All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 525: Celebrity weekend, eat fish...without squirting! (A seven thousand word chapter!)

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The night after the slam dunk contest ended, the Internet in North America and the Rabbit family was instantly paralyzed.

Jim Buss, who watched the entire process of Su Feng's four dunks at Staples, immediately found his good friend Jerry West.

This season, the LOGO man who resigned from the Lakers chose to join the Grizzlies management just like Su Feng remembered.

"Jerry, did you watch the dunk contest?

My God! This is really incredible!

The whole Staples crowd was chanting ‘King, King, King’ when he came on stage!” Bass said excitedly on the phone.

"Look, look, this is indeed a very exciting slam dunk contest." Hearing this, West said in a leisurely tone.

But now, as the number one "Lower Merion CP fan" in this league, Bass always felt that the tone of the LOGO man's answer to him was quite perfunctory.

"You have changed, Jerry." Little Bass said sadly.

West: "..."

"Since leaving the Lakers, not only have you not been willing to communicate with me like you used to...

Even in this happy moment, you are not willing to listen patiently to me telling me about the happiness I feel! "After a pause, Bass Jr. added.

West: "..."

Jim, Jim!

Are you really a fool?

Even now, don't you know that the reason why I chose to leave the Lakers management was to enable you to take over?

You know, "I have only known about West, but not the Lakers Operations Office (FRONTOFFICE)." This has been the most widely circulated saying among league management circles in the past few years.

As a smart man, LOGO Man knows very well that when Buss is young and strong, he can safely delegate the power to himself and let the Lakers operate according to his own wishes.

However, as the old Bass's health deteriorates day by day in the past few years...

West knew that even if he did not leave the Lakers voluntarily, Buss would not be able to keep him in order to prevent his family business from being usurped by outsiders.

In addition, Jim Bass has always been very close to himself...

So last summer, after taking the blame for the Lakers' "poor record", West told Buss by doing this:

Look, I have no idea about the Lakers.

On the contrary, the man named Phil Jackson has been getting closer and closer to your daughter recently.

Therefore, do you have any reason not to pass this "prince's position" to Jim Bass?

Facts have proved that West not only has a "traveler" vision in running the team, but even when it comes to team politics, there is no one in the league who is better than him.

Because in Su Feng's original time and space, from then on, before Jim Buss was forced out by Jeanne Buss, in fact, within the Lakers, Jim Buss had the largest say within the Lakers at that time.

"By the way, Jim, do you remember what I said to you in the finals last year?"

Although I know that Jim Bass has a limited IQ, as brothers who once carried guns together...

West knows that if Jim Buss doesn't just want to live in his dream and be a "Lower Merion CP fan", then the Lakers must start planning as soon as possible.

"What you are referring to...are you referring to the fact that we can recreate the 'Lower Merion Twins' at Staples?" Jim Bass's heart broke out after hearing this. Instantly it started beating wildly.

"Jim, because I have left the Lakers management, I shouldn't have inquired about the internal affairs of the Lakers." On the phone, looking at Buss who was losing control of his emotions, West suddenly said.

"What's the point? You are a Lakers legend, and you were the hero of our defeat of the Celtics back then!

As a Lakers legend, shouldn't you know what's going on within the Lakers recently? "Listening to West's words, Jim Baston immediately exploded.

"Jim, there are some things you can only say to me, but you must never say them in front of your father..." West reminded kindly.

"I know, I'm not that stupid, Jerry." Buzz Jr. said.

West: "......"

All right.......

If you weren't so stupid, then why would Kupchak and I worry so much about you behind your back?

In the eyes of the LOGO man, the only good thing about Jim Bass may be that he is willing to listen to others' advice.

After he left the Lakers, he stayed behind to assist Jim Buss...

Judging from Kupchak's feedback, although Buss often said some things that made Kupchak confused, he was still willing to listen patiently to Kupchak's advice in the professional basketball department.

"Okay, Jerry, tell me, is it really possible for us to recreate the combination of Sue and Kobe at Staples in the future?" Buss asked impatiently on the phone.

"It depends on the person," West replied.

