Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1851: The Necronomicon

Lin Tai also looked at Hestis in front of him strangely, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his head.

Hestice was taken aback, thinking that this was Lin Tai's ceremony of surrender to him, and he was swearing that he had become the master of Hestice.

But in fact, Lin Tai just patted his head to see if he had a fever.

After bidding farewell to Hestis, Lin Tai came to another place, which is the capital of the heart system, the magic tower on the satellite of Po Luo Xing.

It is also the residence of Gandalf.

At this time Lin Tai came here, and Gandalf had already burned incense and bathed in "207", ready to face the gods, and quietly waiting for Lin Tai's arrival.

At this time, Lin Tai came to Gandalf and said, "You have completed this task very well, and this is my reward for you."

As he spoke, Lin Tai took out an old magic book from his backpack and handed it to Gandalf in front of him.

The name of this book is "Necronomicon", which is a special book that records a lot of black magic.

The magic in this book is meaningless to Lin Tai. After all, Lin Tai is already considered an ancient god. This kind of black magic that needs the power of an ancient god is really boring.

But for Gandalf, this is the magical knowledge he has been pursuing, and it may be the root of his breakthrough.

Because according to Lin Tai's observation, the energy contained in this Necronomicon is actually close to that of a planet's will, or even higher.

So now Lin Tai is also preparing to let the opponent's midgod Gandalf accept his own transformation, maybe he can comprehend the abyss of magic and become a highgod.

At this time, Gandalf had already received the Necronomicon that Lin Tai gave him, and then he read it in his hand.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked.

When Gandalf opened it and placed it in front of his eyes, his face suddenly became shocked.

Although he couldn't understand any of the strange words in this book (it was in English after all), but for some reason, when he saw these words and sentences, he felt that his soul had entered a special state.

"Oh? How aptitude is so good? As soon as I came into contact with the Necronomicon, I was about to be promoted!"

Lin Tai was also surprised.

In fact, Gandalf has been imprisoned on the road of the middle god for tens of thousands of years because he has no will of the planet.

For tens of thousands of years, he has been trying his best to strengthen his strength, but no matter what, he can't surpass the middle god and reach the realm of the upper god.

However, he himself is already a pinnacle existence in the realm of the middle god, and he is almost completely adapted to all magic. Unless he is fighting a living dragon of the same level head-on, it is almost impossible to lose, even if it is the universe. The Demon Spider and the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon are definitely not his opponents now.

As an enhanced version of the bone dragon, the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon is actually not as strong as the giant dragon. The giant dragon has a very special magic resistance, almost immune to all ordinary magic, and Gandalf is restricted by the upper limit of the human race. Restricted, so only ordinary magic can be used.

In fact, Lin Tai is no longer a human being. His race is the ancient gods, but his consciousness still thinks that he is a human being.

According to the current situation, once Gandalf breaks through the restriction of the middle god and becomes the upper god, he will almost break away from the restriction of the human race and become a brand new existence.

"Gandalf, do you want to improve your strength?"

Lin Tai said suddenly, interrupting Gandalf who was immersed in the magic book.


he said immediately.

"Okay, next, you will focus all your attention on the book and try to synchronize with it. At the same time, relax your mind and don't resist my power!"


said Gandalf at once.

And Lin Tai activated his divine power at this moment, directly covering Gandalf's body in front of him.

At this time, Gandalf's body was instantly filled with Lin Tai's energy, and at the same time, the energy that only belonged to the ancient gods entered its body. Immediately, Gandalf in front of him felt a sense of relief, as if his soul had been sublimated. .

"Very good, now your strength has almost reached the moment before the breakthrough, all you need to do is to fully integrate with this book."

3.2 Speaking, Lin Tai suddenly exerted force, and Gandalf in front of him was controlled by a special force in an instant, and then a very special feeling appeared in his heart.


At this moment, Gandalf's body was shrouded in a strange black mist, and then the black mist actually materialized, turning into something like a cocoon of a huge insect.

And in this cocoon, there is a very terrifying energy, even Lin Tai can feel the vigorous upgrade in it now.

"It seems that he will be able to complete the evolution soon." Lin Tai looked at him and said. .

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