Alien Lord

Chapter 1982: Transportation Airship (1)

Of course, for the warships used for transportation, many of the things used for warfare have been unloaded. In addition, the materials used to make them are also inferior, so it looks similar to the warships, but, In fact, such a transport airship is far inferior to the war airship.

This is also something that cannot be done. One is that transporting the airship requires transporting a large amount of material and personnel. Therefore, it first focuses on the amount of transportation, not the combat effectiveness that warships need.

Different needs will inevitably lead to many designs of transport airships, completely different from warships.

However, this also has other benefits.

As we all know, there are a large number of Yuanshi artillery on the warship, even the Lingshi artillery, and other powerful war weapons. These are the main reasons why the price of the warship is equal to the sky.

The transportation-type flying boat does not need these things, so the manufacturing price is greatly reduced, and many countries can build it.

The Great Qin Empire, as well as the surrounding large countries, have built some transport warships. Oh, no, it should be called a transport airship now.

A considerable part of these transport airships are used by these countries to transport military material.

The territorial scope of these countries is really too wide, like the Great Qin Empire, his territorial scope is as large as 20 or more Huaxia, from east to west, as far as 4 to 500,000 miles, so far If you use ordinary means of transportation, the army at the border of the Great Qin Empire will definitely starve to death.

For such a long distance, if you want to transport it, I believe it will take one or two years or even more time. For such a long time, no army can bear it.

Therefore, how to transport a large amount of military supplementary materials to the army at that time has always been the biggest headache for those countries.

Even for this reason, many countries dare not expand after their land area has expanded to a certain stage.

Because they are worried that such a long distance, the cost of guarding, will directly drag down the entire country.

Such examples are not unprecedented. The Great Qin Empire had such experiences before.

When the territory of the Great Qin Empire expanded to about 70,000 to 80,000 miles, the emperor at that time was an ambitious overlord. He did not stop the pace of expansion and continued to carry his army and continued to expand outward.

In just ten years, more than a dozen small and medium-sized countries were annexed by the Great Qin Empire. At one time, the territory of the Great Qin Empire expanded to 12-30 thousand miles. It can be said that at that time, the Great Qin Empire was among the dozens of countries around it. powerful country.

However, such a powerful country was almost wiped out by other countries in the next fifty years.


The reason is actually very simple. It is too difficult to supplement the military material of the border troops.

At that time, the Great Qin Empire used military vehicles or other vehicles to transport military materials, even if it was a horseshoe, or a very fast **** horse like a blue horse, but this speed was still limited, and they Can't exercise like a train without sleep.

A horseshoe can only move forward at full speed for four or five hours when pulling the goods. When the time is up, the horseshoe must rest. If you want to use it again, it will take at least two days.

Such a means of transportation, such a mode of transportation, of course, cannot deliver substances to the border in a very short time.

Especially at that time, the scope of the Great Qin Empire was 120,000 to 30,000 miles. At such a long distance, even the transportation department of the Great Qin Empire used the method of changing horses and carriages, and constantly feeding supplies to the border. It takes at least half a year to transport the material into the hands of the army.

It took more than half a year to transport supplies to the army. You said that with such transportation efficiency, how much combat power will this army have.

In addition, this mode of transportation can be said to come every other month, plus the consumption and cost of the transportation team on the road for more than half a year. Ha ha, in a powerful empire, it can’t afford to be consumed like a bottomless hole. .

This is still a period of peace. If it is time for war, huh, huh, such consumption will increase several times, or even dozens of times. Where is such a large consumption that the Great Qin Empire can bear.

I believe that even if it is replaced by the current rice country, it can't afford such a huge consumption.

It is for this reason that the Great Qin Empire entered the 100-year melee period, and it was almost wiped out by dozens of neighboring countries.

Fortunately, at that time, a talented refining master of the Great Qin Empire created a warship.

The Great Qin Empire is rich in all directions, and the cost of manufacturing warships is large. However, the Greater Qin Empire can still stick its teeth, and at that time, it was during the war, where would the issue of the high cost of the warships be manufactured, as long as it could defeat the enemy, No matter how much it is consumed, the Great Qin Empire will spare no effort.

