Alien Lord

Chapter 1887: Surprise

Lin Ze heard her face stunned, and then she laughed dumbly: "Your Excellency can't laugh, but now you are a righteous man, how can you become an apprentice of the devil."

A trace of disdain flashed in Wang Jiao's eyes, and he said, "Oh, the devil's argument!"

Wang Jiao shook his head: "Junior, this seat is a monk Jindan. It is a great honor for you to worship under my door."

Speaking here, his face was cold, and he said coldly: "You had a good chase for a while before, and you carried the killing order of the devil, so even if you fled to the end of the world, it is also impossible to escape The hunt for this seat. But now if you worship this seat as a teacher, then this seat will pardon your previous crimes."

"Hahaha..." Lin Ze heard here suddenly burst out laughing, and said, "If you can win me, then let me worship you as a teacher, what's the point?" difficult."

His voice fell, and the person was already flying backwards.

Wang Jiao sneered in the sky and said, "Crazy... Hey!"

His eyebrow jumped suddenly because he suddenly saw something beyond his imagination.

Lin Ze's figure suddenly disappeared in front of him, yes, since it disappeared in front of him in this way, Wang Jiao can guarantee that there is nothing wrong with it...

He blinked twice and finally determined that he didn't look at it.

This little guy who is just the strength of the foundation period, actually disappeared in front of him, and how did it disappear, where is it hidden now, even he can’t find it, as if he appeared in front of him before, talking to him Guys, it just doesn't exist.

"Does this guy have space magical power?" Wang Jiao's complexion speculated.

It is only through supernatural powers of space that such unconsciousness can disappear.

"Yes, yes, it must be so, otherwise, how could this guy disappear for no reason, even I can't find his trace." Wang Jiao muttered to himself, the more he said, The brighter his eyes.

As a strong man in the Jindan period, he certainly knew the power of space supernatural powers, and he also knew how harsh the cultivation conditions of space supernatural powers were.

If you want to practice space supernatural powers, in addition to your space attributes, you also need to have the inheritance of space supernatural powers, or magic weapons such as space supernatural powers, and the grade should not be low, otherwise, it will have no effect.

Whether the attribute of this guy in front of him is spatial or not, Wang Jiao is still unclear, but he can be 100% certain that there must be a different treasure of spatial attributes or cultivation in this mysteriously disappearing little guy Anti-celestial magical space technique.

If not, it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen.

"Hahahaha, it’s really God who helped me, God who helped me too, hahaha..." Wang Jiao laughed back to the sky, thinking that there might be some magical space treasure or powerful space in the other party. Inheritance, his heart became hot.

Before, he was still worried about what to do after getting the Wan Mo Zhu kill order, or how to escape the pursuit of other powerful men.

In order to exert the strongest effect of the Ten Thousand Devil Order, he must have at least a hundred blood sacrifices of at least the power of the Supreme Grandmaster level, and he even needs no less than ten base-building powers, once he really does By the way, it will definitely cause huge waves. At that time, countless top right masters will come to kill him.

Wang Jiao is very confident in his own strength, but he is not confident that he will be able to get rid of himself completely after so many strong men chase down.

He was still having a headache for this problem before. Now, as long as he can get this treasure of space attributes, or the inheritance of space, then he will no longer be afraid of siege.

With the spatial ability, he will go wherever he wants to go. If others want to catch up with him, the difficulty will increase dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

And, if he has mastered the space ability, maybe he will not be discovered by others even if he kills these powerful men.

Because, he can rely on space ability to sneak attack on these strong men, so, he would not be exposed.

Thinking of this, Wang Jiao's eyes looking at where Lin Ze was missing are no longer fanatical to describe, it can be said to be burning directly.

Now that the magical power of the space has been determined, the next thing is easier to handle.

As a strong man in the Golden Pill Period, he still has some abilities to deal with space magic.

No, Wang Jiao quickly took out a compass-like thing from the storage ring in his hand. The compass just started to come out, and the pointer on it began to rotate rapidly. While waiting to stop, the pointer directly pointed to Wang A place on the right side of Jiao.

"Found it!" Wang Jiao said with great joy.

The compass on his hand was actually a magic weapon for positioning. It was originally used to find space cracks, but it is now used by Wang Jiao to locate Lin Ze.

