After another three days, the huge firefly finally started to move.

Lin Tai also knows that in this, Gandalf has completed his own evolution and has become an existence beyond human beings.


With that said, the cocoon opened automatically.

And it was Gandalf who came out of it, but now Gandalf is no longer his original self.

In it, Gandalf's soul and body were baptized by magic elements, absorbed the strongest power of black magic, and became Lin Tai's subordinate god.

However, although he is a subordinate god, he has successfully evolved into the existence of a superior god.

Name: Gandalf the Dark Magister

Attribute: dark

Rank: middle god

Race: Magician

Skills: 24

Black magic: Possesses the power to control black magic and is extremely powerful.

Mana use: Black magic is a higher level of mana use, and a black magister can use almost all black magic.

Insight: Can see through the strength of the enemy

Description: The strongest magician who has integrated the Necronomicon, now he has realized the power of black magic, and has become an unprecedented and terrifying magic ruler.

And now, as the maker of Gandalf, Lin Tai also saw that he still looks like a human, but he suddenly became much younger and his skin turned blue.

In addition, the magic robe on his body has completely turned into a set of black and blue light armor at this time, which also looks very majestic.

And Gandalf, who suddenly became stronger, also paid attention to Lin Tai in front of him.

Although Gandalf was originally helped by Lin Tai to become a high god, but now the strength of the two people is basically the same, so he still wants to see, the person in front of him, compared with himself who has peeped into the magic abyss, Who is more aggressive.

But if you don't look at it, you don't know. When you look at it, Gandalf was frightened and sweated instantly!

He originally thought that Lin Tai was at most stronger than himself, but now, seeing the terrifying aura emanating from Lin Tai in front of him, Gandalf really realized that

The opponent's strength is dozens of times that of his own!

"It's good that you stay by my side in the future, your strength is too strong, and you are also a creation of the ancient gods. In front of ordinary creatures, it is likely to cause them to go crazy.

"Yes, my master!"

Gandalf immediately knelt down in front of Lin Tai in horror.

"Well, go back, I just happen to have other things to do."

As he said that, Lin Tai took Gandalf and used the teleportation method to return to his divine court.

What Lin Tai is going to do next is not the Saros Galaxy and the Heart Galaxy, but another distant place called the Luden Galaxy.

Lin Tai looked at a weapon in his hand. This was a weapon he got from a relic in the King Saros galaxy. There was a strange text on it, Luden runes.

Luden runes are a rather ancient technology, which can be attached to equipment to strengthen the attributes of the equipment, or to obtain some special bonus effects.

Now, Lin Tai is going to go to Luden Galaxy, its former origin, to see if he can find similar or even more powerful technology.

Although Lin Tai can't use it himself, it can strengthen the strength of his subordinates, such as the heart-earth galaxy. If they are equipped with a large number of Luden rune equipment, they can easily capture the King Saros galaxy.

"Gandalf, come here."


Gandalf immediately walked up to Lin Tai.

"I ask you, do you know anything about Luden runes?"

"Yes, I know some."

"Tell me all you know."

Gandalf didn't say anything superfluous, but said very seriously: "As far as I know, the location where the Luden rune is produced is a place called the Luden galaxy, and this galaxy is rich in 56"

"Very well, since that's the case, then you will be my guide."


"In addition, I seem to need to bring someone with me, and I can send him out when it is not convenient for us. 400"

Thinking that he needs a cute animal, Lin Tai summoned the loophole.

Although Loophole is actually an off-line greasy uncle in terms of personality, but he talks cutely and looks cute, so he is a suitable candidate.


While eating carrots, Bunny Bunny followed Lin Tai and Gandalf, boarded a spaceship together, and flew towards the location of the Luden galaxy.

Soon they came to their destination, a galaxy that had become dim. From a long distance, Lin Tai could tell that the universe had entered a state of exhaustion.

It is estimated that this galaxy will be completely destroyed in a short time, so no one came, because in such a place that has become extremely barren, you really can't find anything of value.

"It's really desolate!"

Lin Tai landed on a huge planet with one person and one rabbit, and found that there were traces of human existence on it, and it was very fresh.

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