Lin Tai's will suddenly appeared beside the Qingluluowang, startling it instantly.

At this time, King Qingluluo launched an attack on Lin Tai's will without hesitation.

King Qingluluo knew that this guy had just polluted his own strength and greatly weakened his own strength, so now it can be said to be full of resentment towards Lin Tai.

So it launched an attack on Lin Tai without hesitation.

The wills of the two high gods collided together.

Although Lin Tai is a human who relies on game data to become a god, his will is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

Because while fighting with the opponent, Lin Tai never gave up tempering his body and will. Every time he gets out of difficulties, his will will be greatly strengthened

The current Lin Tai, compared with the NPC's upper god, has a stronger willpower than anything else.

But compared to the Green Radish King, it has been very powerful since birth.

Every step of its growth is smooth, and no plant can exist in front of it for too long.

Therefore, because of this, although King Qingluluo has become a highgod, his will is not firm.

At this moment, it still relied on its hatred for Lin Tai to fight against Lin Tai without losing the wind.

But who is Lin Tai?

Having absorbed the power left by the Dark Creator, now Lin Tai's godhead is the Dark Creator, and his strength among the upper gods is almost absolute.

So Lin Tai instantly sensed Qingluluowang's weakness, cowardice and hatred.

Yes, hatred is also a weakness.

Because as long as the enemy has a greater hatred than you, your hatred is nothing in front of it.

"The God of Hatred is just a branch of the God of Emotions subordinate to the God of Darkness."

Lin Tai showed a terrifying smile.

Then, Lin Tai's will (ceai) burst out suddenly, and a terrifying will to hate burst out in an instant, and the green luowang was devastated without hesitation.

At this time, the Falling Green Radish King also immediately sensed the horror of the opponent's strength, and its own strength may not be a big deal in the eyes of the opponent.

The hatred of the Qingluluo King was easily defeated by Lin Tai, and then, Lin Tai's will suddenly rushed to Qingluluo Wang's body, and with a sudden tear, the connection between Qingluluo King and Linglong's internal power was completely torn apart.


Having completely lost the other half of its power, the Green Radish King uttered a painful cry, and the whole tree lost consciousness in an instant.

"Yeah, in this way, it won't have any way to stop my plan."

As he said that, Lin Tai grabbed Linglong's dragon head directly, and then covered its dragon horns with his palm, and at the same time bursts of pure divine power began to enter from Linglong's body.

His power has no additional attributes, but a very pure divine power, and he began to slowly clean up his own pollution of the Qingluluowang's power.

These pollutions were gathered in these forces, on the will of the remaining Green Radish King, and then began to be forcibly extracted by Lin Tai, and then disbanded.

"Well, your strength has improved very quickly. It may not be long before you can try to contact the level of the upper god."

The upgrade of NPC is much more difficult than that of players, so even for a powerful high god like Lin Tai, it is difficult to find a vassal of the high god level.

As for the Green Radish King, although Lin Tai is sure to regain it, his skills are too weak, and he can't leave the planet yet, so he is speechless.

So Lin Tai has no idea of ​​letting it go.

Instead of recovering a high god who can't even leave the planet, it's better to use its corpse to create two fake high gods whose strength far surpasses that of the middle god.

On the contrary, it is more helpful to Lin Tai.

At this time, after Lin Tai completely stripped away the power of darkness in the power of the Qingluluowang, as well as the imprint of the Qingluluowang, this force naturally moved closer to Linglong who was closest to her.

This completely unowned power was absorbed by Linglong's body almost instantly.

Originally, her godhead belonged to the upper god, but now she felt a lot of power that was almost perfectly compatible with her, and it immediately began to absorb it wantonly.

With the addition of Lin Tai's assistance, Linglong immediately began to become stronger rapidly, and her strength began to climb crazily.

Soon, Linglong's strength was fixed at the point where it was three times stronger than the average middle god.

"Well, it's already enough, if you continue to strengthen, your body can no longer bear it."

As he said that, Lin Tai also withdrew his hand, and then said: "Now your power has almost reached the peak that the middle god can touch, and the power in your body can hardly be absorbed."

"In that case, make me a weapon."

Linglong's words surprised Lin Tai.

Because the dragon clan itself is a very powerful and terrifying existence, they trust the body and completely disdain weapons. .

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