Alien Lord

Chapter 1886: Catch up

His strength has been stagnant for hundreds of years, and it is still the strength of Jindan in the middle stage. Under him, in the past hundreds of years, there have been latecomers who have gradually increased. I believe that it will not be long before someone will surpass him. The position under him is not someone else's.

In addition, he began to practice till now, which has been more than 500 years ago, and when he was promoted to Jindan period, he used a magic method, so the life expectancy was greatly reduced. Until now, he has less than one A hundred years of life.

The life span of a hundred years looks very long for ordinary people, but for a strong man like him, it is already not as good as the end, so he has to find a way to improve his strength in order to extend his life.

The best thing is to be promoted directly to the infancy period. In this way, not only can you gain powerful strength, but you can also extend the life span of thousands of years.

It's just that it's so easy to get promoted to meta-infancy.

This is not, the king of the green shirt dragon king Jiao, in order to vent the depression in his heart, he walked out.

This came out, but he discovered a great opportunity, he had the opportunity to promote Yuan infantile.

While in the city of Wanmo, he suddenly heard about the killing order of Wanmo.

As the deputy lord of Qinglong City, he would not know what the Wanmo Zhuzhu order was, so, soon, he began to follow the Wanmo Zhuzhu order.

Because, as long as he got the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, he can be promoted to Yuan Ying, this is already Wang Jiao's last hope, so he will never let go.

When Wang Ze started to track Lin Ze previously, Wang Jiao’s confidence was very sufficient. He believed that with his magical power, it was not difficult to grasp Lin Ze, but, wherever he thought, the other party was like a loach, and even He lost Lin Ze's trail one after another.

Moreover, Lin Ze's speed is far beyond his imagination.

Fortunately, he has a flying divine boat. This magic weapon is extremely fast. Otherwise, he will really chase it down. If that's the case, his face will be lost.

Because it is necessary to ensure that Lin Ze is alive, so as not to hide the order of the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Order, so when tracking, many of his attack methods cannot be used. It was thought that as long as he was close, he would be able to catch it, but The final result made him miscalculate again.

He didn't think that the kid in front of him would be so cunning as to get into the other Zongmen's station directly. Although he smashed the mountain guards of this station with one palm, he lost the other party's breath again.

Wang Jiao was so angry that he did not hesitate to offend such a powerful sect as the Blood Demon Gate, and directly brought them a group attack, instantaneously killing the majority of the doormen's children.

In fact, before Wang Jiao came out, the plan was to be as low-key as possible, and try not to provoke other ancestors.

Don't look at Wang Jiao as the powerhouse of Jindan period, but he knows clearly that there is no shortage of powerhouses of Jindan period in the top sect, otherwise, there are so many magic masters in Wanmo Mountain, why? It is not restricted to be able to get out of Wanmo Mountain, it is not because there are strong enough people outside to deter them.

Under normal circumstances, if you come out, as long as you don’t kill, there will be no one to control you, but once you start the killing, someone will come to you soon and teach you how to Be human.

Wang Jiao said that he has a good strength, but in the face of those masters outside, he dare not say that he will definitely win.

If it had been in the past, he would not easily kill the ring, but now that Lin Ze is close to him, these guys have broken his things. Under the anger of Wang Jiao, of course, the ring is killing.

As for the fact that someone came to trouble afterwards, hehe, when he didn't get up, he got a place to hide for a few decades, and found a place to hide for decades, until he was promoted to the first infancy.

During the Jindan period, he did not dare to come outside, but once he was promoted to Yuanying period, he could run wild anywhere.

In addition, even if Wang Jiao didn't do it this time, he also needed to kill some talents.

The method of using Wanmo's killing order is clear to Wang Jiao's heart. Although he can't directly slaughter 10,000 strong men, he can do it if he slaughters 100.

At that time, in order to inspire the strongest effect of Wan Mo Zhu's killing order, he will surely slaughter a hundred strong men. At that time, he will still anger the outside masters.

Therefore, this time the station where the Blood Demon Gate was extinguished was extinguished. Wang Jiao did not care. At most, he was careful later.

Wang Jiao still underestimated Lin Ze's hidden means. In this search, he searched for nearly half a day.

