At this time, Lin Tai didn't say anything to Kunlun Tiandao, but continued to start an ambush with him.

They stayed around on the ground, Lin Tai dispatched very special troops, and quickly cleaned up the place, leaving behind the magic circle, and the two sides began to continue to arrange a new magic circle around it, that is, Waiting for the other party to take the bait.

And because of his anger, Dragon King Caesar had rushed towards the enemy with his army at this time.

"Be careful, Lord Dragon King!"

At this time, Caesar's adjutant Huang Longshou said: "This time the enemy will definitely know our coming in advance, maybe they will lay an ambush on the road, wait for us to enter the ambush site and defeat us in one fell swoop!"

"So this time we must be more careful!"


At this time, Caesar also sneered and said: "Do you think that with a galaxy like the Virgo galaxy that doesn't even have a completely unified server, there will be guys who can fight me? 950 I am a supreme god, how can I be afraid? them?"

"I naturally know that you are invincible, but..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Caesar interrupted the Yellow Dragon Beast and said: "This time, I must smash the enemy's ambush with the power of thunder, otherwise my name of Dragon King Caesar will be despised by these young people?

After finishing speaking, Caesar also directly ordered: "The whole army is there, speed up and attack at full speed! You must use the fastest speed to rush to the enemy and kill the enemy's general.

This king has a lot of rewards!"




Caesar completely mobilized the momentum of his subordinates, and immediately tens of millions of spaceships and dragon beasts rushed towards the positions of Lin Tai and Kunzhao Dao.

It's just that what they don't know is that at this time, the other party has already made preparations to welcome the enemy here. Even if their number is terrifying and there is a supreme god here, this journey will be dead without life ......

"I see them!"

Not long after, Lin Tai suddenly said.

Because the body of the ancient god strengthens the body more than the cultivator, so there is still a long distance, Lin Tai has already noticed the existence of the other party, and Kunlun Tiandao has not been able to see the other party for the time being.

However, Kunlun Tiandao has a very strange and effective feeling in his heart. As long as he concentrates his mind and will, he can guess that the enemy is moving towards him quickly at this time.

"I'm ready to attack!"

As he said that, Kunlun Tiandao also tightly grasped an instrument that detonated the magic circle in his hand. Once the opponent appeared, he would immediately trigger this thing and attack the enemy

"It's really fast!"

At this moment, Lin Tai also saw the other party's appearance, and said: "I'll seduce the other party first, and then you take advantage of the opportunity to start a big formation!"

"it is good!"

At this time, Kunlun Tiandao also nodded, and then activated the fairy art, and suddenly his body (ceba) began to gradually become transparent.

And Lin Tai flew towards the opponent's position, and at the same time he was ready.

Just as the fleet of Edronsa Starfield flew towards him, Lin Tai activated a magic circle he had made before.

In an instant, the defensive formation was triggered, and countless special light bullets were launched, flying towards the enemy fleet ahead.

At the same time, bursts of explosions also appeared in the fleet of Edronsa Starfield. Visible to the naked eye, the opponent's spaceship was blown up quite badly, and each spaceship was immediately blown into countless fragments. It was also a heavy loss in an instant.

But Lin Tai's attack is absolutely unable to kill the Supreme God.

At this time, in the other party's command ship, the Yellow Dragon Beast immediately said to its master Caesar: "Master Dragon King, there is an enemy ambush ahead, we should retreat immediately!"

Unexpectedly, Caesar showed a ferocious expression on his face, and then said very maniacally: "No, we have to rush in!"

"What? Knowing that there is a trap ahead, but still rushing into it?"

The Yellow Dragon Beast also turned pale with fright in an instant.

"Hmph, I already sense the direction of the opponent's attack, and there is only a fake supreme god there. Let's charge up, and I can kill him instantly!"

"That's right." Yellow Dragon Beast thought for a while, but finally decided to believe in Caesar's judgment. After all, the opponent is a supreme god. If he can kill the enemy's false supreme god leader in an instant, then the battle damage will be real. It is still likely to be smaller than fighting slowly, after all, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

But at this time, under the leadership of Caesar, the fleet of Edronsa star field rushed forward without any defense, and the speed was very fast. All members were exposed to Lin Tai's attack, and the damage was very serious.

More and more arms and spaceships were directly blown up by Lin Tai, but Caesar, the supreme god, was getting closer and closer to Lin Tai. .

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