"Then... what should we do to make up for the regret in our hearts that the Lakers did not select Su and Kobe in the draft?" Buss continued to ask.

"Jim, if my guess is correct... Shaq's agent has come to see you many times recently, right?" Hearing this, West did not directly answer Buss. Instead, he asked him a question first.

"Yes, Shaq has recently been trying to extend his contract through 2009...

But Jerry, as you know, now because of the ‘super luxury tax’…

Therefore, on the premise that he cannot win a championship, it is impossible for my father to actively choose to contribute to the league every year. "Little Bas replied.

Listening to Bass Jr.'s answer, West nodded and said, "Then do what your father wants."

"But Jerry, do what my father wants...does this have any necessary connection with our future?" Bass Jr. said in confusion.

West smiled and said: "Everything has its connection.

Oh, by the way, I remember you were scolded by your father for cheering for the Raptors in last year's finals, right? "

“Don’t mention this! It’s all the fault of that stinky woman Jenny!

She actually ran to my father and scolded me in various ways. "

In Bass's view, wasn't it because Su Feng played a wonderful game in last year's finals that he accidentally exposed his identity as a honey of fifty years?

What's wrong with this?

Although he is indeed the future helmsman of the Lakers, as a basketball lover, does the world not allow him to have a crush on Su Feng?

What about the freedom, peace, and democracy we promised?

"I understand, Jerry, what you mean is that I have to pay more attention to my identity in the future, right?" On the phone, after thinking about the deep meaning behind what West said to himself, he said Bass Jr. said.

“No… quite the opposite!

Jim...if there is a chance in the future, I hope you can show your father the side of you that likes Sue as much as possible. " West said.

Little Bas: "..."


I just got scolded, why do you want me to go to my father and brag about the man who is regarded as a "devil" by Staples fans?

Little Buzz was confused.

"Believe me, how likely the Lakers are to acquire Su in the future... will completely depend on how much you like Su at this moment." West suddenly said to Buss Jr. on the phone.

And this time, even though my head was dizzy after the phone call with West...

But the words of the LOGO man, "How likely the Lakers will get Su in the future will depend entirely on how much they like Su", which has become a killer for Buss.

So, not long after hanging up the phone with the LOGO man, little Bas, whose face was full of excitement, ran to his father, and as a honey, described Su Feng in various ways to his sad-faced old father. Great on this past night.

And just when little Buzz, who was prepared to be criticized in advance, thought that old Buzz would slap him in the face and scold him as usual...

Something unexpected happened to him.

I saw that the old Buss, who was extremely tired at the time, after patiently listening to his every word, suddenly said to himself sincerely: "It seems that you really don't like Su and Kobe in general." ah."

Little Bas: "..."

Then, after letting out a long sigh and looking out the window, Buss said: "If the Lakers can't win the championship this year, I don't know how long I can survive...

Jim, in the next few years, you have to learn how to be the owner of a team as soon as possible. "

Little Bas: "..."

This night, for little Buzz with limited brain capacity...

He really couldn't understand why his father suddenly had such a big change in his attitude towards him.

And Memphis, after staring at the Heat's lineup structure for a long time...

West immediately became happy.

Pat, it turns out that this is the reason why you chose Milicic in 2003?

However, if you want to eat this shark in one sitting...

You have to know...

The gift that fate gives you has already been marked with a price in secret.

On the 22nd, due to the impact of Su Feng's nuclear explosion on Staples last night, the attention of NBA star weekend suddenly returned to the grand occasion that Stern thought he would never return to.

That night, before the start of the game between the Eastern and Western Stars, the NBA's overseas ratings hit a new high.

At Staples Center, looking at the twenty-four All-Star players from the East and West on the court, there has never been a moment when Stern was as excited as he was tonight.

On the court, as the song and dance performances ended, and the starting players of the Eastern and Western star teams took the stage one by one, in front of the TV, in the eyes of many fans, this was definitely the All-Star Game with the strongest lineup in NBA history.

Eastern Star Team starters: Yao Ming, Duncan, Su Feng, Carter, Iverson.

Starting lineup for the Western Conference Stars: O'Neal, Garnett, Nowitzki, Kobe Bryant, and Tracy McGrady.

