After all, Lin Tai is not a particularly strong existence. Although he has become a relatively strong existence among the supreme gods, he is only a so-called "god" after all.

Compared with the real strong, the current Lin Tai is still too weak, and the most important point is that only he can enter the void.

That's right, Lin Tai's current heroes and units, including but not limited to giant dragons, blood ancestors, and void puppets, cannot enter the void with Lin Tai.

Only void-level units can be used in the void, and god-level units below the void level cannot enter, and summoning the god-level unit "Zero One Seven" in the void will die immediately, so this is a huge challenge for Lin Tai. weakened.

None of these heroes and units that were obtained with great difficulty can be taken away this time, and they can only be kept in the main universe to help Lin Tai take care of the earth.

This is really sad.

But Lin Tai has no choice. This is the rule. At present, he can only use his own power. Void troops, god-level and pre-god-level troops are completely two things, and he cannot directly use god-level troops to evolve. .

"In short, before I leave, I will try my best to increase the combat power of our universe, and then I will leave during this time, and go to the void to get the medal to resist their power."


Many people present admired Lin Tai's approach very much, but at the same time, they were also wary of him. After all, Lin Tai is still an ancient god. If Lin Tai goes to the Void, he will sell the main universe directly. It would be troublesome to directly occupy the main universe with countless fighters.

And at this moment, Lin Tai didn't continue to say anything, but seemed to be ready to strengthen his strength to the peak.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

After speaking, Lin Tai temporarily returned to the earth, and then found a relatively hidden place, released what he had obtained, and created an environment in front of him that was about the same size as his own body.

Then Lin Tai walked up, stretched out his hand to touch it, and opened a copy page in an instant.

[Open copy: Yuanlong Era]

[Copy Level: SSS+]

[Could it be a copy: extremely deadly]

[Dungeon goal: Defeat Yuanlong King, Dragon Father]

[Dungeon Rewards: Enhanced Dragon Strength, Dragon Items]

[Dungeon restriction: In the Yuanlong Era, only dragon arms can be used to enter the battle]

[Dungeon description: This is a space-time channel, you can bring your own troops to the Yuanlong period, and you can get a lot of resources and props. 】

"Well, you can go and have a look."

Lin Tai nodded, and then he chose to enter the dungeon, and at the same time, five dragon heroes appeared beside him, Steelscale, Mielsk, Linglong, Thor, and the Black Dragon Queen.

Among them, Steel Scale, Mielsk, and Black Dragon Dragon Queen are all supreme gods, while Linglong and Thor are relatively weak upper gods, and even the supreme gods have not reached it.

It's just that when the Black Dragon Queen appeared, she let out a roar instantly, and then her all attributes were directly increased by 1.5 times.

Because there are also black dragon queens in this era, at this time the black dragon queens of the two times are together, and the black dragon queens are fused together, the overall attributes are greatly improved, and more memories and abilities are also appearing in the black dragon On the body of the Dragon Queen......

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai was about to start working. At this time, a group of huge Yuanlongs appeared in front of his eyes, but these Yuanlongs were all emitting black air, which looked very terrifying.

These Yuanlongs are controlled by Father Long.

Yuanlong was originally one of the most terrifying creatures in the universe. Later, the father of the dragon became stronger and stronger because of his crazy devouring, and gradually began to devour other Yuanlong. At this time, their bodies expanded very seriously. , and sanity began to fade away.

In order to fight against the increasingly mad Dragon Father, the five Dragon Kings gathered together, not only using their own strength, but also the guardian power bestowed on them by the Titan God, which is very powerful.

And this dungeon is the situation of Yuanlong at that time. Lin Tai's task is actually to cooperate with the other five dragon kings and dragon queens to kill the king of Yuanlong, Longfu.

At this time, Lin Tai also flew over 1.6 in one direction with his five dragons and arms, and soon saw a group of very huge dragons, forming a team to attack a huge guy.

And this besieged monster dragon is basically about the size of a planetary system. The enemy's strength is too strong, and five star-sized dragons are nothing compared to him.

Immediately afterwards, the five giant dragons and the slightly smaller dragon beside them launched a crazy attack on the enemy.

At this time, the Black Dragon King saw Nesistra beside Lin Tai at a glance. .

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