All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 101 Caet's Hole Card! Mission Changed! (Part 1)

"Boom! Boom!"

Kahet charged violently, the ground shook violently, and he slammed down violently with a heavy hammer in his hand.

Flame Shock!

The shock wave swept through the flames and struck rapidly.

Seeing this, Qin Luo cast [Fire Barrier] and [Blood Feast] at the speed of light.



After the injury-free effect and defense value reduction.

He is still hurt.

Because he is not within the protection range of the Titan Totem.


The shield on Qin Luo's body was as high as 196w, absorbing the damage of this blow, and his blood bar did not decrease.

Golden Crow Divine Spear!

Qin Luo activates the equipment skill.

A large amount of sun power gathered into a spear, and its blade was like a golden crow spreading its wings, with domineering flames attached to it.

With a thought.

The divine spear suddenly flew over a distance of 100 meters and stabbed the boss.


"Human, if your strength is limited to this, prepare to face death!"

Caert grinned.

A large amount of magma gushed out from the ground and fell to the surroundings, causing the ambient temperature to rise suddenly.

"Ding, affected by the environment, fire damage increases by 20%, ice damage -20%, Balrog blood recovery speed +20%."


30 Caert roared coldly.

Under its control, more than ten tons of magma smashed towards Qin Luo's position.

"Shadow Flash!"

Qin Luo turned into a shadow and passed through the magma mass, teleporting to a safe area.

With a bang, the ground was cracked.


"The hunting angel!"

Unleashing the skill at the speed of light, Qin Luo turned into an angel, flapped his wings violently, and his body exploded at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the top of the boss, holding the long sword tightly...





One second.

Qin Luo exploded the shield on Kahet.

BOSS blood volume begins to decrease.

"The damage added by the skill is a bit abnormal."

Qin Luo calculated it in his heart.

He found that the current damage is half of the normal level, which means that Kahet has at least 50% elemental resistance.


Even so, Qin Luo's damage per second is still about 330w.

He gave up all means of evasion.

Tough with Kahet.

With a huge amount of blood back, Qin Luo's blood bar repeatedly changed between the two states of "residual blood" and "full blood".

Human, your current strength makes me very satisfied!"

Kaut laughed with satisfaction.


Qin Luo frowned slightly.

According to his own damage, I am afraid that it only takes more than ten seconds to kill the boss.

Why didn't Kahet panic at all.

Something is wrong!

Recall the unknown skills of the opponent's panel.

Qin Luo is very sure now.

Caert has the cards.

He immediately became wary.

At this time...

Hearing the sound of battle coming from the gate of the abyss, the sleepy civilized players were very anxious.

"Damn guy!"

The leader, Usar, had a very gloomy expression on his face.

"Use teleportation props!"

He gritted his teeth and said.


Uthar uses another legendary item.

Silver light enveloped everyone.


There was a flash of light.

They came near the gate of the abyss.

"Kill the player! Don't let him interfere with our actions."

Usar ordered coldly.


"Evil ghosts attack!"

"Demon Blood Flame!"

The guardians behind him moved their hands in unison, unleashing hundreds of long-range skills, and the dark torrent swallowed Qin Luo's figure.


All damage is zero.

" is this possible? He didn't suffer any harm?"

Usar's expression changed.

Others also had disbelief on their faces.

To know.

Even if Kahet is attacked by them, he will be injured.

"court death!"

Qin Luo looked back coldly.

He was about to make a move, but Cahet's was faster than him.

"You worms, dare to disturb this king's battle, damn it!"

Kaut looked furious.

The magma on the ground is like a river, and it hits all the players of the Hetian civilization.



Warlock players barely survived a blow with their huge shields.

Space Burst!

Qin Luo raised his hand to release his skills.

Locking on the area they were in, a force suddenly burst out in the space.

The damage of nearly 60w far exceeds the enemy's blood bar.

With life-saving props.

The crowd barely survived.

However, Usar and the others hadn't breathed a sigh of relief, and Kahet's attacks followed one after another, killing them again.

Under the joint efforts of the two.

The number of Warlock civilization players is rapidly decreasing.

There are not enough people to implement the plan.

"You forced me to do this!"

Usar roared with a ferocious face.

"go to hell!"

He took out a black crystal bottle.


A black liquid poured out of the bottle, and flowed frantically towards the Balrog Lord Kahet.

"So it was you who did the trick."

Qin Luo raised his eyebrows slightly at 550.

"Fluid of the Abyss? So much?"

A weird smile appeared on Kahet's face.

"Boy, I accept your gift!"

It actively absorbs the fluid of the abyss.

Seeing this, Usar sneered and said, "You are dead, this is the liquid of the abyss prepared by His Highness Situ for the demon lord."

"As long as the amount absorbed exceeds the limit, you will lose your sanity and lose your life after 10 minutes!"

"Really? I'm afraid this king will disappoint you!"

Kahet runs the Condensation Method.

A 100-meter black phantom appeared in front of him.

The endless liquid of the abyss merged with the phantom, and the aura it exuded became even more terrifying.


Usar's complexion changed drastically.

"Abyss Incarnation!"

Qin Luo's expression became serious.

There is no such incarnation in the magic moon world.

Either it was fused through the infinite incarnation condensing method, or it was comprehended by Kahet himself.

Just then, the system prompt sounded.


"Due to player interference, this world was born with power beyond the limit of the world, and the world mission has been changed.

"Current task content: Destroy the gate of the abyss and the lord of the fire, Kahet."

"After completing the task, you will get better system rewards."

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