In this way, an endless stream of warships was created. Finally, the Great Qin Empire not only repelled the siege of dozens of countries around it, but even counterattacked it in the end, not only reclaiming the previous territory, but also destroying the surroundings. More than a dozen countries have expanded the territorial scope to 1600-70,000 miles.

However, this time the Great Qin Empire did not expand the territory blindly, but carefully guarded it until they thoroughly digested these territories and then peered into the surrounding territories.

In addition, this one-hundred-year melee battle has completely made the warships famous, and the Great Qin Empire is particularly interested in its powerful transportation capabilities.

The speed of the warship is extremely fast. If it is the fastest, it is almost the same as the current combat effectiveness. The speed of thousands of kilometers per hour makes the distance of more than tens of thousands of miles.

Coupled with the fact that the warship can carry thousands of tons, and even more supplies, it also made the Great Qin Empire determined to establish a strategic //sexual/transportation force that uses the warship as a means of transportation.

However, the manufacturing price of a war flying ship is really too high. If the transport flying ships of the Great Qin Empire are all war flying ships, then the Great Qin Empire cannot afford it.

So, soon, the talented refining masters of the Great Qin Empire immediately improved the warship, removed the war weapons above, expanded the space, and created a speed that was half as slow as the warship, but the transportation volume Directly reached the strategy of three or four thousand tons // **** // transport the airship.

With such a powerful strategy //Sexuality//Transportation of the flying boat, the army of the Great Qin Empire no longer has to fear the lack of supplies, nor the constant extension and expansion of the front, because, no matter how far away, the Great Qin Empire can be timely Bring up the supplies.

It was with these transport airships that the Great Qin Empire became stronger and stronger. In the following thousands of years, it directly annexed the surrounding 40 or 50 countries, bringing its territory to the current half a million miles. Absolute power.

With the continuous enhancement of the national strength of the Great Qin Empire, the transport airship that used to belong only to the army is now gradually used by the Great Qin Empire for civilian transportation.

Someone asked here, since the flying airship is so powerful, why is there no such flying airship in Chu State where Lin Ze is now?

The reason is actually very simple, that is, the blockade of a powerful country like the Great Qin Empire, and the fact that the Chu State itself does not urgently need such a transport airship.

The territory of Chu State is really far from that of the Great Qin Empire. From east to west, it is a range of about 14,000 to 55,000 miles. Such a range is enough to be transported by horseshoes.

In addition, although the manufacturing price of the transport airship is much lower than that of the war airship, this price is not affordable by ordinary people. The royal family of Chu State can afford such a price, but it can be bought at most. The appearance of four or five ships, no matter how many, can't afford it.

Four or five transport airships, huh, huh, such a quantity can withstand the transportation of supplies from the millions of troops of the Chu Kingdom.

In the end, the royal family of Chu didn't buy many transport airships, but for their own safety and the need of royal rights.

As we all know, the transport airship is actually an improvement from the war airship. Many of its facilities are actually the same as the war airship, except that the war weapons are kicked out, but the space for installation actually exists.

In this case, once someone with intentions prepares those weapons, and then directly converts the transport airship, then this transport airship will immediately become a combat airship with explosive power.

A transport airship entering Kyoto has no effect, but if a transport airship that has been modified and has a combat power comparable to a war airship enters Kyoto, what impact will you have when you say it? !

As long as this caring person pinched the time of the ascendant, he drove the war flying boat to the palace. Ha ha, when the artillery fire came down, the entire chapel of the Chu Kingdom would be destroyed on the war flying boat.

Chu Guochaotang, including the emperor, is not very strong. Except for those top generals and the worship in the palace, the strength is below the guru, and even the strength of most civil servants is below the acquired day.

How can such strength withstand the attack of warships.

Such examples have not appeared before.

Such things happened in the post-Tang Kingdom around Chu.

Three hundred years ago, the post-Tang Kingdom's strength soared, and there was an emperor with a hegemonic heart. Therefore, he directly purchased dozens of transport flying boats.

It is a pity that just after the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, elaborately preparing for ten years, when it is about to expand, the Chu Kingdom and the surrounding countries secretly united with the five sons of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, an ambitious guy. Under the covenant, try his best to help him ascend to the throne.

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