Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 137: Little person

Two days later, Qin Fei finally arrived at Tianlong Guoducheng.

In the past, I always heard people mention how great this dragon city is and how many people live. Qin Fei feels that he is a future person. He has never seen a big city, but it is still very shocking to see this Tianlong City with his own eyes.

Unlike the traditional city, Tianlong City is built on a plain, perhaps for defense. It is located on a mountain highland.

The house is built from the bottom up, layered on top, and at the top of the building, there is a group of high tower palaces, which are magnificent, that is where the Emperor of Tianlong is located.

From a distance, the mountain is like a dragon, and all the houses are like dragon scales.

Such a great city pool, I am afraid it will take several generations or even dozens of generations to complete.

Although the north is seriously affected by the locust disaster, the impact on Tianlong City is minimal. It is still surrounded by green trees and flowers.

The people who listened to the team said that the locusts feared the majesty of the Regent and did not dare to commit crimes.

For this statement, Qin Fei is not convinced, it must be spent a lot of manpower and resources to expel the locusts, and then compiled a rumor to build momentum.

This kind of operation is commonplace in history, such as "Da Chuxing, Chen Shengwang", or "Cangtian is dead, Huangtian is standing", are artificially made gimmicks.

But Qin Fei will not be stupid to go to the dispute with people, just want to be a quiet chef.

And the Rong family team, Qin Fei did not stroll around the city, it is the right thing to open the store early.

I remember that the shop of the spice merchant Zheng Quan was coming from a certain road in Tianlong City. Qin Fei was going to find him as a local person to help. Otherwise, Qin Fei was unfamiliar with life, and it would be very troublesome to open a store.

Inquired about people, came to a fragrant street, the whole street is selling spices, customers are mostly girls, Yan Yanyan, very eye-catching.

After a while, a spice shop called “Full Fragrance” came into view, and the decoration was very luxurious. The customers who came and went were riding the horses and horses, indicating that it was not rich.

When Qin Fei entered the store, there was a buddy who came up to receive the reception: "What kind of fragrance do you want to buy? We are fully fragrant and complete..."

"Oh, I am not here to buy incense, I want to find you Zheng boss to discuss something." Qin Fei opened the door to see the mountain.

The young man re-examined Qin Fei: "Please ask the name of the guest, a small good for the newspaper."

Qin Fei reported the name.

The young man thought about it, didn't hear the name, and there was no name for Qin in the Tianlong City. The attitude immediately became cold: "I don't know what the guests are doing?"

Boss Zheng is now very famous. Every day he meets the top dignitaries of Tianlong City. Every day, the average person wants to see it.

"Oh, I opened a snack bar in Yunjiang County, and you are the boss of Zheng. You know it when you say it." Qin Fei said.

The guy smiled and smiled: "Guests please come back, our boss won't see you."

"Why?" Qin Fei did not understand.

The little guy is pondering that the other party is just a snack bar. Without any scruples, he said in a flamboyant tone: "Who can we see with our boss? Do you know the Wang Daren of the Ministry of Industry, in order to see Our boss, only about eight days ago, saw it."

"You just have a snack bar, why should our boss see you?"

Qin Fei slightly frowned, although listening to Zheng Quan said that his thirteen fragrances sold well, but did not expect to sell so well.

Can understand the work of the young man, if everyone comes to see the boss, which is not messy, Qin Fei said: "You can only report it."

The guys are willing to pay for this effort, and they have to go to the order: "Go and go, which side is cool and where to stay, otherwise don't blame us."

"Like last time, the big boss of a business house is not going to take it, but he is interrupted by an arm. You should measure it yourself."

The people of Tianlong City, even if they are just a little guy, seem to have a sense of superiority when they are born. When they know that Qin Fei is only a snack shop owner in Yunjiang, it is not good enough.

Qin Fei’s heart is very uncomfortable, but this shop is Zheng Quan’s after all. If he doesn’t want to make things big, he is ready to go.

However, at this time, Zheng Quan sent an official to the reception room, and the two seemed to be talking about the magic cloud.

The official humility is humble: "Zheng boss, you must help me this."

Zheng Quan is full of perfunctory: "Must be sure to wait for the magic cloud to arrive at the first time to send you."

Zheng Quan had some tired appearance. He could see the figure at the door, wiped his eyes, and suddenly became ecstasy. Going up is a bear hug: "Qin Boss, when are you going to Tianlong City?"

And Zheng Quan is also an old acquaintance, so people reunion, Qin Fei is also very happy: "just arrived."

"Walk, let's talk inside." Zheng Quan held Qin Fei, for fear that the other party ran.

There was a deacon in the store who quickly went forward: "The boss, Zhou Daren is still waiting in the waiting room."

"Call all the guests to go back first. I don't have time today." Zheng Quan is very excited. "Right, who, you go to make my best big red robe."

Looking at this scene, the previous guy screamed in his head. In order to see the snack shop owner, the big boss not only knocked down the meeting of so many adults, but also brought out the best Dahongpao to entertain.

The last time it seemed to be the Duchess, the big boss was willing to make the tea.

Who is this snack shop owner?

Although the boy is not clear, he understands that he is definitely finished, his legs are soft and he is sitting on the ground.


"Old Zheng, you are a good mix." Qin Fei looked at the luxurious reception room, leaning on the soft leather chair, could not help but admire.

"It's not all given by Qin Boss." Zheng Quan personally poured tea on Qin Fei. When it comes to this, there are some feelings. "Sometimes, I was thinking, if I didn't go ashore, I didn't go eat." That bowl of rice noodles, now I am afraid that the grave grass is already three feet..."

As said, Zheng Quan thought of something, and quickly went to a book, that is the sales record of the magic cloud Shenxiang, to Qinfei.

"I am not asking for money this I want to find a place in Tianlong City to run a snack shop for a while, a little anxious, where you are familiar, can you help find a shop." Qin Fei said purpose.

Zheng Quan did not take it seriously: "One small thing, I have several shops, just renovated and not yet open, now I can take Qin boss to see, see where to use it directly."

Because time is tight and the task is heavy, Qin Fei does not delay, let Zheng Quan take himself to see the shop.


The buddy of the fragrant house looked at Zheng Bo and Qin Fei, and wondered why the punishment had not arrived yet. Then he asked a maid: "His sister, you have been working in the reception room, the guest, have not with the boss. Speaking of me?"

The maid called Xier shook her head and smiled. "What do you say you do?"

The little man was confused and suddenly awed.

No wonder that I have only been a small person in my life, but people can get the respect of Zheng Boss. This is the real big man!

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