At this time, Linglong said to Qinglu Luowang: "You can't move, and my strength is still fighting with the opponent, so now you'd better lend me some of your strength."

"Lend it to you?"

Qingluluowang hesitated for a moment.

But if you think about it carefully, there is actually no problem with this.

Because King Qingluluo is the upper god, and Linglong is only a middle god, so Linglong cannot take the power of King Qingluluo as her own.

And the most wonderful thing is that Qingluluowang can completely use this power to gradually erode and control Linglong's body.

So now, Qingluluo Wang readily agreed, and then said: "In this case, I will give you half of the power, and at the same time give you three clones and an army of one hundred trillion.

Although it is said that the one -billion -dollar arms are rare for a superior, but don't forget. This is a plant star, which can have a million -dollar plant soldiers, which is quite scarce.

And after gaining half of the power of Qingluluowang, Linglong and Mushroom God of War also became pseudo-superior gods, and their combat power is not far behind.

"no problem."

As she said that, Linglong also sneered in her heart.

Linglong knew exactly what the Qingluluowang was thinking, but now, the Qingluluowang must be trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket.

It gives itself half of the strength, and it can only consciously retreat and ruin its own life.

At this time, Lin Tai and Mushroom God of War have almost finished their work, and began to continue leading the mushroom army forward.

Soon, Lin Tai and Mushroom God of War, as well as the countless mushroom titans they led, came here, looking at Linglong and the troops she brought.

"This guy's strength is very strong, he seems to have the same strength as me!"

The Mushroom God of War immediately said: "My lord, leave this guy to me, I will definitely kill her completely!"

Saying that, the Mushroom God of War rushed directly towards Linglong.

But Lin Tai didn't stop the Mushroom God of War at all, allowing it to charge towards the opponent.

Because Lin Tai knew that, as a high god, King Qingluluo must be able to perceive these things through the power she left in Linglong's body.

So now, Lin Tai naturally can't stop it, but needs to let their plan continue.

Seeing Lin Tai not moving, Linglong understood Lin Tai's thoughts in an instant.

So at this time, she also directly bypassed the Mushroom God of War, and then launched an attack on Lin Tai in front of her.

And almost at the same time, Lin Tai also rushed forward suddenly, and a huge ax suddenly appeared in his hand.

This ax is not a weapon, but an ax made entirely of divine power.


Lin Tai let out a roar, and then the big ax in his hand fell from the sky.

The speed was so fast that the consciousness of the green radish king hidden in Linglong's body hadn't reacted yet, the big ax in Lin Tai's hand had already ruthlessly cut into Linglong's body.

And at this moment, Lin Tai erupted again with a powerful force, directly following the big axe, and invaded into Linglong's body.

At this time, Qingluluowang finally sensed that something was wrong.

Because Linglong didn't resist at all, allowing Lin Tai's strength to enter her body.

But now it's too late!

At this time, Lin Tai's power had completely penetrated into Linglong's body, and even the power of the Qinglu Luowang in Linglong's body was completely blocked by Lin Tai's dark divine power!

Although both parties are high-gods, but one is a half body that is not in the body, and the other is a complete high-god deity, which is clear at a glance.

~Damn it, you are plotting against me!" Qingluluo King let out an angry roar.

But that doesn't make any sense.

Because now its power has been polluted by Lin Tai, this power no longer belongs to me.

No matter how angry the Qingluluo King roared, this power could never be regained.

And Lin Tai has no interest in the power of the Green Radish King, but what it really wants to do is to give this power to Linglong and help her continue to strengthen her own strength

Linglong's attribute is life, Qingluluowang's attribute is grass, and life is the superior attribute of grass.

Linglong's (Zhao De's) godhead is the god of life (secondary), while Qingluluowang's godhead is the god of vegetation on a small planet. The gap between the two is completely immeasurable

So Linglong can completely absorb the power of the Qingluluowang, as long as Lin Tai helps a little, and erases the imprint belonging to the Qingluluowang in this power.

And for Lin Tai, the high god of the dark attribute, it happens to be the coldness he is best at.

At this time, Lin Tai's dark power began to pollute the divine power of the Qingluluowang, in fact to cut off the connection between the power and its original owner.

Then, Lin Tai also suddenly burst out with a terrifying will, and suddenly appeared beside the Qingluluo King. .

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