Chapter 35 That person, he is a warrior!


“A batch of cattle!”

Wang Teng took a deep breath, calmed the beating heart in his chest, and couldn’t help sighing.

That beam of blade light really opened his eyes.

This is the real warrior!

They cut hundreds of meters in one fell swoop, compared to…

Remembering yourself, it’s so weak!

Wang Teng quickly adjusted his awkward expression.

“I’m all in my pose, you give me this one!!”

How embarrassing!

Fortunately, everyone’s attention was attracted by the giant crow just now.

And in a panic, everyone was busy finding a place to hide, no one noticed him at all.

Wang Teng quickly put away his sword and gloves, and stuffed the backpack with the egg into the car.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he looked at the place where the huge bird fell.

Not far, it’s a distance of tens of meters.

A huge corpse of a bird was in the middle of the intersection, and several cars parked on the side of the road were smashed and sirens kept sounding.

The poles of the street lights fell two or three, and electric sparks crackled.

Passers-by were hiding far, but they took out their phones one after another, not forgetting to take photos and post on Moments and Douyin.

“It’s terrifying that this crow grows so big.”

“It was the warrior who made the shot just now, right?”

“It must be, this terrifying behemoth can only be dealt with by a warrior.”

“That one shot across the air, it was a shock to the entire East China Sea, if only I had such a strong strength…”

Everyone talked a lot, and they both admired and envied the warrior who had slashed out the shocking sword!


Warrior! !

This is the warrior!

In the era of martial arts, who doesn’t want to be a martial artist?

But is it useful to think about it?

There are still so many people who are blocked by invisible walls, and they don’t even have the qualifications to advance.

Even the senior warrior who had already stood by the door was no exception.

For example, this is the case with the man next to Zhao Gangbao.

At this moment, Wang Teng looked at the body of the giant crow and suddenly became a little flabbergasted.

“Killing the star beast, it will also drop attribute bubbles?”

In front of the giant crow, there were a few large transparent bubbles floating surprisingly.

Others can’t see it, but in Wang Teng’s eyes, it is particularly conspicuous.

He hurriedly squeezed away from the crowd, pretending to be curious, leaned close and touched a few attribute bubbles without a trace.

Pick it up!


【Fire Force*35】

【Blank attribute*60】

【Eyes of Spirit Vision*1】

Foggy grass!

Foggy grass!

Foggy grass!

The important thing is said three times!

This attribute is going to heaven, Wang Teng suddenly felt a little floating!

The three fog grasses were not enough to express the turbulent emotions in his heart at this time.


It’s really a lot to get a speed attribute of 130 points at a time.

[Fire Force*35] Melted into the body, causing the fire force in his body to directly skyrocket and surging endlessly.

This feeling is simply not too good!

Then look down.

【Blank attribute*60】

He was a little surprised.

“There are still blank attributes?”

“What’s the use of this? Could it be possible to add any more?”

Wang Teng decided to go back and study it. The last time the system was refreshed, it seemed that there were many more changes.


【Eyes of Spirit Vision*1】

Wang Teng felt a strange change in his eyes, and there was a cold air current flowing in his eyes.

Now if you give him a mirror.

Wang Teng would see that his eyes seemed to be covered with a black film, showing a dark color.

“so amazing!”

“However, what is the function of this eye of vision?”

He looked around, but he didn’t notice anything special about these eyes.

“Forget it, now is not the time to delve into it.”

“So, how should I put it away?”

Wang Teng moved his thoughts, the strange power in his eyes seemed to have received the command, sneaked into the depths of his eyes and hibernated.

After a while, a group of people arrived.

The crowd was evacuated and the scene was sealed off.

“It’s from the Guardian!”

The visitor wore black costumes with a special logo-crossed swords and a simple shield behind it!

Someone recognized them immediately.

The Defense Department, just by hearing the name, it is a special department specially established to protect human cities.

In addition to the staff and writers, the internal staff must have a strong force.

And it is with the existence of such a group of people that ordinary talents can live in the city peacefully and steadily.

In many cases, they have solved many problems without the masses’ knowledge.

The staff of the Guarding Department moved the giant crow onto a large truck and cleared the road.

He also learned from the surrounding passers-by about the situation at the time, seemingly trying to figure out why the giant crow suddenly invaded Donghai City.

It’s a pity that everyone talked about it, and it turned out that the powerful mysterious warrior shot the situation, and there was no substantive information.

In the end, the staff of the City Guard Department had no choice but to leave.

Wang Teng was standing in the crowd, looking at their distant back, thoughtfully.

“That giant crow really seems to be directed at me.”

“but why?”

“I blame it or hate it, as for killing it from the wilderness thousands of miles away!”

Wang Teng also didn’t think of a reason, so he could only give up.

At this time, the pretty young lady in the pet shop saw that the outside affairs had calmed down and ran towards Wang Teng.

On the other side, when Zhao Gangbao saw the guard leave, he also rushed to the man beside him.

“Brother, the people from the Guarding Department are gone, we hurried up and grabbed the kid, otherwise he will run away. Today I have to avenge my last kick.”

After speaking, I remembered the thing about being kicked in the Rose Bar, and the wrong person who was caught by the game last time, and I was so happy.

Suddenly, an evil fire rushed directly to the top of his head.

Zhao Gangbao was about to walk towards Wang Teng in anger.


However, he did not expect that the man next to Zhao Gangbao suddenly slapped him on the head.

“Grab, grab, grab Nima, grab it!” Zhao Ganghu yelled at him without beating.

Zhao Gangbao was completely confused.

He looked at his brother stupidly, and said: “Brother, how can you scold our mother!”

“Damn, I’m so confused by you!”

Zhao Ganghu slapped Zhao Gangbao on the head again.

“Beat me again, why are you angry?” Zhao Gangbao asked inexplicably, with his head shrunk and aggrieved.

“I am angry that you are an idiot! You deserve it!”

“Do you know who you provoke?”

“If you want to die, don’t hold me, is there someone like you?”

Seeing that Zhao Gangbao didn’t even know where he was wrong, Zhao Ganghu was even more annoyed to vomit blood…

Born to the same mother, why is his brother so stupid?

So, raised his hand, wanting to slap again.

Zhao Gangbao had guarded his hand early on, and quickly avoided, shouting: “Brother, even if you die, you have to make me understand, what’s going on? You can make it clear!”

“Okay, I’ll tell you!”

Zhao Ganghu took a breath and said, “That person, he is a warrior!”


Zhao Gangbao was taken aback, but he didn’t believe it at all.

“Impossible, how old he looks, how could he be a warrior!!”

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