
"Well, why are you just calling me now?" Chen Shaohua's voice was filled with dissatisfaction.

Fang Pingan explained: "I have a class meeting today, and then I have to prepare military training uniforms, so I have been busy, so I just called you now."

"You're not participating in military training, so why are you getting clothes?"

Fang Pingan suppressed the irritation in his heart and took a deep breath.

"Dad, who is Fang Hongjun looking for in China? Can the Chen family help me?"

Chen Shaohua was silent for a moment, and then Fang Pingan heard his godfather say:

"Don't worry, since I already know, I won't let go of any clues.

The person has been found, but the person sent by your third uncle has not arrived yet.

As for you, I just want to know your opinion. If the Chen family arranges for bodyguards to take you to school in a special car, do you agree? "

Fang Ping'an thought for a while and then said: "Dad, do you think you can find me an elevator apartment inside the school?"

Chen Shaohua's voice was filled with a smile, "You are right to want to keep a low profile.

But keeping a low profile is not the answer.

It's better to fight back.

There is a saying that if you can't solve the problem, then solve the people who created it.

But if you don’t want to be high-profile, that’s up to you.

I'll give your third uncle a call. It's better to stay in a hotel for the time being and stop running around.

No one knows if your brother has found someone else.

Remember, from now on, I will have the final say in the Chen family.

You call me dad, and there are some things that I need to do.

You have thick thighs like mine, so you have to learn to hold them in peace. "

Fang Ping'an was stunned for a moment before asking: "What do you mean? Dad, are you going to be the head of the Chen family?"

Chen Shaohua chuckled and said, "What else?"

"Does that mean I have to donate money to the school to get me a staff apartment or something?"

Chen Shaohua chuckled and said, "I don't know this yet. I have to ask your third uncle to find out."

Fang Pingan had no choice but to wait for news from him, then hung up the phone and returned to the room.

The three roommates were sitting neatly at the table, looking at him.

Fang Ping'an asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me?"

Ding Junzhe coughed and asked, "How's it going? Has your father agreed to let you live in the dormitory?"

Fang Pingan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Let's stay in the hotel for now and come back when the leg heals."

He didn't expect that his godfather would become the head of the Chen family.

The former owner of a small restaurant is actually going to be the head of the Chen family!

He had no one to ask about the Chen family.

For example, how awesome is the Chen family?

Are you ranked high in the capital?

How the Fang family and the Zhao family are waiting for these questions can only be asked face to face after the godfather, godmother and Huihui arrive in the capital.

But forget about things like bodyguards.

At least now he doesn't need to.

As a freshman, being picked up and dropped off by bodyguards is just a joke, right?

What's more, in a place like Beijing University, if outsiders don't strictly register, they won't be able to get in at all!

Ding Junzhe shrugged, "Okay, if you're worried, we can send you to the hotel and come back."

Fang Pingan quickly refused.

Why are you so embarrassed?

He believed that his roommates were already suspicious, but he couldn't explain it.

He was also quite aggrieved.

All this must be blamed on that bastard Fang Hongjun.

How does the godfather plan to handle this matter? Who are the people sent by the Chen family?

Confused, he took a drip, then got in the car and returned to the hotel.

He refused to take a taxi alone.

Didi at least has a record or something...

It was also because he was overthinking.

In fact, after Fang Junhong chatted with Fang Hongjun, Fang Hongjun was also busy building relationships in the school during this period.

It was completely unexpected that although Fang Pingan was temporarily unable to cause trouble for him, Fang Pingan's adoptive father, a low-class man who ran a small restaurant, had already begun to trouble him.

Fang Jinglei bought a few bottles of red wine when she returned home.

Mother Zhao Wei is really useless now.

When she came back, Zhao Wei was still lying on the bed.

After the nanny at home prepares the meals, she is only responsible for cleaning and does not care about anything else.

During the meal, it was just her and Zhao Wei.

Although Fang Miaoxuan was also in the capital, it was only after they arrived in the capital that they met once and then returned to school.

Fang Miaoxuan is already a junior in college. She has a lot of homework and she is also a very diligent student.

I have a boyfriend who I have been dating for a year now, and they are living together outside of school.

In her words, she will stay in the capital after graduation.

Moreover, her second uncle also met with her and promised her to work in the Fang family's company in Beijing after graduation.

So she also knew very well what happened to the Fang family in Yuncheng.

It's just that she doesn't care.

She and Fang Hongjun are not particularly close.

In her opinion, her mother's fate was entirely due to herself.

As for what happened to Fang Ping'an, she only said that she was powerless and didn't care what would happen to her basically emotionless brother in the future.

Fang Miaoxuan is such an extremely selfish person.

It is precisely for this reason that she was favored by Fang Junyi...

Fang Jinglei still remembers the fourth sister's expression at that time.

It only takes two words to make it clear - indifference.

The third sister is totally hopeless.

She couldn't understand Sanmei's brain circuit, nor could she understand the reason for her inexplicable anger towards Fang Ping'an.

I don’t know how someone like her could want to be a lawyer!

After eating, Fang Jinglei thought for a long time and decided not to tell her mother.

Fang Ping'an's leg was hit by Fang Hongjun!

This is what Fang Ping'an told her himself!

If the mother knew, I don't know if something bigger would happen.

She knew that because the identities of Qin Bailian and Fang Hongjun were exposed, her uncle also took away the compensation that originally belonged to her mother.

For this matter, Zhao Wei still has to blame herself for not taking it seriously and blindly trusting her uncle.

Even she knew that the share transfer agreement had to be signed by herself, but she used the excuse that she didn't want to see Fang Junhong and didn't go at all.

The uncle took a trip to Yuncheng by himself.

The final result was that the shares originally compensated to the mother were taken away by the Zhao family.

Of course, as compensation, my uncle gave the yard to my mother, but he also went through the relevant procedures.

In addition, a sum of money is guaranteed to be transferred to the mother's card every month.

But in Fang Jinglei's view, this was obviously the uncle bullying the mother and daughter.

It's not that the mother has no objections, but this kind of opinion has no effect at all in the Zhao family.

After the incident, the uncle never showed up again, and the mother never returned to Zhao's house.

As a junior, she saw it and was anxious in her heart, but she just couldn't talk to her uncle directly.

Besides crying, the mother really didn't care about anything at all.

She even wanted to cry.

Why does she have to bear all this now alone?

Why not the eldest sister, why not the third or fourth sister?

Does she, the second child, have to bear so much?

None of my parents are reliable, and neither are my sisters.

What a miserable life she has!

Unconsciously, she drank all the bottle of red wine.

Shaking her dizzy head, she picked up the cell phone she had put aside and called her eldest sister.

After waiting for a long time, no one answered until the call automatically hung up.

She threw away her phone, lay down on the bed with her clothes undressed, and fell asleep.

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