On the field, there were ten star players from the East and West, all in their prime.

And off the court, the celebrity substitutes sitting there are also recognized as ruthless characters in people's eyes.


The stars are shining brightly.

On the court, in the jump ball, Yao Ming, who has always competed with O'Neal in the jump ball, made the first attack for the Eastern team.

Compared with when Su Feng first joined the NBA, the defense in the All-Star Game is no longer as serious as before.

However, before the All-Star Game turned into a purely entertainment event, Su Feng was elbowed by Kobe with concern as soon as he started tonight.

"Tonight, you are mine!"

Speaking of his own words, Kobe felt that even if the sky fell tonight, he would still have a good fight with Su Feng!

However, just at the moment when Kobe thought Su Feng would ask his teammates for the ball and go one-on-one with him...

In front of the TV, the Philadelphia fans burst into tears!

From the high post, after completing the pick-and-roll with Iverson, Su Feng quickly cut to the basket and hit a one-handed dunk.

2 to 0!

Since the starting players of the Eastern Stars are very familiar with each other, when Su Feng and Iverson were playing pick-and-roll, Duncan and Yao did not forget to help them block the Western Stars players who were preparing to help defend. .

No way...

Although in the All-Star Game before, according to Su Feng's suggestion, Xiao Yao had proved that his skills can also please the fans in the All-Star Game.

But instinctively, he and Duncan are the kind of players who prefer to play the All-Star Game as a real battle.

Coming back, the Western Stars played the first attack.

Just like in Su Feng's memory, knowing that he would definitely miss the regular season MVP, the Fathead Fish tonight worked very hard.

Unfortunately, in the past two years, as Yao Ming's weight has reached 135 kilograms, it is not so easy for O'Neal to easily bully him in the low post.

Moreover, who said that the Eastern Conference Stars plan to play Yao Ming and O'Neal one-on-one tonight?

In the low post, as soon as Yao Ming withstood O'Neal, Duncan's help defense was just there.

O'Neill: "..."


Am I really playing in the All-Star Game instead of the playoffs?

Dear Yao, dear Deng...

Can't you just let me perform?

In desperation, O'Neal had no choice but to throw the ball to the other side before the passing line was blocked by another bastard.

Garnett hit a high jumper.

2 to 2.

As the head coach of this year's Eastern Star Team, Carlisle emphasized to the Eastern Team players the most before the game that they should make more transitions.


On the court, looking at the resentful look O'Neal cast on him, Su Feng always felt that he had been misunderstood by his future Pippen.

Staples, just 6 seconds after Garnett hit a high jumper, the Eastern Team scored two points again from the "Hurricane Brothers" of Iverson and Su Feng.

I just throw it.

Just buckle.

This was the favorite tactic of the first-generation Philadelphia Twins on the court.

4 to 2.

Fortunately, the astute O'Neal did not choose to retreat after noticing the Eastern team's fast break speed.

So, during the Eastern team's half, O'Neal immediately waved his hands to his teammates.


"Ai Feng" can handle the fast break with just two people. Why should Duncan and Yao Ming run up together?

After sending the baseline ball, looking at the positions of Duncan and Yao Ming, McGrady rejected O'Neal's request for the ball without thinking.

How dare Kobe Bryant's deputy dare to ask for pie from the "Sun King" like me?

The Western Stars attacked, and after half court, McGrady decisively handed the ball to Kobe.

O'Neill: "..."

On the flank, Kobe shot through Su Feng's defense.

4 to 4.

Staples, in the first quarter of the game, O'Neal always felt that he felt the world was full of malice toward him.

Since D'Antoni is the head coach of this year's Western Conference Stars, McGrady and Kobe naturally get more firing rights.

Moreover, in addition to running and gunning, Lao De can only do breakouts, pick-and-rolls, and singles in positional battles. So O'Neal is not just incompatible with this Western Conference team?

He is simply a person who lives off the court!

Relying on the pick-and-roll with McGrady and Kobe, both Garnett and Nowitzki played well in the first quarter.

The former made 4 of 5 shots from the high post, plus an inside dunk. In the first quarter alone, he scored 10 points and 5 rebounds.

