That night, Fang Ping'an slept very uneasily in the hotel.

It was already very late after Chen Shaohua, who was far away in Yuncheng, picked up the plane.

He did not go home, but had a late-night snack with four people from the capital.

A middle-aged man and three young people.

The four of us had no luggage and came empty-handed.

Chen Shaohua didn't ask any more questions, he just told everything about the Fang family, Fang Hongjun and Fang Ping'an.

Although I already knew something before setting off, it was never clearer than hearing it in person.

The attitude of several people who obviously knew that he would soon be the head of the family treated him with great respect.

"Second Master, you don't have to take too much care of us.

The head of the family has already told us that we are here to follow your orders this time. "

The middle-aged leader said: "We also know a little about Xue San's situation, but we just don't know what result you want, Mr. Er."

The middle-aged man's name is Tang Xicheng, and he is a cousin of Chen Ziang's generation who has turned several corners.

His father has been working in the Chen family since his generation.

In the past, this would have been considered a family birth.

The three young men are the bodyguards of the Chen family.

Chen Shaohua has seen their information before, and they are all people who are responsible for the implementation of specific affairs of the Chen family.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Xue San's family is quite powerful in Yuncheng.

If something goes wrong and it gets too big, it will be difficult to end it.

Take it away quietly, ask questions and then erase all traces. "

Tang Xicheng grinned, "We will get the information you want as soon as possible, and then eliminate the traces and leave Yuncheng."

He handed Chen Shaohua a mobile phone and then left the food stall with the three young people.

He was not even asked about the hotel or transportation.

Chen Shaohua looked at the brand new mobile phone and turned on the power.

This phone is for answering calls, not making calls.

Twenty years ago, he had heard about the dark side of the Chen family, but had never seen it.

Could the elimination of traces mentioned earlier be misinterpreted as killing that boy Xue San?

Xue Wenyao did not return to his dormitory at night.

According to the request of his father Xue Zhengcheng, he lived on campus like other classmates.

It's just that for people like him, when he was studying at a local university, no one cared whether he went back to his dormitory to sleep.

And he rarely sleeps in the dormitory.

So his father thought he was at school, and his classmates thought he was out checking out a room.

That's why, when he woke up and found himself on a boat, he was really scared to death.

I have to say that although it is autumn, autumn in the South almost does not exist.

There are only two seasons in a year: summer and winter.

When Xue Wenyao opened his eyes, he saw clouds dangling with bright edges.

What came to my ears was the sound of waves.

What I smell in my nose is the smell of salty sea breeze.

He confirmed immediately that he should be at sea.

In the same boat with him were two young strangers.

One is playing with his mobile phone, while the other is eating a roast chicken with concentration.

It wasn't the fact that he was on the boat that scared him.

Instead, his hands, feet, and knees were all tied up.

He soon broke out in cold sweat after seeing his situation clearly.

I was drinking at a bar and had a good time, but I just went to the toilet.

As soon as he finished urinating, he lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, I was already here.

Although there was moonlight, it was difficult to see clearly the appearance of the two people on the boat.

But after thinking about it, it was clear that these people were probably not people he knew.

And he didn't dare to look.

Now all he had to do was throw him into the sea and he would die.

There simply isn't any other possibility.

Fortunately, the mouth was not gagged.

"Two eldest brothers..."

He didn't dare to move, so he could only open his mouth and ask.

"I don't know where I offended you two, I can compensate you..."

His voice was hoarse and his throat was dry. Even after swallowing, no saliva came out of his throat.

"My dad is rich, my family is a group company, my dad has a lot of money..."

"Hey, you're awake?" The guy eating the roast chicken raised his head and smiled at him.

The moonlight shone on his teeth, which looked white and scary.

Xue Wenyao knew immediately that these two people were not locals.

He must be from the north, otherwise his Mandarin wouldn't be so good.

Even if local people speak Mandarin, they will have obvious accent characteristics.

That cannot be changed no matter what.

Another man who was playing with his mobile phone put it in his pocket, turned around, bent over and reached out to pat Xue San on the face.

"Xue San, right?

When you wake up, tell me, was it you who contacted the driver who hit Fang Ping An? "

His voice was heard clearly along with the sound of the waves.

Xue San's pupils suddenly shrank.

"What driver? Brother, I really don't know what you are talking about?"

The person gnawing on the roast chicken raised his head and laughed at him, then continued to eat.

He seems to love roasted chicken very much.

"I only asked three times in total."

The man was not angry and continued to ask calmly:

"Is it the person Fang Hongjun asked you to contact who wants to kill Fang Ping'an?

But now no one is dead, the driver is in. "

Xue San shrank back and shook his head violently, "I don't know what you are talking about?

Fang Hongjun went abroad!

He went abroad for medical treatment.

I haven't contacted him, brother! "

The man nodded, "He contacted you, right..."

Xue San secretly thought, isn’t it?

It wasn't me who contacted him.

The man turned around and shouted: "Roast Chicken, come and throw this kid down."

Too lazy to ask.

In two days, go directly to country M to find that boy named Fang..."

Xue San was stunned for a moment. Didn't he ask three times?

"Big, big brother, big brother, wait, wait..." Xue San shouted hurriedly, "I said, I said..."

He squirmed like a maggot.

"Brother, don't, don't, don't do it!

I said!

I say anything. "

Roast Chicken just put down the food in his hand, and then picked it up again after hearing this.

“Ask first and then talk.

He always kills people without giving them a chance to speak.

You need to change this problem..."

The young man smiled and asked gently:

"Okay, this is the third time I've asked you."

Xue San told everything with tears streaming down her face.

He and Fang Hongjun had been hanging out together since they were in the junior high school of No. 1 Middle School.

But because the Xue family is not as rich as the Fang Group, and his father always asks him to have good relations with those wealthy families.

Xue San himself was originally a smart person.

He has been exposed to a lot of dark side things since he was a child, so when he followed Fang Hongjun to do evil in school, he was more likely to be the one who carried it out.

Fang Hongjun called him after he recovered.

Not only that, but he also transferred 250,000 yuan to him to ask him to help find someone.

Fifty thousand of them were given to him.

The other 200,000 are for people who work.

"Brother, I swear I gave all the two hundred thousand to that driver.

I really didn’t take much. "

Roast Chicken said nothing and continued eating.

Another then asked: "Do you know which city Fang Hongjun is from?"

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