Yes, as Wang Jiao thought, this time Lin Ze hid, hiding in the void world with space supernatural powers.

Lin Ze had a lot of space snakes in his hands. He wanted to hide in the void world. It was really a simple thing.

As for hiding in the world of Plane Seeds, hehe, in front of others, Lin Ze would never do this.

"I didn't expect this guy to have this hand. In this case, my plan to sneak attack on him failed!" Lin Ze said with a frustrated smile on his face.

Originally, he wanted to use the magical power of the space snake to sneak attack on Wang Jiao. After all, the other party was a powerhouse in Jindan period, so Lin Ze couldn't be too careful.

It is a pity that when Lin Ze was about to approach Wang Jiao, he saw through.

"Look at where you are going this time!" Wang Jiao shouted excitedly, and then the whole person turned into a ray of light, a flash, and he chased up.

However, because he was afraid of the space treasures that might appear on the opponent, he did not dare to get too close. Instead, he took out a shield and inspired the power of it, so that the light of the defense surrounded his body.

After knowing that Lin Ze was in a magical space, and came to his side unconsciously, Wang Jiao finally faced the threat of Lin Ze, and he didn't dare to care like before.

It was just that he had just finished all this and was stunned by what was happening in front of him.

After seeing the unsuccessful attack, Lin Ze simply came out of the void world. Then, he smiled at Wang Jiao first. Then, there was an expression of you fooled on his face. Finally, there was a long roar in his mouth. Just before the whistle, Lin Ze’s space in front of him started to change in an instant.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Lin Ze's figure had disappeared, and in front of Wang Jiao was a two- or three-hundred-meter factory, a magnificent dragon.

Jiao Long lowered his head and glanced at him, and what was revealed in his eyes was the ridicule of Chi//Naked//Naked//.

Subsequently, a piece of Jiaolong mouth, a bright and extremely bright light appeared in Jiaolong mouth, followed by the sound of'咻', a very powerful spiritual bomb was ejected from Jiaolong mouth, directly to the close Wang Jiao.

Jiaolong, yes, Lin Ze released the golden dragon.

After this period of treatment, coupled with Lin Ze's use of blood for thousands of years, he was a severely dying Jiaolong, and now he has recovered his combat effectiveness.

Although it will take quite some time before it can recover its full combat power, it is now enough to deal with a king jiao.

After all, Wang Jiao is only the mid-term strength of Jin Dan, and during the heyday of the Dragon Dragon, the strength of Jin Dan's great consummation, even if the strength has not been fully restored, but it is still possible to deal with Wang Jiao.

Jiaolong, the attack power is originally the most powerful barbarian in the world. Once all the attack power is released, it is absolutely invincible in the same level. Even some noble blood dragons can be easily leapfrogged. fighting.

Although the bloodline of this dragon in Lin Ze's hands is not very advanced, but the strength of combat is not comparable to that of Wang Jiao.

No, Wang Jiao just had time to see the meaning expressed in Jiao Long’s eyes at this time. He didn’t even have time to respond. The first attack wave of the powerful Jiao Long came to his head.

"Boom!!" The spirit bomb hit Wang Jiao instantly, but, contrary to Lin Ze's expectations, Wang Jiao was not hurt at all under this sudden Lin Ze took a closer look It was only then that Jiaolong's sudden blow was blocked by the shield that looked ordinary in front of Wang Jiao.

"This should be a defensive magic weapon above the middle grade!!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

At this time, after Wang Jiao was speechless for a while, his eyes suddenly burst into endless firelight. Upon closer inspection, it was full of greed and greed and excitement that could not be suppressed at all situation.

"Jiaolong, this turned out to be a real dragon, or a dragon that had reached the stage of the golden prince's consummation." Wang Jiao looked at the dragon in front of him and said to himself in his mouth: "Is it true that God is helping today I, not only sent me the mortal killing order and the magical power of space, but now also sent this dragon, which is really...No, I must not miss it today!"

After talking about this, his face became more blushing, and it seemed that it was the red tide caused by hyperemia caused by hyperactivity: "If I can get the blood of this dragon, I will definitely be able to break through the limit of the state. , Become a powerful Yuan infant period strong, and, even if it can’t be broken for a while, I can also have a long life span of tens of thousands of years and a strong fighting power. With such a long life span, Yuan Yuan period is still intact. Could it be the problem?!"

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