After becoming the supreme god, the dragon blood in Caesar's body began to return to his ancestors rapidly. Now he actually looks about the same size as most dragons, but his body is different.

And Caesar's temper is the same as that of most dragons, he explodes at one point,

At this time, Caesar said angrily: "Damn humans, dare to kill my five generals, I must make you pay the price!"

After speaking, Caesar roared again, and at the same time, the scales on his body quickly turned into armor, and at the same time, a big knife appeared in its hand.

"Let my elite dragon beast army attack, I will descend to the Virgo star field, and teach the weak who don't know how to praise a lesson!"


As he left, a monster that was completely made of various dragon people, dragon beasts and other dragon blood roared one after another, as if catering to Caesar's anger, with a bloodthirsty appearance ready to slaughter at any time.

"is coming!"

At this time, one of Lin Tai's detectors was attached to a dragon man. Lin Tai sensed that there was something wrong with this man, so he let it go secretly. Unexpectedly, he returned to the dragon in the Edronsa star field. Kingdom, and then told about the complete destruction of the fleet.

And now, Lin Tai has also observed the other party's situation. At this time, a very large number of dragon beasts and fleets have left the Edronsa star field and are attacking the Virgo star field quickly.

This kind of thing is still very troublesome, because Lin Tai saw that the number of the opponent's arms exceeded a thousand, and the fighting power of all kinds of dragon beasts was very terrifying.

Of course, there is still a big gap between the strength of dragon beasts and Lin Tai's giant dragon, but there are too many of them!

Coupled with the fact that the opponent still has 100 trillion spaceships, and each spaceship probably has a large number of troops, Lin Tai is still relatively difficult to fight in this way.

And Lin Tai looked at Kunlun Tiandao beside him, and asked, "Brother Tiandao, how many units can you summon now?"


After a little thought, Kunlun Tiandao said: "My main combat unit is Kunlun warriors, and the number is about 2 trillion. Then there are 150 trillion heavenly soldiers and 100 trillion giant spirit gods.

"Giant Spirit God?" Lin Tai was taken aback.

"Haha, maybe it's a misunderstanding, it's not the god in the myths and legends."

During these days, Kunlun Tiandao also learned some myths on the earth from Lin Tai, so he said with a smile: "The giant spirit god in our Kunlun fairyland is a kind of stone that has absorbed the magic of immortality. Made it into a battle puppet and named it the Giant Spirit God."

"So that's the case, but it's still a bit weaker than the opponent's strength."

Lin Tai also told Kunlun Tiandao about the situation he saw, as well as most of his troops.

"It is indeed a bit troublesome, but I still have a way."

Kunlun Tiandao smiled mysteriously and said, "Brother Shura, have you ever heard of Sprinkling Beans into Soldiers?"

"I heard it a little bit."

"Actually, it's not that you can turn into an army by sowing beans, but that you use some special methods in advance to make souls into consumables, which can be released as combat units during battles.

"This ability can split the soul of a high god into a thousand high gods. While the number increases, the combat effectiveness will not decrease, but the side effect is that they will disappear after the battle."

"I see." Lin Tai nodded.

And Kunlun Tiandao next to Lin Tai said: "My master gave me a lot of these things. This time I summon them, and I can create 1 million high gods."

~Damn it! How many high gods have you killed!"

Immediately, Lin Tai also looked at the Kunlun Heavenly Dao in front of him very strangely. You must know that although the upper god is nothing to the two people in front of him, the number is very rare!

According to what Kunlun Tiandao said before, Lin Tai calculated, if one high god can create the combat power of a thousand high gods, then one million "wouldn't that kill 1000 high gods?

"Ha, don't get me wrong, how can we be so cruel?"

Kunlun Tiandao quickly explained: "Actually, these are our slaves raised in captivity. We fed them special (ma Zhao Zhao) special medicine since childhood, and then let these slaves grow into high gods with no fighting power."

"And then, we'll take their souls out and use them to make all kinds of stuff.

What Kunlun Tiandao said was quite straightforward, and it seemed that he didn't regard the slaves as human beings at all, so he didn't think it was strange to use slaves to refine alchemy.

Although Lin Tai's complexion did not change, there was already a storm in his heart. He never expected that these immortals would be so cold-blooded and cruel, and they would even raise living people in captivity to extract their souls to create all kinds of props.

It's just that Lin Tai didn't show any expression on his face. .

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