Alien Lord

Chapter 1983: Transportation Airship (2)

The five princes are really cruel guys. After receiving the support of Chu countries, in order to ascend the throne, he secretly used his rights to control two transport airships, and, with the help of Chu and other countries, in In a short time, these two transport airships were transformed into warships.

After that, the matter was very simple. He found an opportunity to go to the dynasty. The two ‘transport airships’ of the pilots suddenly attacked when passing the Chaotang.

The powerful vitality directly submerged the entire Chaotang.

After the inventory, more than 300 courtiers from the Tang Dynasty, including the overlord and the six elder brothers and brothers of the five princes, all died in this raid.

Among the dead ministers, there are a considerable number of ministers in the hands of the five princes. The five princes will be killed for a single blow, and even the ministers who surrendered to him are not notified, showing his cold blood.

When it is normal, such a cold-blooded prince is very threatening, because, since he can kill his father and other brothers, he believes that he is not hesitant to kill his neighbors.

However, Chu and other countries are not worried, because this guy killed not only his father, a few brothers, but also all the elite ministers of the later Tang Dynasty.

After Tang Guo lost nearly nine ministers, facing this situation, even if this guy is capable, he can't expand outwards.

In addition, Chu countries are more than just such a hand. They secretly raved about the post-Tang Kingdom and exposed everything about this guy. As a result, even if the five princes were enthroned, his reputation was extremely poor.

Even in secret, there are countless people who want to kill him, including the surviving ministers and several princes.

Faced with this situation, even if the five princes could keep their throne, it would be good, let alone expand outward.

The final result is also the same. During the thirty or forty years of the reign of the five princes, he was busy with chaos all year round, as well as guarding the surviving princes, as well as guarding his own sons.

Therefore, even if his ability is very strong, but he has no chance, he can't exert his ability at all, and he is in a battle with courtiers and princes for life.

It is said that after the death, the tomb of this emperor was also secretly dug out, and the body was exposed directly

With this example, plus this is something that Chu countries have personally participated in. Therefore, these royal families of the Chu state have really little interest in buying transportation flying boats.

After all, they are also deeply afraid that their descendants will come to the same trick.

As for the saying that after seeing the emperor's miserable ending in the Tang Dynasty, the princes of other countries will not make similar claims. Ha ha, fools will be believed.

Because the temptation of the throne is unparalleled, as long as they can ascend to the throne, these princes can do anything.

As for what happens after death, they are completely out of their consideration. The only thing they will think about is how to get to the throne as soon as possible.

Of course, I have asked another question here, and since Tang State had such a thing, wouldn’t it happen in the Great Qin Empire?

Above this point, the Great Qin Empire has never experienced a similar situation.


The reason is actually very simple, that is, the strength of the Great Qin Empire is really too strong.

For the Chu State, the Late Tang State, and other small countries, the power of warships is indeed very strong. Once they are attacked by it, the danger is extremely great.

However, for a powerful country like the Great Qin Empire, the power of warships is really extremely limited.

Chu Kingdom, the innate strong man, can dominate one side, but in the Great Qin Empire, even the master-level strong can’t dominate one side. If you want to dominate, you must have the strength of the supreme grand master at least. .

The strength of the warship is strong, but this is only for those below the Grand Master. Once the strength of the warrior reaches the Supreme Master, the threat of the warship is not great.

There are countless powerful men such as the Supreme Grand Master in the Great Qin Empire, not to mention the royal family.

Let's put it this way, even the captain of the palace gate guarding the outermost part of the Great Qin Empire has the strength of the Grand Master.

If such a strength, if the warship dared to come, huh, he had already been shot down by the guards outside the palace before he waited for it to be close to the palace.

In addition, the strength of the top generals of the Great Qin Empire is not generally strong. There is no shortage of strongmen in the foundation period. For a strong person in the foundation period, a warship is really a small meaning in the small meaning.

Even if a war flying boat came to the top of Chaotang, the top generals below would let the war flying boat know what is great.

Therefore, in a truly powerful country, the threat of warships is almost zero. They do not need to worry about the threat of warships.

Others asked, because the Great Qin Empire is because of its strength, it does not need to worry about the threat of warships. However, Lin Ze’s strength is not very good now. If he builds a lot of warships, he will Will there be any danger?

