribution points +4w

The harvest is amazing.

Qin Luo fell to the ground and picked up the spoils.

Six diamond items.

Kahet's Abyss Incarnation Condensation Method was also revealed.

It is legendary quality.

Precious value!


Qin Luo gave Phoenix an order to destroy the gate of the abyss with one move.


"Player Qin Luo, congratulations on over completing the world guest."

"You get rewards: 1000w experience, world reputation +2w, free attributes +200, world permissions, advanced system store rolls."

The mission is over.

Today is the fourth day of the week.

Next Monday, which is the day of the Linzhou Novice League, the Magic Moon World will become Qin Luo's third territory.

"Phew...the last faction mission is short."

Qin Luo looked out of the city.

Flash Phantom!

He teleports to the Titan totem location.

The sudden figure startled Wang Mengyu, and when she recovered, she realized it was Qin Luo.

She asked, "Is it over?"


Qin Luo said directly: "After solving the abyssal army, we can leave this world."


Wang Mengyu nodded excitedly.

She gained a lot from this trip.

On weekdays, when she teamed up with her family compatriots and guardians, the gains from opening up the wasteland world were far less than one percent of this trip.

It turns out.

Her decision to choose Qin Luo to be her binder...

Incomparably correct!


The remaining Abyss Legion was wiped out, and the battle was over.

The timeline of the magic moon world is completely over.

Time and space came to a standstill.

at the same time.

The camp missions began to be settled, and Qin Luo was undoubtedly the first, and he received another reward.

Collect the loot.

Everyone quit this world and returned to the Tower of Prestige.

"Let's go home first." Qin Luo said. (Zhao? Zhao)

"it is good."

The two women nodded.


They returned to Qin Luo's house, it was still in the morning.

Gong Qingyue's graceful back came into view.

She was sitting on a chair, flipping through the books quietly, exuding an intellectual and lazy aura.

Hear a noise.

Gong Qingyue looked back, a smile appeared on her face, like a hundred flowers blooming.

"Young master, welcome home."

She stood up and bowed slightly.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?"

Qin Luo skillfully stretched out his arms to wrap around her slender waist.


Gao Qingyue gave him a reddened look, but didn't break free from his embrace.


Wang Mengyu on the side suddenly became jealous.

The two stayed together for a while.

Only then did Qin Luo let go.

They began to count the rewards of the operation. .

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