At this time, Lin Tai killed a large number of supreme gods in an instant, and in an instant Lin Tai took a lot of divine power and experience, and his body swelled up again.

On the contrary, the surrounding supreme gods all felt a little sluggish, and at the same time, there seemed to be something flying towards Lin Tai in their bodies.

However, Star God was not affected in any way this time.

Because the star god is a special existence formed by the will of a large number of planets, and does not have the concept of "life", so he was not attacked by the fire of life, and he escaped a catastrophe.

"Damn it, aren't the Dragon Clan making a move yet?"

Star God said angrily: "Are you really going to watch the universe be destroyed by this guy?"

"He won't."

Suddenly, the voice of the Red Dragon Queen A Laike Strasza rang in Star God's ear.

"What guarantee do you have?"

Star God roared angrily.

But the Red Dragon Queen A Laike Straza did not answer the other party. It seems that the current star god is no longer the strong man he used to be. After the original black dragon dragon king went crazy and became Deathwing, the management of the star soul was handed over Star God, it seems that this authority will soon change hands again.

As for what will happen to this star god in the future, it is not something that the Red Dragon Queen wants to care about.


Suddenly a black tentacle appeared instantly, piercing through the chest of Star God.

The speed of this attack was so fast that even the Star God died before he could react.

Immediately afterwards, the consciousness and divine power of the Star God began to be absorbed along Lin Tai's tentacles.

At this time, all the supreme gods around didn't dare to go forward to stop it, because Lin Tai's strength is really a bit scary now, and none of them are sure that they can survive if they go forward to stop him.

"Then, there are only these people left."

As he said that, the light on Lin Tai's body suddenly disappeared, and then he quickly turned into his original appearance, a strange humanoid ancient god who looked like armor.

But different from the original one, this time Lin Tai's body has more dark gold and metallic luster, and he is no longer the original simple monster.

"This, what is this thing?"

The gods were startled in an instant, the aura emanating from Lin Tai's body was really terrifying, it had almost surpassed the Dragon Queen, and it was almost the same as the five Dragon Kings.

"The Asura Purgatory Halberd has also been unsealed."

As he said that, the Shura Purgatory Halberd appeared behind Lin Tai. At this time, the Shura Purgatory Halberd also absorbed the energy just now, and re-evolved into the soul of the giant dragon with the same shape.

After seeing the soul of the dragon, even the faces of the four dragon kings present changed, because Lin Tai's current threat was too great.

Originally, even if Lin Tai combined the five guardian powers and became a unique existence, it was only slightly weaker than the Dragon King, and several Dragon Kings could still accept it.

But now the soul of the dragon has also appeared in Lin Tai's hands, which means that Lin Tai really has the ability to kill the Dragon King.

"Okay, don't worry, I have no intention of killing you now."

Lin Tai spread his hands, and threw the dragon soul in his hand to the Red Dragon Queen Laike Straza.


Everyone was stunned by Lin Tai's actions. You must know that this Dragon Soul is the absolute invincible No. 1 artifact in the universe. They never thought that "Lin Tai actually abandoned it!

...asking for flowers...

"I have felt the call from a higher level!"

Lin Tai looked at himself now, then looked at the supreme gods around him, and said: "The void has already started, the ancient gods in the universe are their signposts, and they are heading further and swallowing everything into their stomachs .………”

"You, what are you talking about?"

When Lin Tai said these words, even the surrounding Supreme Shendu began to tremble, not because of the cold, but because of a feeling of fear from the bottom of their hearts.


"This is the slogan of the ancient gods. According to my estimation, there are probably millions of ancient gods whose strength is not weaker than Y'Shaarj, have left the void, and are invading and expanding towards the surrounding universe!

Hearing what Lin Tai said, the people around started whispering again. Millions of ancient gods whose strength is no less than that of Y'Shaarji are really terrifying. You must know that there are only five ancient gods, and they have already taken over the main universe. I was tossed half to death.

"Who knows if what you say is true?"

A guy who looked like a high god muttered with a laugh.

"Shut up!"

The Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza erupted with the strongest dragon power in an instant, and directly shocked it to death. Even he himself had lost his consciousness before he realized that his soul was broken.

The Red Dragon Queen is very clear, since Lin Tai is willing to abandon the dragon soul, it means that he is not lying, otherwise nothing is worth as much as the dragon soul.

"Then what shall we do now?" the Red Dragon Queen asked suddenly.


Lin Tai also lowered the first six in some embarrassment. .

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