Chapter 34

After finishing the Tibetan weapon box, Wang Teng went online to check how to incubate the eggs.

Then jump out a bunch of information.

Sand sculpture netizens have received various responses, and Wang Teng found a reliable one-use an incubator to incubate the eggs!

But before that, he plans to go to the pet shop and ask some questions.

This egg is no ordinary egg!

Don’t kill him, it’s really useless.

For this egg, but also took the lives of two warriors.

After the second get out of class was over, while taking advantage of the break between classes, Wang Teng said to Lin Chuhan: “I have left beforehand. When the teacher asks, you will say that I have a stomachache and went to the hospital.”

After speaking, without waiting for Lin Chuhan’s response, he ran out of the classroom without looking back.

“This guy actually skipped class!!” Lin Chuhan was anxious and stared, but helplessly, Wang Teng had already run away.

At the school gate, a few social people who didn’t look like good people squatted on the side of the road, smoking cigarettes, and there were cigarette butts on the ground.

After Wang Teng drove out, he ran into a red light and had to wait at the intersection.

That group of people was attracted by the sports car.

“Tsk tusk, these Donghai No. 1 Middle School students are so rich? They can actually drive supercars.”

“Made, you have to drive a sports car when you go to school.

A group of people cursed with envy.

One of the gangsters saw Wang Teng in the driver’s seat, suddenly remembered something, and shouted, “Brother Leopard, it’s that kid!”

Unfortunately, Wang Teng didn’t hear it. The sports car roared and drove straight away.

Zhao Gangbao saw the flashing face on the car, threw the cigarette away, and cursed: “Grass, really this kid, I finally caught it. What are you still doing? Quickly chase after him.”

While shouting, he rushed into the car parked on the side of the road, started quickly, and chased Wang Teng.

At the same time, a call was made.



“Brother, I found the kid who beat me last time. Now I’m heading to Tongming Road. Come here, we can’t do him.” Zhao Gangbao shouted at the person on the other side of the phone.

“All right, you follow first, I’ll rush over right away.” The person on the other end of the phone seemed to sigh.

At the same time, there is still more than ten kilometers over the wilderness of Donghai City.

The height is a thousand meters!

A huge black crow passed across the sky.

It is more than 20 meters long, and its feathers are glowing with cold metallic luster, like a fighter plane, and its whole body is dangerous.

Its eyes were blood red, and it seemed to have a hint of killing intent.

The goal is directed at Donghae City!


During the flight, the speed of the giant crow suddenly rose, and the air blasted like a black line, rushing straight into the East China Sea.

Tongming Road, in a pet shop called “Cat Cat”.

Wang Teng asked the staff of the pet shop for some common knowledge about incubation, and felt that he finally had some spectrum in his heart.

He thanked the beautiful but enthusiastic young lady in the pet shop, and then walked out of the pet shop.

“Coming out! Coming out!”

Zhao Gangbao pointed to Wang Teng and said to a man beside him.



A cry that penetrated the sky resounded.

The man’s face changed and he suddenly looked up.

At the same time, Wang Teng also raised his head solemnly and looked into the distance.

High in the sky, a huge black creature quickly approached from a distance, and at the same time a piercing cry suddenly sounded.


The sound exploded in the sky, making it more loud and harsh, with amazing penetrating power.

Wang Teng felt pain in his eardrums, and pedestrians on the road frowned and covered their ears.

“Crack! Crack! Crack…”

There was a sound of cracking glass.

“Huh?” Wang Teng’s expression changed.

The terrible sound wave produced an invisible shock wave, spreading around.

I saw the glass windows and glass doors of the shops on both sides of the street, cracks suddenly appeared, and finally exploded.


The shot glass shards flew to nearby passers-by.

The little sister of the pet shop had just brought Wang Teng to the door, when the glass door suddenly exploded, and a slap-sized piece of broken glass fell directly from the top of her head.

Wang Teng has quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly pulled her away.

At the same time, his whole body was shocked, and his energy exploded, shaking away all the flying glass fragments.

Pedestrians on the road dodge from left to right, and some were hit and scratched.

Seriously, there was a sharp piece of glass directly inserted into the body and fell to the ground and wailed.

Some were lucky to escape the catastrophe, and hurriedly avoided far, with lingering fears.

“Where did the birds come from?”

“How come to the city?”

“Hurry up and hit 120, someone is injured!”

“What a terrible bird, this must be a star beast!” Wang Teng looked up.

The bird grew bigger and bigger, approaching quickly from a distance.

“No, it’s coming here!”

Wang Teng was shocked, his face was ugly, and he rushed to the girl next to him: “Come to the store, don’t come out.”

He hurriedly ran to the side of the road, took out the war sword from the trunk, put on the gloves, and then rushed to the side shop with the backpack with the egg on his back.


The giant crow seemed to feel something, and the speed skyrocketed again, rushing toward this side faster, and the scream burst out.

“What’s the matter, is this bird going to attack our Donghai City?”

The crowd scattered and fled, they covered their ears and screamed in horror.

In a blink of an eye, the giant crow came to the sky above Donghai City, with its wings stretched out to cover the sky, and when the wings were fluttered, the wind roared.

It rushed down from high altitude.

“Dandan, why does this bird seem to be coming at me?”

Wang Teng felt as if a dark cloud was pressing on his head, and when he looked up, he faced a pair of huge blood-red pupils.

Boundless evil spirit hit my heart.

Wang Teng was shocked and stiff, unable to move.

How to do? How to do?

Why are you rushing at me?

Hurry up!


He bit his tongue suddenly!

The pain came into his mind, Wang Teng finally regained his control of the body, and the force was inspired and covered on the sword.


“However, even if you die, I will let you peel off!”

The sword was full of red light, and the fire force was brewing to its extreme. Wang Teng’s hands were sweaty, his eyes fixed on the giant crow.

When it reaches the attack range, this sword will be cut out!

“Naughty animal!”


At this time, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

I saw a cyan blade light spread out from the top of a building, slashing towards the giant crow in mid-air.


The wailing sounded.


The knife slashed across, and the blood splashed.

The light of the knife spread to the sky, cutting the clouds in the sky in half.

Huge bird carcasses fell from the sky!

Everything happened in an instant!

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the sky blankly, their minds blank.

“So strong!”

The man beside Zhao Gangbao muttered to himself with lost eyes.

Wang Teng held the sword in his hands, his back was covered in cold sweat, before that sword could be released…

His head didn’t turn for a while, and his face was dumbfounded at this time.

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