Wang Jiao was more and more anxious to look for it, watching the time passing by. It has been almost half a day since the trace of Lin Ze was lost. The people of Blood Demon Gate must have reported the matter here, and someone will come here to investigate soon, If he hadn't won Lin Ze by then, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

After finding Lin Ze’s traces for a long time, he was angry and made up his mind and found another day. If the boy hadn’t appeared after a day, he would offend the sect gate here and arrange a large array directly. The area around the hundreds of miles was firmly blocked, and then the power of the large array was used to refine this space. Even if it was turned into scum, Lin Ze was also found.

Time passed slowly, half an hour, an hour...until the fifth hour. At this time, Wang Jiao's complexion became more and more gloomy with the passage of time, and the hostility on his face became more and more intense. .

Lin Ze was in the world of Plane Seeds at this time. After seeing Wang Jiao's look, he knew that Wang Jiao's inner patience had gradually become unbalanced, and now is the best opportunity to deal with Wang Jiao.

"Zoo!" Lin Ze came out of the Plane Seed World again.

He had just come out. Wang Jiao, who had been waiting to lose control over there, found Lin Ze's traces. He was overjoyed on his face, and he went all the way to Lin Ze.

Moreover, this time Wang Jiao was so cruel, he had to win Lin Ze.

Once Lin Ze entered his attack range, he no longer kept his hand.

Would rather beat Lin Ze to death, he would not want to lose Lin Ze's trail anymore.

The speed of the hidden escape is indeed not covered. Lin Zehua quickly glides on the ground as a first-class light. When the speed of this light reaches the limit, even a strange popping noise emerges.

However, although Lin Ze has now increased the speed to the extreme, but after seeing Wang Jiao driving the speed of the Flying God Shenzhou behind him, he still has an urge to scold his mother.

Above the head not far behind him, the same light was approaching quickly.

Do not ask, the master of the light flying in the sky must be the king of the green shirt dragon king.

I don't know what kind of thought this Qingzhai dragon king has, his flight speed in the sky is not much slower than Lin Ze, even a little faster.

"Fuck, this guy actually changed his attitude!" Lin Ze first dodged, evaded an attack, and then there was a whisper in his mouth.

"Boom!" Wang Jiao in the sky continued to attack Lin Ze, this time he not only followed Lin Ze, but also launched an attack directly on Lin Ze.

Wang Jiao stood like this on the Flying God Shenzhou, generally manipulating the Flying God Shenzhou to chase Lin Ze, and from his body, from time to time, he would emit a fierce cold light lasing on Lin Ze's path, which forced Lin Ze to stop , Or change direction in an instant.

In doing so, Wang Jiao still didn't want to kill Lin Ze. He still wanted to force Lin Ze to stop and then capture Lin Ze.

After several such attacks, Lin Ze knew his thoughts. This guy actually wanted to capture himself, so he forced him to change his route while he was escaping, and gradually moved toward a big lake according to his ideas. Direction close.

"Alright, this is also in my mind, I will go over there, what's wrong!" Lin Ze smiled slightly in his heart, this time out, he was originally prepared to fight this guy, now that this guy Choose a battlefield, then Lin Ze went.

"Huh!!" Lin Ze followed Wang Jiao's thoughts directly towards the distant lake.

Seeing Lin Ze fleeing in the direction he wanted directly, Wang Jiao was very happy, but the frequency of the attacks on his hand was not reduced, but was faster, but this time, his attacks were more like It was intimidating Lin Ze, without any attack, it really attacked Lin Ze.

In this regard, Lin Ze was also unspoken and did not reveal it, so he followed Wang Jiao's thoughts and left for the Great Lakes.

Lin Ze's figure kept flashing, UU reading books www. finally came to a big lake.

This large lake is much smaller than the lake that Lin Ze had fought in the previous two games. However, the area of ​​this lake is not small. Anyway, Lin Ze cannot see the margin at a glance.

After coming to the lake, Lin Ze suddenly stopped, turned back, and looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, the king of the green shirt dragon king in the sky also stopped at this time, looking at him with cold eyes.

Lin Ze smiled and said: "Your Excellency has been hotly pursued since before, I don't know why you are doing anything?"

Wang Jiao also smiled, and then said: "Junior, some people don’t want to go around in circles anymore, just hand over the Wan Mo Zhu kill order, as long as you can give me the Wan Mo Zhu kill order, then I can send you Guarantee, I can accept you as a disciple. Your training talent is really good, and you can escape under my pursuit for so long, just right, there is also a lack of a disciple on this side, which makes you reluctant to charge. Number."

Lin Ze heard her face stunned, and then she laughed dumbly: "Your Excellency can't laugh, but now you are a righteous man, how can you become an apprentice of the devil."

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