Don't worry about this at all. Don't forget, Lin Ze's puppet is on his hands.

Lin Ze will certainly not let others take control of such strategic/sexual/weapon like warships, so it will only be Linze’s loyal men who will master these warships, that is, the engraved puppets.

Of course, a war flying boat requires a lot of manpower, and Lin Ze will not have so many loyal men. Therefore, when the war flying boat is above, Lin Ze only needs to arrange his loyal men to master the key points of the war flying boat. Location.

Like captains, helmsmen, and artillery captains, this warship can't threaten Lin Ze in turn.

Moreover, to be honest, Lin Ze's strength is now stronger than that of the royal family of Chu Kingdom. There is no lack of masters in the foundation period around him. It is definitely not a problem to want to protect Lin Ze's safety.

Therefore, for Lin Ze, the threat of warships is also extremely small and extremely small, and he can make it with confidence.

Of course, because Lin Ze’s strength is still very low (army), he will not manufacture warships on a large scale, and even if they are manufactured, they will not be used extensively, and they will also use these warships. The power is added to Yan Huangzong’s head to avoid direct targeting by the Chu royal family and those of the Chu Kingdom.

There are so many warships and transport ships in the surrounding countries, so when Lin Ze’s warships are mixed in, it will not be very conspicuous.

In addition, there are a lot of warships in the wilderness. Therefore, if Lin Ze’s warships went to Huangquan's tribe, they would not attract the attention of others.

Even if someone noticed it, they would only think that Lin Ze was doing business with the barbarians.

In this way, Lin Ze transported a large number of spirit stones from the tribe of Huang Quan, which could be kept secret very well.

Oh, you said that the Lingshi mine is not Linze, it is still a barbarian tribe.

Yes, this Lingshi mine is not Linze now, but when Huang Quan, the Great Elder, the Second Elder, and other barbarian tribes are planted as puppets by Linze, they have their internal response, you said this Lingshi mine Not Lin Ze? !

Not to mention this huge spirit stone mine, even the entire barbarian tribe is Lin Ze.

When Huang Quan returned to the tribe, with Huang Quan's cooperation, Lin Ze could soon plant puppet marks on all the upper classes of this barbarian tribe. By then, this tribe was not Lin Ze.

After conquering the entire tribe, the Lingling mine is of course Lin Ze.

However, this is a matter for the future. For Lin Ze, the most important thing is to plant puppet marks for Huang Quan and the elders.

Three days later, Lin Ze came out of the room with a tired look, and behind him were the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan, and the barbarian elders and the second elders.

During these three days, Lin Ze was sleepless and finally succeeded in planting puppet marks on the heads of these barbarian tribes.

To be honest, Lin Ze was not very smooth.

When Huang Quan planted a puppet mark, the resistance was extremely strong.

Huang Quan, as a strong man in the Jindan period, coupled with the patriarch who is also a barbarian, has strong willpower and is the strongest among the warriors Lin Ze has encountered.

Before Lin Ze spent a full day, he did not have the mental power to defeat Huang Quan. Instead, Huang Quan’s mental power seemed to be refined under Lin Ze’s, which made Lin Ze’s heart The face is depressed and wants to vomit blood.

Of course, with Lin Ze’s strength, even if Huang Quan persists, it is useless. As long as Lin Ze continues, about ten days and a half, Huang Quan will still be defeated and be marked by puppets.

If this is the case, time will not be enough.

Huang Quan and they could not be imprisoned by Lin Ze for more than ten days, or even a few months. For such a long time, not only the family alliance will be suspicious, but even the barbarians themselves will also be suspicious.

By then, there will be problems with Lin Ze's plan.

Therefore, Lin Ze must do all this in the shortest time, preferably not more than a week.

After thinking of this, Lin Ze changed his approach, directly presented the entire plane seed world in front of Huang Quan, and promised him that as long as Huang Quan surrendered to him, Lin Ze could take Huang Quan's tribe into the plane seed world. Inside, you don't have to live on the wild and wild wilderness that is indescribable and dangerous. From then on, their tribe will be completely away from danger and live in the world of rich and incomparable plane seeds.

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