The latter took the cake four times from the three-point line and hit three of them. In addition, after forming a mismatch with Su Feng on the wing, he relied on his height to hit a jump shot with long hands. In the first quarter alone, the "Little King" Got 11 points and 2 rebounds.

At the end of the first quarter, the Eastern team led 44 to 38.

Unlike the Western team, which mainly scored on Garnett and Nowitzki, the Eastern team's scoring in the first quarter was mainly concentrated on Su Feng.

In the first quarter of the game, Su Feng, who made 8 of 13 shots, scored 21 points including three-pointers and free throws.

Since both Yao Ming and Duncan were not very interested in the statistics of the All-Star Game, and after beating Carter before the game, this guy remembered who his big brother was...

Therefore, Su Feng naturally regarded this Eastern Star team as his own team.

And at this time...

Su Feng, who had previously thought that the Heat's lineup was quite strong, instantly felt the joy of playing on the court with a strong lineup.

No complicated coordination is required.

There is no need to instruct teammates to move.

Often with just one look, these superstars know what they want to do.

And the most important thing is...

I don't need to worry about being flanked on the court.

Because these are the five eastern tigers...

Who does D'Antoni dare to let go?

On TNT TV, when the game entered the second quarter, Barkley said: “The tacit understanding between Allen and Sue is really great.

The cooperation between these two people will never make you tired of it no matter how many times you watch it. "

In the second quarter of the game, both teams conducted a large number of personnel rotations to take care of the experience of every star player participating in the All-Star Game.

As a result, under the crazy feeding of Nash and Kidd, players like Kirilenko, Gasol, Peja, Hill, etc. all gained unprecedented on-field experience.

It wasn't until 3 minutes left in the second quarter that Su Feng and Iverson were replaced by Carlisle.

At this time, under the pushback of the Western team's substitutes, the Eastern Star team became the lagging side.

After half the game, the Eastern Stars trailed 79-83.

Under the high-tempo attack, except for Artest and Marbury, who were terrible tonight, the players of both teams got a lot of opportunities to perform.

As the recognized current number one center in the league...

At halftime, I looked at the technical statistics of only 4 points and 4 rebounds...

O'Neal no longer even thinks about playing tricks on the court.

In the CCTV live commentary booth, Director Zhang’s explanation at that time was very real.

"Oh, it turns out there is an O'Neal in the Western Conference Stars team!"

After the intermission, in the third quarter, Su Feng, who had become a model worker this year, began to act as the core organizer on the court.

Although shortly after the game started tonight, Su Feng revealed his intention to be the MVP of this year's All-Star Game.

But as the saying goes, it is better to have fun alone than to have fun together.

On the court, under Su Feng's control, Yao Ming, Duncan, Carter, and Iverson all performed well in the first half of this quarter.

As for the Western Team...

Tonight, both humans and ghosts are showing off, only Brother Shar is being beaten.

Under the "Destiny Bond" of Su Feng and Duncan, and the restraint of Su Feng's "Shark Nemesis", coupled with Yao Ming's great strength, miracles...

No one knew how much O'Neal, who originally wanted to win the All-Star Game MVP award tonight, wanted to chop Su Feng with a knife.

However, due to the amplification and restraint effects brought by the blacksmithing system, it has always been determined by the player's own state...

So in fact, the reason for O'Neal's poor performance tonight is mainly because D'Antoni's tactical focus is not on him.

In the 0708 season, in order to solve the team's problem of not being able to beat the Spurs in the playoffs for many years, the Suns traded Marion for O'Neal.

As a result, although O'Neal was no longer at his peak at that time...

But after O'Neal joined the Suns, the Suns, who had always been able to cooperate like mercury on the court, suddenly seemed like they couldn't play ball anymore.

In Su Feng's eyes, for someone like D'Antoni, even if you give him Chamberlain at his peak, it will be in vain.

Because this little druid...

He will only use super defender.


Even Stoudemire is just a tool under D'Antoni's account.

And if you put aside Stoudemire's mid-range shots and his personal attacks...

If you look at Capela in the future, you can probably understand the role of the center in D'Antoni's tactics.

On the court, in the third quarter, the Eastern Stars, which led in the first half, were pushed back by Nash and Kidd in the second half.

And wait until the fourth quarter...

D'Antoni simply did nothing and sent out a senior and four juniors composed of Garnett, McGrady, Kobe, Kidd, and Nash.

As a result, this formation once dazzled the Lakers fans at Staples.

Because after watching the Lakers' procrastinating and slow half-court offensive and defensive practices for most of the season, Lakers fans are greedy for an open-and-close offensive battle like tonight's.

However, in this era when Yao Ming, Duncan and others are all at their peak...

This small lineup, after Coach Su returned to the court with the two ferocious beasts of the Eastern Conference, showed its troublesome side in interior defense.

Even in his prime, Garnett was better at assisting defense rather than one-on-one defense.

In the low position, facing Yao's hard work, the iron-blooded Garnett can only let him do whatever he wants no matter how cruel he is.

On the other side, McGrady was also made to cry by Duncan's fancy hitting.

In terms of height and wingspan, McGrady can actually play from position one to position four...

However, due to the strict control of the Suns team doctors, among the four major shooting guards, except for Iverson, McGrady is the only one who has not chosen to gain weight.

At the last moment of the game, seeing that the Eastern team was about to catch up with the score, D'Antoni hurriedly invited O'Neal back.

However, this time, it was not O'Neal who was deliberately passive on the court because of D'Antoni's improper use of him.

But as soon as O'Neal came back...

The offensive rhythm of the Western Stars was completely disrupted.

On the other hand, for the Eastern Stars, after entering the decisive moment, Carlisle also experienced a treatment tonight that only John Davis and Pat Riley had enjoyed.

Anyway, just pull it open and give Su Feng a hard chisel!

Kobe was in good form tonight, but he couldn't control Su Feng's unreasonable shots in the one-on-one game.

In the end, with Su Feng's two-plus-one and six free throws at the last minute, the Eastern Stars defeated the Western Stars 161-155.

What is worth mentioning is that in this game, without any "deliberate" data brushing...

Su Feng suddenly scored 36 points, 10 rebounds, and 11 assists.

Ah this!

Is this the legendary...

Can you achieve the "hard power" of a triple-double by "doing whatever you want"?

On TNT TV, Barkley said with emotion, "As another 'triple-double' night born on the All-Star Game stage...

Compared to Michael Jordan, who relied on the help of all members of the Eastern Conference to achieve a triple-double, Su used his strength to prove to the world this night how comprehensive he is now. "

On the sidelines, Smith said: "This is also the best reply to those who always questioned his unreasonable choices on the court.

Because tonight, after scoring 21 points in the first quarter, Su has always been willing to share the ball with his teammates on the court. "

Staples, after watching this high-quality offensive battle live, Stern also announced this year's All-Star Game MVP with a smile on his face.

For the Eastern Team, Su Feng, who had a "30+ triple-double", and Iverson, who had 21 points and 12 assists, jointly won this year's All-Star Game MVP trophy.

As someone in this league who loves to create "CP" to please the fans, on this night where "everyone is happy but Brother Shark is in pain"...

If you said that Stern wasn't deliberately playing into the mentality of Digital Man fans, Su Feng wouldn't believe it to death.

After the game, when asked who would keep the MVP trophy, Iverson responded first: "Just give it to Sue. This is also a gift from me to his son."

Su Feng: "..."

Good guy!

Although Su Feng didn't "care very much" about the ownership of the MVP trophy, considering Iverson's offer, how could Su Feng refuse Iverson's kindness?

"I think my son will love this gift."

After touching Iverson's head, Su Feng, UU Reading thinking that his daughter had another toy, looked at the reporters and said.

At this point, the 2004 Los Angeles All-Star Weekend has officially come to an end.

And then, what follows is that the 0304 season enters the final stage...

as well as......

Everyone is very curious about how far the Heat can go this year...

And on this heartbreaking night...

O'Neal's only consolation at the moment may be that since this year's game is in Los Angeles, he only needs to go to the parking lot to find the fastest way home.

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